Logical Fallacies Flashcards
attacks a (simpler) misrepresentation
slippery slope
exaggerated consequence, if A then Z
special pleading
an unsupported/justified exception to a rule
(citing something as an)
the gambler’s fallacy
believing that wins or losses are independent of a statistical chance
black or white
incorrect display of choices
false cause
presumes subsequent events are directly related
error of causation; A happened after B therefore A caused B
ad hominem
attacks character
loaded question
a question with an intertwined assumption
can’t be answered without appearing guilty
ad populum; popularity as validation
because many do/believe, is good/true
begging the question
circular logic, conclusion is the premise
asserts what’s true about a part applies to the whole
Atoms are invisible, I’m made of atoms; me invisible
uses personal experience/ another isolated case to dismiss statistics
Smoking is bad? But my grand-pappy lived till 97!
appeal to authority
uses an authority figure’s opinion in place of an argument
appeal to nature
because natural, good.
Water is natural, thus better than ‘artificial’ antibiotics.
appeal to emotion
manipulating emotional response instead of using an argument
tu quoque
burden of proof
burden of proof
no true scotsman
the texas sharpshooter
the fallacy fallacy
personal incredulity
middle ground