-phd in nursing university of the philippines (1988)
- ma in nursing, siliman university (1978)
- bs in nursing, siliman university(1976)
- professor- Florida atlantic university, christine e. Lynn college of nursing (1991)
Published books:
-advancing technology, caring and nursing (2001)
- technological competence as caring in nursing (middle range theory, 2005)
- technology and nursing practice, concepts, and issues (2007)
- a contemporary nursing process: the UN bearable weight of knowing in nursing (2009)
Dr rozzano locsin
His theme is “life transitions in human health”
Dr. Rozzano Locsin
What is dr rozzano lacsons theme?
Technological competence as caring in nursing
BLANK fosters the recognition and realization of persons as participants in their care rather than as objects of care
Technological competency
The idea of “ participation in their care” stems from
Active engagement
The BLANK and the BLANK, technology provides the efficiency and the value that narks their mutual and momentary reality
Knower and known
Assumption: BLANK are whole or complete in the moment
ASSUMPTION: BLANK is a practice process of nursing that allows for continuous appreciation of person moment to moment
Knowing persons
ASSUMPTION: BLANK is a discipline and a professional practice
ASSUMPTION: BLANK is used to know persons fully in the moment
assists the nurse in acknowledging the person as a focus of nursing using technology competently to compliment or assist the nurse knowing the patient in the moment
Technological competence
Authentically knowing the patient in the moment , to the extent which they wish to be known
Carijg in nursing
Knowing the patient in the moment as whole and complete persons, despite their condition
Human beings as persons
patients diagnosing or misdiagnosing themselves based on information from the internet
Doctor google
The widespread availability of private information staff/patients posting on social media, system hacking, laptops stolen
permanent nationally accesible health record