Common Core Flash Cards
What are themes vs messages?
Themes: overarching
Messages: sound bites to a specific audience
What are the four characteristics of culture?VBBN
Values Beliefs Behavior Norms Note: Values, beliefs, and norms drive behavior.
What is a seminal event and how do you assess a seminal event?
An event that affects a culture
Assess it through PMESII-PT
What is the acrostic used to assist intel define an Operational Environment and what does it stand for?
Political Military Economy Social Information Infrastructure Physical Environment Time NOTE: Use it to define the Operational Environment.
Define operational environment.
Everything in the environment that affects the commander’s decision.
Define Area of Operation
A geographic area wherein a commander is directly capable of influencing operations
Define Area of Interest
An area of concern to the commander (both in and out of the Area of Operation)
What are the three points of fair treatment? FMC
1) Fitness: competent and worthy
2) Merit: earned it
3) Capability: can accomplish the mission
What are the five areas of discrimination?
Color Race Religion Gender National Origin
Define offensive behavior.
Whatever a reasonable person experiences as offensive regardless of how the speaker intended it.
Four violations of the EO policy?
How many days does someone have to file an EO complaint?
60 calendar days
What day limitations apply to the five steps in the EO process?
File-60 Act-3 Investigate-14 Appeal-7 Follow Up-45
What are the five elements of an Army inspection?
Measure performance against standard Determine magnitude of the problem Identify the root cause Determine a solution Assign responsibility
What are the five principles of an Army inspection?
Purposeful Coordinated Focused on Feedback Instructive Follow Up
What is the difference between data and information?
What is the difference between knowledge and information management?
Knowledge management: It is an art that answers, “Why is this info important?”
Information management: It is a science that answers, “How will this info get to others best?”
What are the four systems of knowledge management? PPOT
People (most important)
What are the five steps to fix a knowledge management process? ADDPI
1) Assess - gaps and requirements
2) Design - process to capture and disseminate
3) Develop - SOPs
4) Pilot - Rehearsals
5) Implement - OPORDs
What are the key tasks of knowledge management? COAT
Define influence.
Getting others to do what needs done.
Define direction.
Prioritizing tasks, assigning responsibility for completion, and ensuring subordinates understand the standard
Excerpt From: Army, U.S. ADRP 6-22 Army Leadership.
What are the key elements of command? AR
What are the three stages of team building? FES
Formation - lay of the land
Enrichment - trust and training
Sustainment - ownership and identification with the team
Source: ADRP 6-22, Army Leadership
Define leadership.
Leadership is the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization (ADP 6-22)
What are the three domains of leader development? IOS
What are the three tools to developing subordinates? MCC
What three things must every counseling have? DRP
Performance Objectives
Seven principles of leader development?
Develop subordinate leaders through leadership by example and creating a learning environment. Focus training on: Critical and creative thinking, Mission command, Adaptability, and Knowing their Soldiers Source: ADRP 7-0
What are the two types of authority that a commander has?
1) Legal - Exercise UCMJ
2) Personal - From the integrity of his/her own life that earns the respect of subordinates
What a leader does?
Competencies - Leads, Develops, Achieves
What a leader is?
Attributes - Presence, Intellect, Character
What are the different types of responsability?
Direct Custodial Command Supervisory Personal
What are the four key aspects that define leader development?
Leader development is deliberate, continous, sequential, and progressive progress groudned in Army Values.
What is posse comitatus?
The law that prevents Title 10 Soldiers from assuming law enforcement responsibilities.
Note: The only exception is when the President enacts the Insurrection Act.
What are the things to keep in mind when preparing an IPB?
Operational Environment – (PMESII-PT)
Mission Variables – (METT-TC)
Enemy – (SALUTE)
Terrain - (OAKOC)
Weather - Visibility, wind, precipitation, cloud cover/ceiling, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure
Friendly Force Array
Civilian Considerations – (ASCOPE) Areas and Structures, Capabilities, Organizations, People, Events
What are the seven steps of MDMP? RADACAP
1) Receive the mission.
2) Analyze the mission. (aka. mission analysis)
3) Develop
4) Analyze
5) Compare
6) Approve
7) Orders production, dissemination, and transition.
(ADP 5-0 The Operations Process)
What does RDSP stand for and when do you use it?
Rapid Decision Making and Synchronization Process. Use it when time is of the essence en lieu of MDMP.
What are the differences between MDMP and RDSP?
MDMP - Analytical, produces an order
RDSP - Intuitive, relies on previous order, produces a timely effective solution
How many WARNOs before orders production?
1) Receive the mission
2) After mission analysis
3) After COA approval
What is the staff officer’s job in rehearsals?
Develop the script
Build the terrain model
What are the five types of rehearsals?
1) Confirmation - mission orders
2) Backbriefs - confirm Co’s intent
3) Combined Arms - all WFF at BDE
4) Support (aka. CSS) - sustainment
5) Battle Drill/SOP - validate
Mission command is what three things?
