Long term condition- Year 2 Flashcards
What is person centred care and the 5 principles?
- It is the patient at center of decision making
- 5 Principles: 1 ) Respect 2) Choice and empowerment 3) Patient involvement in health policy 4) Access and support 5) Information
What is the definition of incidence?
The number of new cases of a disease in a population in a specified period of time (trend in causation and aetiology of disease)
What is the definition of prevalence?
The number of people in a population with a specific disease at a single point in time or in a defined period of time; existing cases (assess current workload on healthcare)
What is the “burden of treatment”?
- Demands by healthcare systems:
1) Changing behavior for lifestyle modifications
2) Monitoring and managing symptoms at home
3 )Complex treatment and multiple drugs
4) Complex Admin systems working with uncoordinated health and social care system
What are the impact of long term conditions on?
- The individual
- Family members
- Community/ Social
- Individual: negative/positive, denial, self-pity, apathy
- Family: financial, emotion, and physical, contagious
- Community/social: isolation of individual. Community can be judged on how it treats the ill
What is an expect patient?
“Patient understand disease better than healthcare professional”
What is the WHO definition of disability?
- Body and structure impairment:
○ Abnormalities of structure, organ or system function - Activity level:
○ Changed functional performance and activity by the individual - Participation restriction:
○ Disadvantage caused by disability, interaction in society/environment
What is the medical model of disability?
- Individual cause (accident while drunk)
- Pathology (obesity)
- Individual intervention (health professional advise)
- Individual change (change in behaviour)
What is the social model of disability?
- Societal cause (low wage)
- Housing conditions
- Social/political action (facilities for disabled)
- Social attitude (use of politically correct language)
What is the sick role? (rights and obligations)
- Rights:
1) Exemption from societal norms
2) Not responsible for condition - Obligations:
1) Should try to get well
2) Should seek professional help and cooperate
What are the epidemiology of disability?
1) Congenital
2) Injury
3) Disease
4) Alcohol/drugs
5) Mental illness
6) Malnutrition/obesity
What is the screening Criteria?
Wilson’s Criteria:
1) Knowledge of the disease
2) Knowledge of the test
3) Treatment for the disease