London Flashcards
the population of London was ………………. in 2015 and predicted to be …………….. in 2050
8.6 million
predicted at 11 million in 2050
London got its economic and political power from
-being set up by the Romans along the navigable River Thames, Londinium was well situated for trade
London is the most important world city due to the following factors: (economically, socially, culturally)
-London is a global financial centre with a growing reputation as a technological hub and top ranking for software and multimedia development
-attracts a lot of foreign direct investment due to its reputation as an economic powerhouse
-very high levels of education and high quality universities and libraries/archives
-more than 300 languages are spoken
-50 non-indigenous populations with populations of 10,000 or more
-since the 1995, 2/3 of immigration to the UK has been to London
-the World Cities Culture Forum classed London as one of the most cosmopolitan and tolerant cities in the world, attracting a large diversity of people
-the hosting of the 2012 further raised the city’s profile and prestige on the world stage while encouraging the redevelopment of run-down areas (Redevelopment schemes)
explain the term ‘the world under one roof’ with reference to London
- London has a multicultural population
- its historic function as a port naturally led to immigration and rich ethnic and cultural diversity
- London’s role as a global centre for immigration also originates form the arrival of Empire Windrush in 1948, and the star of major immigration from the West Indies to the UK
In 2015, …..million (……%) Londoners were of black and minority ethnicity origin
this percentage is expected to reach ……..% by 2038
3.8 million
44% of Londoners
expected to reach 50% by 2038
in 2015, the London Fairness Commission reported that for every £1 of wealth earned by the bottom 10% of London households, the top 10% earned £…….
for every £1 of wealth earned by the bottom 10% of London households, the top 10% earned £172
so the top 10% earn 172x what the bottom 10% does
HUGE inequality despite being a world financial centre
incomes are ……………….. unequal compared to the national average
disproportionally unequal
16% of population is part of the 10% poorest nationally, while in London the top 17% makes up the top 10% naitonally
the richest 10% in London have …….% of the financial assets
60% of assets
the richest 10% in London hold ……% of the city’s property wealth
45% of property value
the borough with the greatest imbalance is:
in this borough, the top 25% of earners earn £…. an hour, which is 3.5x what the lowest 25% of earners get at £…. an hour on average
Kensington and Chelsea
top 25% eanr £41 an hour, which is 3.5 times what the lowest 25% earns at £12 an hour
……% of London’s population is non-white, which is the largest proportion in Europe
migration from the EU to London has fallen by …………… a year since the Brexit Referendum
fallen by 30,000 a year, so by a total of 90,000
ethnic segregation is
the clustering together of people with similar ethnic or cultural characteristics into separate residential areas which are increasingly referred to as ethnic villages
an urban mosaic is
the complex pattern of different residential areas within a city reflecting variations in socio-economic status which as mainly attributed to income and ethnicity
the distribution of London’s white british populaiton is mainly in the
south east
London’s mayor Khan’s top priorities for social intergration are
> relationships – promoting shared experiences
participation – supporting Londoners to be active citizens
equality – tackling barriers and inequalities
evidence – gathering evidence to measure and evaluate the state of social integration in London
in suburban areas of London, life expectancy is………….. than the London average
lowest life expenctancy is in the boroughs around
lowest are in biroughs around tower hamlets and in the in the lowest income biroughs
the Great Smog of London was in…………… and killed……………
killed 12,000 people and had 150,000 hospitalisations
in response to the Great Smog, the Clean Act of 19….. was passed
1956 which banned people from making fires at home
a report by Public Health England in 2014 says …% of deaths of 25 year olds and over is now linked to air pollution
5.3% of deaths
the borough of…………….has the highest rates of pollution-related deaths at …..%
Kensington and Chelsea at 8.3% of deaths
London’s centre is on average …..degress C higher in summer than the surrounding rural areas
10 degrees C higher due to the urban heat island effect
London has 5 major sources of flood risk:
- tidal
- fluvial (river and tributaries)
- surface (from rainfall)
- sewer
- groundwater saturation
….% of London is on the flood plain, which includes ……railway stations,….. underground stations and …. hospitals
49 railway stations
75 tube stations
10 hospitals
the London Sustainable Development Commission was established in ….. with the purpose of
to advise the Mayor of London on how to make London a sustainable world city
Urban renewal in London consisted of
- investing in areas previously suffering form urban decline, such as the Olympic regeneration in Newham
- providing social housing and leisure facilities as well as investment in education
- Queen Elizabth Olympic Park provides green space with waterways
- the focus on education has led to pupils in London doing better than the naitonal average
- in Newham, the Every CHild programmes has made provision for every child to leanr an instrument or ake part in cultural events- better wellbeing
the congestion charge was introduced in
‘Boris Bikes’ increased cycling in London by …… %
the Ultra Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ) is planned for…..
The London Living Wage has lifted ………………… families out of poverty
it is calculated using hourly wages compared to living costs
schemes such as Workplace set up in 20….. have helped over …….. Newham residents and …….. businesses
20,000 newham residents
900 businesses
the role of Mayor of London was created in