Logistics Phase Flash Cards
What ADRP covers sustainment?
ADRP 4-0
What are the three major elements of sustainment?
- Logistics
- Personnel services
- Health services support
What are the eight principles of sustainment?
Define integration
Sustainment tasks that ensure unity of command and effort
Define anticipation
The ability to foresee operational requirements and take action without waiting for higher to cut an order
Define responsiveness
React to changing requirements and responding with support
Define simplicity
Processes and procedures that minimize sustainment complexity
Define economy
Efficiently and prudently using sustainment resources to achieve the greatest effect possible
Define survivability
All aspects of protecting personnel weapons and supplies while simultaneously deceiving the enemy
Define continuity
The uninterrupted provision of sustainment across all levels of war
Define improvisation
The ability to adapt sustainment operations to unexpected situations or circumstances affecting a mission: Resourcing what is needed from what is available
What are the three things that the Sustainment war fighting function provides? FEP
- Freedom of action
- Extend operational reach
- Prolong endurance
Define logistics
Planning and executing the movement and support of forces
What are the seven functions of logistics? DOGS FMT
- Distribution
- Operational contract support
- General engineering support
- Supply
- Field services
- Maintenance
- Transportation
What dues the sustainment of ULO missions require?
A continuous interoperable network linking the strategic operational and tactical levels
What does the Operational Level focus on?
Materiel management movement control and distribution management
What are the logistical responsabilities at the operational level?
Links the strategic and tactical levels
What are the logistical responsabilities at the tactical level?
Provides key Sustainment functions necessary to meet the commanders intent and concept of operationsProvides the most immediate level of Sustainment
What are the five Army Generating Forces?
Army Material Command
Army Medical Command
Army Financial Management Command
Army Installation Management Command
Army Space and Missile Defense Command
What is the role of the BCT?
Brigade Combat Teams BCT form the basic building block of the Army’s tactical formations and are the principle means of executing engagements
What are the seven war fighting functions?
Mission Command
Movement and Maneuver
Explain this illustration

Levels of Logistics FM 4-95 Figure 2-1
What are the three types of distribution meathods?
- LOGPAC - Customer unit meets the resupply convoy and guides it to the customer unit’s position oon the battlefield
- Supply point - Customer units move to a Logistics Resupply Point
- Throughput - FSC skips the FTCP and the CTCP and goes directly to the unit
What are the five elements of the supply trains model?

Logistics Support Area
Brigade Support Area
Forward Trains Command Post (FTCP)
Combat Trains Command Post (CTCP)
Company trains
Company Trains

Function: 1SG coordinates resupply with the S4 located in the Battalion trains
Location: Maneuver companys rear area within 1 km of the Forward Line of Troops
Composition: Field Maintenance Teams and Medical Evacuation Teams
Combat Trains Command Post (CTCP)

Function: S4 and S1 coordinate logistical requirements for the companies with the FSC Commander at the Forward Trains Command Post
Location: in the Battalion area 14km behind the FLOT
Composition: Unit Maintenance Collection Point, Prepositioned emergency Class III and V, Battalion Aid Station
Forward Trains Command Post (FTCP)

Function: Coordinates directly with the BSB
Location: 4-12 km from BN combat operations
Composition: Elements of the FSC, BN HHC, S1, S4, and the remainder of the battalion elements not in the battalion combat trains
Logistics Package (LOGPAC)

