Loftus And Loftus: Some Facts About Weapon Focus Flashcards
36 students, university of Washington (loftus professor here)
13 psych students got extra credit
23 recruited through advert and laid $3.50
2 sets of 18 slides
Both sets showed group of people moving through a queue in a taco time restaurant
Control: person b (2nd in queue) handed cashier cheque
Experimental: person b pulled out a gun
Each slide shown for 1.5 sec
Participants shown it was a study into proactive interference
Then given 20 item questionnaire + a line up of 12 people’s heads
Used a rating scale (1-6, 6 being very sure) how confident they were of identification
Eye movements measured with corneal reflection device
Replication with 80 students
Weapon focus: witnesses concentration on a weapon causing reduction in ability to remember other details
This is due to attentional narrowing which loftus believed is due to evolution
Answers on questionnaires were not significantly different 8.5% die to chance
Control: 7 identified person b
Experimental: 2 identified person b
- no different in levels of confidence
- eye measurements
3. 72 sec looking at gun
2. 44 sec looking at cheque
Spent longer looking at weapon when one was present therefore therefore experimental group had greater difficulty identifying b
Weapon focus would be a larger factor in real life as witness would be more aroused and is therefore likely to have an increased attention narrowing