LOE Check Flashcards
Preflight Confirmation Initial?
“In accordance with Article 73-2 of Aviation Law and Article 164-15 of Aviation Regulations I will now carry out the Preflight Confirmation”
How do you check documents inside the certification holder?
Part of documents required by law & fuel carnet cards are stored in the certification holder which is sealed and locked by a dial type lock by engineering.
-The captain shall check if the seal is broken or not.
- If broken Captain shall check each document in holder and report it to maintenance.
- Even if seal and or lock is broken the airplane may depart unless any of the documents are lost. In that case report to flight safety, flight ops.
OM S-2-2-5
Can the company clearance be changed and if so what?
Can be changed after consulting with each other.
1.) Destination Airport
2.) Alternate Airport
3.) Required FOB
4.) Route
5.) Altitude (If shown on FLT PLN already cleared so no need perm)
6.) Flight Rules
Capt May change at his discretion according to the situation during flight. In the case the change seriously affects the fuel planning or flight watch duties, he shall advise flight dispatcher ASAP.
Destination Alternate Required?
✈ 1 x alternate required in principle;
✈ 2 x alternates required if DEST weather forecast intermittently < LDG minima at ETA
✈ Unless…ALTN weather CIG > 1500’ and VIS > 5000m at ETA - then only require 1 ALTN
Inflight - Destination
✈ If DEST weather forecast < LDG minima at ETA…
- Require additional ALTN to continue towards DEST
- If additional ALTN can’t be selected & weather not forecast to improve at DEST, must change DEST.
- Not applicable if…
1) Able to HOLD until weather forecast to improve at DEST or,
2) The ALTN weather at ETA indicates CIG > 1500’ and VIS > 5000m or,
3) The aircraft diverts to the ALTN
Inflight - Alternate
✈ If ALTN weather forecast < ALTN minima… - Select a new ALTN; or
- Don’t continue to DEST unless
1) CIG > 2000’ or DH/MDH + 1500’ and
2) VIS > 5000m or RVR/VIS + or 3200m and
3) Flight time < 6 hours;
- If neither options available - must change DEST (if ALTN can’t be selected without change to destination due fuel)
Inflight – Destination + Alternate
✈ If both DEST and ALTN below company minima, select new DEST with new ALTN
Inflight – Other
✈ If DEST closed temporarily, may continue taking consideration weather and fuel remaining until reopened. - If safety may be interferred with, destinaton shall be changed;
✈ When safety of flight will be inteferred with by CB’s, turbulence or NAV facilities, change route
What do you check on Journey Log?
- Firstly Registration number is correct and matches the ID plate of A/C. Mechanic will call out and Capt will as well to confirm.
- Pre flight check is completed - 48 hours for international flights (Block Out). First flight of the day for domestic,
- MEL/CDL Ship condition & Remarks
- Fuel is loaded and same as the flight plan.
- After confirming the airworthiness & maintence conditions of Airplane if the Captain then decides to accept the ship can sign on “Checked By” column.
Alternate Minima Value? Difference from 767?
767 did not have CAT II & CAT III Alternate minima.
CAT III - 1200
CAT II - 300-1200
CAT I - 600-2000
Non Precision App - 800-3000
Circling App - 800-3600
- If DH/MDH or RVR/CMV or VIS is higher then previous value then add 100ft to DH/MDH and/or 400m to RVR/CMV/VIS
What does RVR//// mean?
- REDL or RCLL are out of service
- When //// is reported, apply CMV
When is RVR reported?
- VIS BLW 1500m or RVR below 2000m however many airports in Japan such as RJAA, RJTT & RJBB report BLW 1800m. Check AIM J
Pre-Flight Confirmation final statement?
“I will confirm maintenance status, fuel and lubricant quality and quantity, and cargo loading status ship-side. I do not find any problem to dispatch this aircraft and I am ready to submit this flight plan. In conclusion my pre-flight confirmation and preparation is complete”.
Taxi Fuel?
Engine start- Take-off
Not included in estimated weight
(10min considered)
-Ramp weight used
Contingency Fuel?
5% of Burn off OR
15 minutes holding, whichever is greater.
These equal each other at around 2000nm.
- In planning assumed consumed by time A/C lands at destination HOWEVER in calculating allowable LDG weight, fuel is considered not consumed.
Alternate Fuel?
Fly TO, land AT Alternate Aerodrome after Go-Around at the destination. (If 2 alternates are used the most distant shall be used for fuel planning)
Reserve Fuel?
min (Holding at 1,500ft in ISA conditions)
Pre Flight (NO ALTERNATES)- 2 hours (Flying at cruising SPD)
IN FLIGHT (NO ALTERNATES)- 30 min (Holding at 1,500ft in ISA conditions)
VFR- 45 min (Flying at cruising SPD)
-Calculated at estimated LDG wt at alternate.