LOGPAC: A single convoy with multiple classes of supplies.
- Mission - resupply supported units
- Under the control of the FSC distribution platoon leader
- Organized in the battalion field trains by the maneuver company supply sergeant under the supervision of the FSC commander and the distribution platoon leader.
What are the three resupply techniques and what are their hallmarks?
- Service Station - speed, less security
- Tailgate - stealth, more security
- Modified Tailgate - combo of the first two
What should you take into consideration before moving a BSA?
- Tactical scheme of maneuver
- Location of the Division and Corps support areas
- Location of MSRs
- Priorities of support
- Time available
- Tailgate Support
- BSB typically travels at the rear of the brigades formation with the brigade troops
- Likelihood of enemy contact is minimal
- Will result in a logistics blackout unless you est a FLE
Define Forward Logistics Element
A unit sent forward to provide continuous support during fast moving operations
Name three characteristics of a Forward Logistics Base
- Refers to the geographic area on the ground
- May be occupied by the FLE
- Often becomes the location of the new BSA
- Typically under control of the SPO
Differentiate between command relationships and support relationships
Command relationships spell out a chain of command while support relationships only show the flow of logistics
What are the six command relationships and their hallmarks?
- Organic - Permanent
- Assigned - Extended period
- Attached - Temporary
- ADCON - Administrative control
- OPCON - Commander can task organize and direct forces
- TACON - Commander cannot task organize, but can direct forces
What are the four support relationships?
- Direct Support - small unit is the customer
- Reinforcing - one unit helping another unit support their customer
- General Support - support to a very large unit
- General Support-Reinforcing - does the job of general support and reinforcing
What nine things should the service and support paragraph of an OPORD include?
- Commanders priorities
- CL III/V resupply during the mission
- Movement criteria
- Type and quantities of support required
- Priority of support by type and unit
- Sustainment overlay
- Supply routes
- Logistic release points
- CASEVAC points
What are the five key staff positions to remember and how do they coorrelate with the three elements of logistics?
Commander - Misison Command
SPO and S4 - Logistics
S1 - Personnel services
Surgeon - Health service support
What does the SPO handle?
The three major elements of sustainment and the seven functions of logistics
What is the role of the Distribution Manageement Log Automation Branch?
Plans, establishes, and maintains network connectivity
What are the human resource core competencies?
Man the ForceProvide HR SupportCoordinate Personnel SupportHR Planning and Operations
Why does the Army need contractors?
- Obtain lowdensity, hightech skills or obtain logistics capability the Army does not have
- Reduce OPTEMPO by increasing continuity
- Maximize combat forces in operations where the Army’s capabilites are constrained
What are the tools used to manage operational contract support?
- Statement of Work (SOW)
- Performance work statement (PWS)
- Independent Government Estimate Contract Management Plan (CMP)
- Synchronized Predeployment and Operational Tracking (SPOT) System
- Letter of Authorization (LOA)
- Quality Assurance and Surveillance Plan (QASP)
- Approved Contract
- NOTE: The Commander cannot change a contract.
How long has contracting been around?
Since the Revolutionary War
Define operational contract support?
Integrating commercial sector support into military operations
What are the three categories of support contractors?
- Theater
- External
- System
What is the name of the largest entity of contracted support in the Army?
LOGCAP - provides supply services. Organized under External Support Contractor.
Define contactor officer representative
Service member or DOD civilian appointed in writing to monitor the contract performance
What are the seven steps of MDMP?
Receive the mission
Analyze the mission
Develop COAs
Analyze COAs
Compare COAs
Approve COA
Produce and order
Define contractor authorized to accompany the forces
Contractors authorized to accompany forces intto theater
Define contractors not authorized to accompany the forces
Contractors not authorized to accompany forces intto theater
What are the responsabilities of the Sustainment Brdigade SPO?
Mission: Manage logistics and sustainment operations within the bounds set by Theater Army.
- Sustainment and logistics operations
- Distribution network
- Use of motor, air and rail assets
- Forecast transportation requirements
- Prepares the movement plan
- Munitions flow
- Storage and distribution of all classes of supplies
- Maintenance Operations
What are the focus points for strategic transportation?
MobilizationRequirements DeterminationAcquisitionStockpilingPrepositioned StocksDeployment and RedeploymentReconstitutionDemobilizationDoctrine and Force Design and Development
Explain the mission elements and assets of the Defense Transportation System
Mission supports the DoD transportation needs in peace and war Elements organic and nonorganic Assets commercial hostnation motor rail air water port terminal ops movement control
Explain the mission and assets of the USTRANSCOM
Mission fullspectrum global mobility solutions DoD total deployment and distro system Elements Surface Deployment and Distribution CommandAir Mobility CommandMilitary Sealift CommandJoint Enabling Capabilities Command
Explain the mission and core competencies of Surface Deployment and Distribution Command
Mission provide global surface deployment and distribution CompetenciesDeliver personnel equipment and sustainment on timeProvide 100 InTransit VisibilityProvide defense transportation engineeringOperational Deployment and Distribution Responsabilities containers LOTS port openeings PCS shippments
Explain the mission and assets of the Air Mobility Command?
Mission global air mobility Assets C5 C17 C130 KC135
Explain the mission and capability of the Military Sealift Command?
Mission support our nation by delivering supplies and conducting specialized missions across the worlds oceans Capabilities PrepositioningSealiftSupply Navy at seaSpecial Mission
Explain the mission of the Joint Enabling Capabilities Command?
The JECC offers a highly skilled team that rapidly increases joint force command and control capability at the operational level of a newly formed joint force headquarters provide capabilities across seven unique functional areas to bring tailored missionspecific and high demand forces to a joint force commander within hours of notification
Transportation Terminal Battalion TTB
Translates transportation requirements from higher HQs into specific clearance schedulesEvaluates terminal and port facilities for usabilityEvaluates routes and highway traffic plan
Inland Cargo Transfer Company
To discharge load and transship cargo at air rail or truck terminals to supplement cargosupply handling operations at combat service support activities in areas to alleviate cargo backlogs operates cargo marshalling area as required ICTC performs as ADACG
Explain the mission concept and need for JTFPO
Provide a joint expeditionary capability to rapidly establish and initially operate a port of debarkation and conduct cargo handling and movement operations to a forward node facilitating port throughput in support of combatant commander executed contingencies intended to deploy and operate for 45 to 60 days and transition the mission to theater logistics forces
Explanin the organizations capabilities of ground air and sea elements of the JTFPO
Capabilities POD Distribution Network AssessmentPOD Opening and Initial OpsEstablish POD Mission CommandEstablish Comm ITV and RFID NetworkInitial Cargo Handling and MovementMovement Control Synchronization Need Since 1990 75 percent of USTRANSCOM CCDRs contingency support has been for noncombat operationsHumanitarian Aid Disaster Relief HADR Operations
Discuss the JTFPO planning process and role in international operations
PH I CDR USTRANSCOM receives the request for JTFPO from the supported CCDRPH II Joint Assessment Team JAT deploys to conduct their assessmentPH III Deployment of JTFPOPH IV Begins with the arrival of transition forces that will replace JTFPOPH V Redeployed to home station
Discuss the JTFPO planning scenarios
What are the four organizations aligned with JTF PO?
US Transportation Command USTRANSCOMAir Mobility Command AMCMilitary Sealift Command MSCSurface Deployment and Distribution Command SDDC
What are the Joint Assessment Teams responsabilities?
Determine if the infrastructure and resources at hand meet the JTFPO intent
Define Joint Logistics Over the Shore
An operation conducted by more than one service to transfer cargo from ships to shore
What is the primary purpose of a JLOTS operation?
Choose the best location to off load closer to the point of need
What are the environment and planning considerations?
Ideal conditions should be a secure non threat environment to support current and future operations Considerations Weather terrain and subterranean topography
JLOT throughput considerations?
Beach and cargo handling capacitiesMust be near road networks rail lines and air terminalsHave suitable terrain to set up a rotary wing landing zoneLarge area for operations cargo marshaling area maintenance area motor pools life support functions for JLOTS units & tentsSecurityPrior knowledge of equipment that will be discharged
What are JLOT challenges?
Mislabeled equipment frustrated cargoNot enough drivers to off load vesselsPoorly organized reception in marshalingcontainer yardsLack of qualified drivers for specialized equipment RTCH TanksWeatherSea conditions
Who manages containers?
SDDC manages TRANSCOM ownes
Why does the Army need containers?
Strategic lift must be maximized to rapidly project power to meet our force projection goals containerized cargo is the primary focus
What is the purpose of movement control?
Allocates transportation assets
What unit is the Movement Control Teams higher?
Movement Control Battalion
What is Defense Logistics Agency?
DODs largest logistics combat support agency. It provides worldwide logistics support to COCOMs.
What is the global distro pipeline?

