Logical Fallacies Flashcards
“I don’t feel like that could be true!”
Feelings are subjective and cannot be an accurate gauge of truth.
This is called an Appeal to Emotion.
“So what you believe is what all people like you believe…”
How do you know that? You’re making a GENERALIZATION which are almost never true and can’t be truly verified.
And even if the viewpoint was unanimously held, such a point doesn’t negate its truthfulness
Fossils indicate humanoid homosapien and other species existence which verifies human evolution
Correlation doesn’t equal causation.
This is a logical fallacy called FALSE CAUSE
Your claim appears incoherent and poorly articulated, how could it possible be true?
Remember, even a truth poorly represented is still true. Thinking otherwise is the logical fallacy called humorously… THE FALLACY FALLACY
Abortion should be allowed in cases where the child’s future would be disastrous, painful, and potentially vile. This would be the humane approach.
This reasoning suggests that just because A leads to Z, then A should be avoided. However this is false reasoning by a false correlation as if fails to define the identity and purpose of A altogether. This is the logical fallacy called THE SLIPPERY SLOPE FALLACY…
The problem with this reasoning is that it also avoids engaging with the issue at hand, and instead shifts attention to extreme hypotheticals. Because no proof is presented to show that such extreme hypotheticals will in fact occur, this fallacy has the form of an appeal to emotion fallacy by leveraging fear. In effect the argument at hand is unfairly tainted by unsubstantiated conjecture.
Why would anyone listen to someone who doesn’t even have a degree in this subject and is a privileged white male!?
Ad Hominem. This is the logical fallacy for attacking a person’s character in attempt to dismantle their position.
Everything in science continues to prove there can’t be a God
This is confirmation bias, which is the subjecticr interpretation of data to always support your own preconceived notion