Long Term Memory Flashcards
When was the armistice which ended WW1 signed?
November 11, 1918
Who were the leaders of the big three?
Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau and Woodrow Wilson
Why did France want a harsh treaty for Germany?
Because much of France had been destroyed by Germany in the war.
How did Clemenceau and Lloyd George disagree over reparations and German armament?
Lloyd George didn’t want too harsh a treaty for Germany so that Germany wouldn’t seek revenge on them.
What does diktat mean?
Forced peace
When was the treaty of Versailles signed?
28th June 1919
Why did the Russian Revolution in 1917 worry the big three?
They were terrified of the threat of communism on and hoped to use Germany as a buffer against communism.
Name three territories Germany lost
Togoland, polish corridor, Alsace Lorraine
How much coal and steel did Germany lose?
16% coal
48% steel
What were reparations set at in 1921?
£6.6 billion
What union between Germany and Austria was forbidden?
What was article 231?
War guilt clause
Which treaty dealt with turkey?
Treaty of Sevrés
What was the Kaiser trying to achieve through his policy of Weltpolitik?
To make Germany a global power.
What was Germany allowed to join after signing the Locarno Treaty in 1925?
The League of Nations
Who became the new socialist leader of Germany after World war 1
Friedrich Ebert
When did Germany stop paying reparations?
December of 1922
How did traditional Germans react to the cultural changes in Germany between 1924 and 1928?
They didn’t agree with the amount of change in modern culture and wanted things to stay as they were.
In which year was the reparations figure set?
Name one group of people who were badly affected by hyperinflation.
By 1913, Germany was a strong industrial nation producing lots of what?
Coal and steel
Who is the politician most associated with the Weimar recovery between 1924 and 1928
Gustav Stresemann
Name the three main events in the year of crisis- 1923.
Invasion of the Ruhr, hyperinflation and the Munich putsch
What was article 48 of the Weimar constitution?
It gave the chancellor full power in times of emergency.
Which countries invaded the Ruhr in 1923?
France and Belgium
Whilst in prison for the Munich Putsch what did Hitler decide about his attempt to gain power in Germany?
To be more democratic in his attempt to gain power?
Name one problem caused by proportional representation.
No quick decision making in government.
What was the name of the plan that led America lending money to Germany in 1924?
The Young plan
Which group supported Dr Wolfgang Kapp in his attempted Putsch in 1920
The Freikorps
What did the Kaiser do on the 9th of November 1918?
He abdicated
Are communists politically left or right wing?
From 1890 to 1913 memberships of what grew from 344000 to over 3 million?
Trade union members
Name two right wing beliefs
Social hierarchies are important and the separation of minorities is inevitable and desired
What were Hitler’s foreign policy aims?
Unite German speaking people
Defeat communism
What year did rearmament start?
Where was a plebiscite held in 1935 to reflect how many voters wanted to return to Germany?
The Saarland
Which area was re-militarised in 1936 by Germany?
The Rhineland
Why didn’t Britain and France stop Hitler from remilitarising the Rhineland?
Both wanted Germany to be a buffer against communism
Britain believed that Germany was practically stepping into its back garden and also thought the treaty of Versailles was too unfair
France refused to act without the support of Britain as they didn’t know the size of Hitler’s army.
Name the term for political union with Austria in March 1938?
What is the name of the Austrian chancellor who Hitler persuaded to hold a plebiscite about whether Austria join with Germany?
Which British politician suggested to Hitler before Anschluss that Britain would not resist Germany uniting with Austria?
Lord Halifax
How did Hitler justify the takeover of Sudetenland in September 1938?
He was protecting German Sudetens
What was agreed by Hitler and Chamberlain at the Munich Agreement on 29th September 1938
That Hitler could take the Sudetenland as long as he didn’t invade Czechoslovakia
When did the invasion of Czechoslovakia take place?
15th March 1939
Define appeasement
To mitigate someone by accepting and complying to their demands.
Why did Britain follow a policy of appeasement?
Chamberlain believed Hitler would stop if her got what he wanted
Who was the leader of Czechoslovakia during the Sudeten crisis?
Which civil war did Hitler use as an opportunity in 1937 to fight communism and try out his new armed forces (Luftwaffe)?
Spanish Civil War
When was the Nazi-Soviet pact signed and what was agreed?
23rd August 1939
Pact of non-aggression
They would not invade each other
Would split Poland between them.
What was the trigger that led to outbreak of World War Two?
Invasion of Poland
Why did Hitler declare war on Poland?
To fulfil his foreign policy of Lebensraum
What was Anti-Comintern Pact?
A pact between Germany and Japan in which they agreed to work together to combat communism.
What happened on the 27th February 1933?
What was the Hoare-Laval pact?
Secret agreement between France, Britain and Italy during the Abyssinian crisis.
By the summer of 1932, how many Germans were unemployed?
6 million
When did the invasion of the whole of Czechoslovakia take place?
15th March 1939
What voting method was used in the Assembly of the League of Nations?
Unanimous voting
Which countries invaded the Ruhr in 1923?
France and Belgium
Which land between France and Germany was demilitarised?
The Rhineland
Who appointed Hitler as chancellor of Germany?
Von Papen and Hindenburg