It is a picture of the DoD’s supply chain management that outlines responsiblle entitite at every level of distribution from manufacturing to battlefield.
Tailgate Resupply Technique
Resupply moves to the units
- Decentralize effort
- Smaller target
Service Station Resupply Technique
Units requiring resupply come to centralized location
- Maximizes effort
- Presents a larger target
Modified Tailgate Resupply Technique
Mixture of service station and tailgate
What is the role of tactical transportation?
Accomplish the Commander’s intent by being at the right place, at right time, with the right amount.
What happens with transportation at the operational level?
- Port ops
- Massing forces
- Est LOCs
- Highway regulation
- Enforces transportation mode prioriites
What are the eight responsabilities of strategic transportation?
Plan and execute joint force requirements in the following areas:
- Mobilization/Demobilization
- Deployment/Redeployment
- Acquisition
- Reconstitution
- Stockpiling
- Requirements Determination
- Prepositioned Stocks
- Doctrine and Force Design and Development
Movement Control Battalion functions?
The MCB is a functional transportation battalion that executes movement control in its assigned area.
- Provides mission command over four to ten MCTs
- Oversees the utilization of transportation assets.
- Regulates Army movement on MSRs and ASRs.
- Synchronizes the execution of movement.
Draw the TMR process

Draw the transportation elements of the supply trains model


The PLS is a 5-ton tactical wheeled vehicle with a hydraulic Load Handling System (LHS) for on/off loading of a flatrack. Used to transport ammunition and break-bulk cargo.
Fuel: 155gal tank – 300 miles
- 33 STONS max
- 10 pallets w/o trailer
- 16-20 pallets with trailer
- 4 x 463L pallets with trailers
LHS M11120A4

The LHS is a 5-ton tactical wheeled vehicle with a hydraulic Load Handling System (LHS) for on/off loading of a flatrack. Used to transport ammunition and break-bulk cargo.
Fuel: 155gal tank – 300 miles
- 26 STONS max
- 16-20 pallets with trailer
- 4 x 463L pallets with trailers
HET and Trailer (M1000)

The Heavy Equipment Transport is a 20 ton vehicle for transporting heavy machines.
Fuel: 250 gals - 425 miles
- 70 tons max
- 18 - 36 pallets
M969/M978 Fuelers
M969: 5k CL III Bulk
M978: 2.5k CL III Retail
M871/M872 Trailers
- Load capacity 22.5 STONS
- 1 x 20 ft. containers
- 3 x Tricons
- 14 pallets
- Load capacity 34 STONS
- 2 x 20 ft. containers
- 1 x 40 ft. container
- 18 pallets
Tows 17 tons with a max speed of 58 mph with at 118 gal fuel tank for 300 miles
MTV M1083
- Load capacity - 10,400 lbs or 1 x tricon
- Tow capacity - 21,000 lbs
- Speed - 55 MPH
- Range - 300 miles