Long exam Flashcards
A reflection or evaluation of one’s feeling
Understanding the self through our body
Self perception theory
Way we see / understand yourself
Self concept
What are the 5 key aspects of self concept?
- Self image
- Self esteem
- Ideal self
- Social self
- Self identity
View of self based on physical appearance / abilities / personality
Self image
Way we feel our worth / value
Self esteem
Who we aspire to be
Ideal self
How we see ourself in relation to others
Social self
Refers to who we are in terms of past, present, and future
Self identity
Attachment Process by ___
John Bowlby
What are the 2 attachment process?
Secure and Insecure
It is a type of attachment that parents are responsive and nurturing healthy relationship
Secure attachment
It is a type of attachment that forms negative effect in the future
Insecure attachment
chooses consistent/stable and it seeks confirmation
controlling your feelings
gaining knowledge thorugh others’ actions
Looking glass self theory by ___
It is stated in this theory that you view yourself based on your interaction with others
Looking glass self theory
It is when you compare yourself to others
Social comparison
What are the 2 social comparison?
Upward and Downward
It is when you compare yourself to a more developed person
It is when you compare yourself to a less developed person
It is known as collective identity, where you compare in group to out group
Social identity theory
What is the method CUPD in Psychology?
Control, Understand, Predict and Describe
Nature: __
From genes
From influence
I and Me self by ___
William James
I self:___
Own choice
experienced base
5 statements about thoughts?
- We own all of our thoughts
- Thoughts change
- There’s continuity of thoughts; focusing on shifting from one object to another
- Thoughts on real things (not imagination)
- Thoughts focus on one thing then ignore others when ignoring others
Self based in clothing or objects
Material self
attitude/behavior depending on social situation
Social self
most subjective; permanent self. It deals with the morals, values and principles of a person
Spiritual self
Experience growing with other people
He introduced family therapy and systematic therapy called “Family System Theory”
Murray Bowen
It is also based on family relationship - differentiated self. And there are 2 forces affecting a person
Togetherness and Individuality
It is who you are based on what you know about yourself “who am I?”
Real self
The person you want to be “who do I want to be?”
Ideal self
Theory proposed by Higgins
Self discrepancy theory
In self discrepancy theory, there are 3 self. Enumerate and then give the definition
Actual self - believe who you are
Ideal self - how you like to be
Ought self - how you should be
“comparing yourself could result to discrepancy or emotional discomfort”
Individualism- ___
Collectivism- ___
influence of others
care for life
Ecological self
Confucius - a chinese philosopher constructed Ren which consists of 3. What are those?
Li, Xiao, Yi
Li- proper conduct/ action
Xiao- respect for parents/elders
Yi- Justice and righteous
“Do not impose to others what you do not wish for yourself”
Bonus round lang boss
Perception of the self (body) could be positive or negative
Body image
a feeling that someone are looking or observing at you.
Imaginary audience
Thinking that you always has the spotlight (main character things)
Spotlight effect
It is known as the body
Physical self
Capability of sexual reproduction
Male hormone:___
Female hormone:__
Multiple self:___
Unified self:___
having multiple role
understanding/awareness of the existence of different self
True self - good
accepting your flaws
Bad self - bad
pretending to be part of your own
Social cognitive theory by _____ where there are Person, Behavior and Environment
Albert Bandura
What are the features of human agency?
- Intentionality - awareness
- Fore thought - anticipation then choices
- Self reactiveness - motivate, regulate and monitor progress goal
- Self reflectiveness - evaluate motivation, values and life goals
Adjusting actions/ to reach certain goals/ desired state behavior
Self regulation