Planned Contingency Fuel (PCF)
Fuel quantity in which the company specifies the standard for each route considering increased fuel consumption that may be caused by the specified reason on specific route or airport.
-Calculated at LDG wt at destination.
Extra Fuel?
Extra fuel the Capt & F/Dispatcher consider necessary to meet Company basic policy
- Weather at dest, alternate, enroute
- Fuel loading procedure
- others
- Calculated at estimated LDG wt at destination
Take off alternate distance?
Must be nominated when weather at the departure airport is BLW landing minima.
- Must be within one hour OEI in still air (431nm for 1000k engines)
- Must have approach available that does not require GPS
What is Required Fuel?
- Burn Off
- Contingency (5% of BO or 15 min hold @ 1500ft)
- Alternate
- Reserve (30 min Hold @ 1500ft)
- Taxi
- Extra
Minimum Required Fuel and when?
BCARTA - Additional also req
- After confirmation of FOB the Capt may use a part of EXT, PCF & TAX at his discretion.
- Departure (block out) with less than the minimum FOB is not permitted.
Minimum fuel to land with?
- The Capt shall arrange the flight to land with at least 30 minutes holding fuel.
- Capt shall check weather at DEST & ALT at appropriate timing around TOD and ensure fuel remaining is:
- Planned RES + ALT
- Planned RES if NO ALT
Minimum Fuel?
- Capt shall advise ATC “Minimum Fuel” when having committed to land at a specific aerodrome that any change to existing clearance may result in less than 30 minutes of planned RES fuel.
What is the difference between 767 and 787 in regard to the required number of satellites in NOTAM? What happens if 22?
- 767 required 24 satellites whereas the 787 only requires 23.
- If 22 satellites then pilot and dispatcher should change the navigation to other or check the RAIM availability prediction if planning to use GPS as primary navigation sensor.
- Must confirm that a RAIM hole of more than 5 minutes is not predicted for flight segments where GPS is used as the primary navigation sensor. If greater than 5 minutes, then change to other navigation not using GPS.
- OM states (4-1-3) that cases where GPS is required as primary navigation sensor are:
1). GNSS Req or GPS req
2). DME GAP is beyond 14nm for RNAV1/2
3). DME GAP is beyond 100nm for RNAV 5
Does Take off & Landing performance change between GRV and NON GRV?
Landing distance for WET runways is calculated as the runway is non-grooved regardless of actual grooving.
While grooving is taken into account for Takeoff performance and requirement for CAT III operation.
What does the shaded area on W&B mean?
For A/C equipped with high T/O thrust engines, tip up may occur at light weights. To prevent this AFT T/O CG limit is restricted. A CG region limited for use of rolling T/O has been established. For 8 engines the notes say “When operating in this region, use rolling T/O procedure” for the 9 engines it says “Brake release above 55% N1 not permitted in this area”.
- W&B will indicate - REQ ROLLING T/O DUE TO AFT CG LMT
What about if Cold Weather ops?
If OAT is less than 3degrees, engine run up is required. In this case N1 must be limited to 55% or less during engine runup. Target 50%
What should you be careful of when landing and previous Aircraft was a Heavy?
Strong Vortices, especially if there is a quartering tailwind or crosswind 1-5 kts. Vortices v=can remain in the touchdown zone.
What does Log & Document check in AOM Normal procedure?
We check the log and documents required by law in the Aircraft:
R - Registration Certificate
A - Airworthiness Certificate
D - Designation of operating Limitations
R - Radio Station License
E - Emergency Documents
J - Journey & Radio Log
Then we check the Electronic documents carried by flight crew members:
O - Operations Manual
M - MEL/CDL Manual
O - Operations Policy Vol 2
R - Route Manual
How many Static Dischargers?
- 54 Total
- Maximum of 27 may be missing
- Wing - 3 of the 6 most outboard may not be missing
- Horizontal Stabalizer - 3 of the 5 most outboard may not be missing
- Vertical Stabalizer - 3 of the 5 top may not be missing
- Wing and Stabalizer tips - Must be at least 1 on each tip
Where is TAT measured?
Measured from TAT probe on left hand side and also the Engine Inlet Air Temperature Sensors (1 each engine)
What is GLS? What is indicated on the flight plan?
- “A” is indicated on the flight plan
- GLS stands for GBAS (Ground Based Augmentation System)
- Precision approach system virtually the same as CAT I ILS that is provided by a horizontal and vertical GBAS system on the ground
- Autoland currently band by ANA
- RAIM prediction not required
What is the difference between state minima and company minima?
MDA = +50ft
This value is specified by the company to avoid sinking below MDA and based on the amount of subduction announced by the manufacturer. It is considered a margin that is harmonised between airplane types. OM S-5-9
DA = State Minima