LODD Phoenix Flashcards
- Follow ___ out – multiple times FF’s attempted to exit and tripped over debris which
caused them to become disoriented. Stay low and stay on the hose line
the hose line
An advanced fire in a commercial structure can initially present as a “light haze”. Crews did not
realize ___
the volume of fire and the amount of smoke overhead
Consider ___ - Instead of attempting a difficult rescue through a building,
consider breaching walls either to the exterior or another uninvolved part of the building
Breaching Operations
A firefighter in distress will do ___ – FF Tarver was located several times but was unable to follow simple directions. Distressed firefighters will require strong direction and crews must plan to physically lead them out of the hazard area. Request more resources if needed
the unexpected
During a Mayday situation use both the ___ - Command believed FF
Tarver was rescued once the other E14 FF had been removed. The use of both a FF’s unit designation and name will enhance fire ground accountability
unit designation and FF name.
Preplan the __ - Companies believed that the fire area was in the rear of the hardware and clothing stores. It was not until later in the incident that it was discovered the grocery store was L-shaped with the store room extending behind these adjoining occupancies
Rescue efforts will require ___, additional radio channel, and a separate rescue branch. They are labor intensive and may necessitate the use of multiple crews
another alarm
Large commercial fires will require ___. Multiple RITs are appropriate on large buildings with many entrances.
multiple companies assigned to RIT
Maintain ___ - conserve air not only to exit the building but to overcome unforeseen obstacles. Using all your air to exit does not allow for the unexpected, i.e. becoming lost/trapped or retaining the ability to assist another firefighter in distress.
air discipline