Logical Reasoning: Assuption Family Flashcards
- ) The terms or concepts in the evidence appear unrelated to the conclusion
- ) A new term or concept- not related to the evidence- appears in the conclusion
Mismatched Concepts
Commonly assumed relationships between mismatched concepts
Term or concepts are alike/equivalent
Fails to consider other explanations, reasons, or outcomes based on the evidence
Overlooked Possibility
Confuses sufficient and necessary terms
Overlooked Possibility
Dose not consider potential advantages or disadvantages when making a recommendation
Overlooked Possibility
Assumes that something will occur just because it could occur
Overlooked Possibility
Author arrives at a claim of causation based on evidence that is only correlated
Overlooked Possibility
Prediction is based on an assumption that circumstances will or will not change
Overlooked Possibility
Term or concepts are alike/equivalent
Mismatched Concept
Terms or concepts are mutually exclusive
Mismatched Concept
One term or concept is needed for the other
Mismatched Concept
One term or concept represents the other
Mismatched Concept
Recognize these questions by the praising “if assumed” or “conclusion follows logically”
Sufficient Assumption Questions
The correct answer, when combined with the evidence, will guarantee the conclusion
Sufficient Assumption Questions
Mismatched Concepts arguments with Formal Logic dominate Sufficient Assumption questions
Sufficient Assumption Questions
- ) Which one of the following, if assumed, enables the conclusion above to be properly inferred?
- ) The conclusion of the argument follows logically if which one of the following is assumed?
Sufficient Assumption Questions
Recognize these questions by the phrasing “an assumption required by the argument” or “the argument depends on the assumption that.”
Necessary Assumption Questions
The correct answer doesn’t have to be sufficient for the conclusion to be drawn, just necessary
Necessary Assumption Questions
Both Mismatched Concepts and Overlooked Possibilities arguments will be tested
Necessary Assumption Questions
Use the Denial Test to distinguish the correct answer
Necessary Assumption Questions
- ) Which one of the following is an assumption that the argument requires in order for its conclusion to be properly drawn?
- ) The argument depends on which of the following assumption?
- ) Which of the following is an assumption required by the economist’s argument
Necessary Assumption Question
- ) The reasoning in the argument is questionable because the argument
- ) The argument’s reasoning is flawed because the argument overlooks the possibility that
- ) The plant manager’s argument is most venerable to criticism on which one of the following grounds?
Flaw Questions
Overlooked Possibilities: Failure to consider alternative explanations
Flaw Questions
Overlooked Possibilities: A conclusion of causation based on evidence of correlation
Flaw Questions
Overlooked Possabilities: Confusing necessary and sufficient terms
Flaw Questions
Mismatched Concepts (including alike/equivalent, manually exclusive, and representation)
Flaw Questions
The correct answer will describe the error in the author’s reasoning.
Flaw Questions
You will be tested on your ability to identify flaws in both Mismatched Concepts and Overlooked Possibilities arguments.
Flaw Questions
Correct answer choices are often written in abstract languages; from a prediction and match it to the closest answer choice.
Flaw Questions
- ) Which one of the following, if true most seriously weakens the argument?
- ) The argument will be most seriously weakened if which one of the following were discovered?
Weaken question
A correct answer disprove the conclusion, just waken it
Weaken Question
The most common argument type in this question type is Overlooked Possibilities
Weaken Question
Correct answer choices nearly always introduce a possible objection to the conclusion that the author has not considered
Weaken Question
- ) Which of the following, if true most helps to strengthen the historians’ argument?
- ) Which one of the following, if true, most strongly supports the explanation above?
- ) which one of the following, if true, provides the strongest additional support for the hypothesis above?
Strengthen Questions
The correct answer, when added to the evidence, doesn’t have to prove the conclusion– just make it more likely
Strengthen Questions
Both Mismatch Concepts and Overlooked Possibilities arguments show up in this type of questions, although overlooked possibilities are more common
Strengthen Questions
In a Mismatched Concepts argument, look for an answer choice that either affirms the author’s assumption or directly supports the conclusion
Strengthen Questions
In an Overlooked Possibilities argument, look for an answer choice that removes a potential objection that the author is not considering
Strengthen Questions
- ) Which one of the following principles, if established, most helps to justify the conclusion in the passage?
- ) Which one of the following principles underlies the arbitrator’s argument?
- ) The information above conforms most closely to which one of the following principles?
Principle Questions
Characterize flaw in the stimulus argument; the correct answer will be flawed in precisely the same way
Parallel Flaw
You may compare the conclusion in stimulus argument to those in answer choice arguments
Parallel Flaw
Be on the lookout for flawed Formal Logic
Parallel Flaw