1) Philosophy
2) WFF
3) Systems driven
What are the three elements of the commander’s intent? (ADRP 5-0, Para 2-93)
- Expanded purpose - does not restate the why addresses the broader purpose and its relationship to the force as a whole.
- Key task - pivot points inside an operation
- Endstate - friendly, enemy, civilians, terrain
What is the purpose of mission command?
Blend the art of command and the science of control to integrate the warfighting functions to accomplish the mission.
Define an adjustment decision.
Unexpected enemy action requires reactionary adjustment through new operations and counter action through the resynchronization of war fighting functions.
What is mission command as a philosophy?
Exercise of authority and direction by the commander
What are the six elements of mission command?
Use mission orders
Accept prudent risk
What is the purpose of the Army Ethic?
It provides the moral basis for why our Army exists. Source: ADRP 1
What are the four steps of the Ethical Decision Making Process?RE3CA
Recognize the situation
Evaluate the options Three Moral Lenses: values, laws, and outcomes
Commit to a decision
Act on decision
What are the deciding factors in ethical execution?
Moral pride
Concerning negotiations, what does BATNA stand for?
Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement
What are the two negotiation paradigms?
1) Distributive - Win-Lose, parasitic
2) Integrative - Win-Win, symbiotic
“Getting to yes” principles of negotiation.
Separate the people from the problem Focus on interests not positions Create options for mutual gain Define objective criteria Develop your BATNA
What is the acrostic used to assess a seminal event?
Area Structure Capability Organization Personnel Event (ASCOPE)
What are the steps of the Operations Pocess?
What is the commander’s role and responsibilities?
Role: Drive the Operations Process Responsibilities: 1) Understand 2) Visualize 3) Describe 4) Direct 5) Lead 6) Assess
What are the two types of control?
1) Positive 2) Procedural
Define hybrid threat.
When two or more nation-states threaten US interests simultaneously.
What are the four types of decisive actions Unified Land Operations?
1) Offensive
2) Defensive
3) Stability
4) Defense and Support of Civil Authorities
Note: The first three occur OCONUS and the fourth occurs CONUS.
What are the six tenants of Unified Land Operations?
Flexibility Adaptability Lethality Synchronization Integration Depth
What are the five fundamentals of tactics?
Gain and maintain contact Disrupt Fix Maneuver Follow through
What are the six warfighting functions?
Mission Command Movement and Maneuver Fires Sustainment Intelligence Protection
What should you consider when developing an engagement area?
Enemy ave of approach Enemy scheme of maneuver Establish kill box Emplace weapons Integrate weapon systems and obstacles Rehearse
What are the four obstacle affects?
Block - indefinite amount of time (most logistically intensive)
Fix - specific amount of time
Disrupt (least logistically intensive)
What are the forms of defense?LRP
Reverse slope
What are the three types of defensive tasks?
1) Area defense2) Mobile defense3) Retrograde a. delay (trade space for time) b. withdrawal (break contact) c. retirement (no contact)
What are the characteristics of the defense?PSDMMOF
PreparationSecurityDisruption Maneuver - patrolsMass and concentrationOperations in depthFlexibility
What are the four offensive tasks?
Movement to contactAttack the enemyExploitPursue
What are the six types of maneuver and their hallmarks?
Frontal - head onFlank - hit the weak sideEnvelope - hit the reservesInfiltrate - undetectedPenetrate - break the lineTurn - displace the defense
A COA sketch and a COA statement must what?
Mirror each other, one is written one is drawn
How will you accomplish a mission?
With a form of maneuver or defense
Define decisive point.
The battle’s tipping point
What are the three types of operations?
Decisive - Accoplishes the missionShaping - Sets the conditions for the decisive operation Support - Empowers the decisive operation
What are the key elements of a COA statement?
Commander’s intentHow we will accomplish the missionDecisive pointWhy it is decisiveForms of maneuver or defense to accomplish broken down into actual mission tasks in decisive, shaping, and supporting Purpose of significant warfighting functionsWhere we are assuming riskRisk mitigations
What are the minimum requirements for a COA sketch?
At a minimum, the course of action sketch includes the array of generic forces and control measures, such as Unit and subordinate unit boundaries.Unit movement formations (but not subordinate unit formations).Line of departure, or line of contact and phase lines, if used.Reconnaissance and security graphics.Ground and air axes of advance.Assembly areas, battle positions, strong points, engagement areas, and objectives.Obstacle control measures and tactical mission graphics.Fire support coordination and airspace control measures.Main effort.Location of command posts and critical information systems nodes.Enemy locations, known or templated.Population concentrations.Excerpt From: Army, U.S. ADRP 1-02 Terms and Military Symbols. Department of the Army.
What are the forms of defense?
LinearPerimeterReverse Slope
What are the Offensive Tasks?
