Logistics and Supply Chain Management of Drugs Flashcards
Dr. Olugbake
What is health commodity security?
Health commodity security exists when every person is able to obtain and use quality essential health products whenever they need them.
What is the importance of medicines?
i. Medicines save lives and promote health
ii. Medicines promote trust and participation in health services
iii. Medicines are costly
iv. Medicines are different from other consumer products
v. Substantive improvements in the supply and use of medicines are posssible
Learn the Customer Security Framework diagram.
What are the components of a supply chain?
Supplier > Manufacturer > Distributor > Retailer > Consumer
What is a supply chain?
A supply chain is a group of inter-connected participating companies that add value to the stream of transformed inputs from their source of origin to the end products or services that are demanded by the designated end-consumers.
Mention 5 features of a supply chain.
- There has to be more than one participating company for a supply chain to be formed
- There is a legal independence between the participating companies in a supply chain
- The companies are committed to adding value to the stream of material flow in the supply chain
- The customer for whom the product/service is created is at the end of a supply chain
- A supply chain’s existence is hinged on to serving the end-consumer in the market place
Define Supply Chain Management (SCM).
SCM is the active management of supply chain activities to maximise customer value and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.
These activities include product development, sourcing, production, logistics, as well as the information systems required to coordinate these activities.
Discuss the 4 intrinsic flows of a supply chain.
- Material flow: This involves the flow of materials at the beginning of the supply chain to the finished products that reach the end consumers.
- Information Flow: Throughout a supply chain there is a multitude of information flows such as demand information flow, forecasting information flow, production and scheduling information flow and design. Information can be in either direction
- Finance Flow: It is basically the flow of money in a supply chain. Without it, a supply chain will surely demise. The end-consumer is the only source of finance flow for any supply chain.
- Commercial Flow: This refers to the flow of change in ownership of materials from one party to another. The transactional process of buying and selling shifts the material flow’s ownership from the supplier to the buyer repeatedly until the end of the supply chain – the end-consumer.
Define Logistics.
Logistics activities are the part of SCM that plans, implements, and controls the efficient forward, and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customer’s requirements.
Logistic activities include:
quantification, procurement, inventory management, transportation and fleet
management, data collection and reporting.
Highlight the importance of logistics.
- It increases sales/ program impact
- It enhances quality of care
- It improves efficiency and cost effectiveness
- It reduces losses due to overstock, expiry, damage, pilferage, etc.;
- It reduces losses due to understock
- It protects other major program investments (e.g. ARV program)
- It maximizes the potentials for cost recovery (in a drug revolving fund
What are the 4 logistics pillars?
- FORECAST :- accurately estimate commodity requirements
- FINANC:- obtain or organise adequate financial resources
- PROCURE:- conduct timely and efficient acquisition of products
- DELIVER:- ensure reliable distribution to customer
What is the purpose of logistics systems?
To get the right quantities of the right goods to the right place at the right time in the right condition at the right cost.
Learn the Drug Supply Chain Management Cycle and the Logistics Cycle diagrams.
Discuss the stages involved in the logistics cycle.
- Serving customers: This is the most important part of the cycle. “Customer” could refer to the hospital, final users of the commodity or intermediate facilities in the supply chain, etc.
- Product selection: Usually done by national formulary, therapeutics committee, government-appointed group etc., taking into consideration, logistics requirements e.g. Cold chain for products that require refrigeration; storage facilities
- Quantification & Procurement: Quantification is the process of estimating the quantity and cost of the products required for a specific service or health program, to ensure an uninterrupted supply for the service or program, and determining when the products should be procured and distributed. Health systems or programs can procure from international, regional or local sources of supply, or use a procurement agent.
- Inventory management (storage and distribution): Inventory Management’s role is to store and distribute the products throughout the system. Storage must be adequate to maintain the quality of products and to
manage all of the products in the system.
Transportation must also be secure and reliable, and it must be available on a regular basis.
An effective procurement process should
- Procure the right drugs in the right quantities
- Obtain the lowest possible purchase price
- Ensure that all drugs procured meet the recognised standards of quality
- Arrange timely delivery to avoid shortages and stockouts
- Ensure supplier reliability with respect to service and quality
- Set the purchasing schedule, formulas for order quantities and safety stock levels to achieve
the lowest total cost at each level of the system.