Movement to contactAttack the enemyExploitPursue
What are the Commander’s tasks in the Operational Process?
What is the commander’s goal in utilizing the Operations Process?
Empower agile and adaptive leaders.
In exercising mission command what else will you exercise as a natural biproduct?
The Operations Process
What are the key components of a plan?
Units task orgMission statementCommander’s intentConcept of operationsTask to subordinate unitsCoordinating instructionsControl measures
What is execution?
Execution is putting a plan into action by applying combat power to accomplish that mission.
What is the fundamental principle to execution?
Army forces seize, retain, and exploit the initiative through combined arms maneuver and wide area security
Define Line of Communication. (JP 2-01.3)
A route, either land, water, and/or air, that connects an operating military force with a base of operations and along which supplies and military forces move. Also called LOC.
What are the four characteristics of the offense? SCAT
SurpriseConcentration - effort and affectsAudacity - bold actionTempo - team speed
What is the flow of battle?
ActionReactionCounter Action
What are the five characteristics of the Army profession?THEMeS
TrustHonorable serviceEsprit de corpsMilitary ExpertiseStewardship Source: ADRP 1-0
Define OIP.
Organizational Inspection ProgramIt is the CO’s responsibility and provides him with a tool to eliminate problem areas.
What Army Programs are the commander’s programs?
What are three programs in the Army that revolve around resilience?
Ready and Resilient Campaign Health TriadArmy Suicide Prevention Program Army Substance Abuse Program Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Program
What are the three categories of Sexual Harassment?
Verbal Non-VerbalPhysical
What are the two types of sexual harassment?
1) Quid-Pro-Quo2) Hostile Env
What are the five ways to deal with sexual harassment?
DirectIndirectThird PartyChain of CommandFiling a Formal Complaint
What are barriers to reporting?
Collateral misconduct: the victim was doing something wrong a the time of the assault (ie. adultery, fraternization)Fear of reprisalFear of isolation
What are the four types of briefs?DIMS
What are the eight principles of sustainment? II CARESS
What does DoD 3000.5 mandate?
Incorporate stability operations into military training, exercises, and planning
What are the stability principles?
Conflict transformationUnity of effort and unity of purposeLegitimacy and host-nation ownershipBuilding partner capacity
According to the Paul-Elder Critical Thinking Model What are the eight standards of critical thinking?DR LPS’ ABCs
What are the eight Intellectual Traits?AFFICHE-Perseverance
AutonomyFair-mindednessFaith in reasonIntegrityCourageHumilityEmpathyPerseverance
What are the pitfalls in thinkging?
Heuristic bias: it’s alway been that wayLogical fallacies: attacking person, false cause, appeal mass opinion
What are the two types of decisions we make?
1) Analytical2) Intuitive
What are the three key categories of the Paul-Elder Critical Thinking Model?
Standards of Think applied to Elements of Thought to develop IngIntellectual Traits
What are the hallmarks of Critical thinking vs. Creative thinking?
Critical thinking - analytical Creative thinking - intuitive, innovated NOTE: Innovation is about value.
What are planning pitfalls? FDR’S
Too… Forcasted Detailed Rigid Scripted
How does the commander arrive at understanding?
Process data and analyze information to arrive at knowledge and apply judgement arrive at understanding. Source: ADRP 6-0, Fig 2-1 NOTE: Make the connection between this and the Paul-Elder Critical Thinking Model
Define the Army Design Methodology.
A methodology for applying critical and creative thinking to understand, visualize, and describe unfamiliar problems in approaches to solving them
Tools for creative thought and innovation?
Brainstorm Red-Team Outside-In Thinking What-If Post Mortem Analysis
What is the commander’s role in training?
What are the eleven principles of training?
1) Commanders and other leaders are responsible for training.2) Noncommissioned officers train individuals, crews, and small teams.3) Train to standard.4) Train as you will fight.5) Train while operating.6) Train fundamentals first.7) Train to develop adaptability.8) Understand the operational environment.9) Train to sustain.10) Train to maintain.11) Conduct multiechelon and concurrent training. Source: ADRP 7-0
What framework does the commander use to establish a training plan?
Concerning training, what are the four things discussed at the commander’s dialogue?
1) Risk of not training on everything2) METL assessment3) Operational environment4) Commander’s approval
What is the critical task of T week?
Validate resource coordination
What are the three principles of the use of force?NDP
NecessityDiscriminationProportionality Source: An Army White Paper: The Profession of Arms, 8 DEC 10
What is the certification criteria for an Army professional?
CharacterCompetenceCommitment. Source: ADRP 1
What is at the heart of the Army profession?
The Army Ethic
What are the four affects of obstacles?
TurningBlock - indefinite amount of time (most logistically intensive)Fix - specific amount of timeDisrupt (least logistically intensive)
What are the six forms of the attack?
AmbushCounteratackDemonstrationFeigntRaidSpoiling attack
What are the six movement formations?