Locomotor conditions Flashcards
Symptoms of osteoarthritis?
Joint pain eased at rest and worse on movement, most painful at end of day. Joint instability and stiffness for up to 30 mins after rest. Localised disease - usually affects weight bearing joints (knee/hip).
What nodes are seen in hands of those with osteoarthritis?
Heberden’s nodes at DIP
Bouchard’s nodes at PIP
What do X-rays show in osteoarthritis?
L - Loss of joint space
O - Osteophytes
S - Subarticular sclerosis
S - Subchondral cysts
Management of osteoarthritis?
Exercise to improve local muscle strength and general aerobic fitness. Weight loss. Regular paracetamol and topical NSAIDs. Intra-articular steroid injections temporarily relieve symptoms. Physios and OTs vital
Surgery (joint replacement) if large impact on life
What are the 2 types of joint infection in septic arthritis?
Native joint infection: cartilage erosion causes joint space narrowing and facilitates seeding of infection into synovial cavity
Prosthetic joint infection (more common): joint surface and cement provide surface for bacterial attachment
What pathogens tend to cause septic arthritis?
S.aureus (most common)
Streptococci (2nd most common)
H. influenza, Neisseria gonorrhoea, E.coli, M.tuberculosis
Symptoms of septic arthritis?
Painful, hot, swollen joint. Knee in >50% cases. Usually monoarticular
What investigation needs to be carried out urgently in septic arthritis?
Joint aspiration for synovial fluid MC+S
Gout is an inflammatory arthritis due to deposition of what type of crystals within joints?
Monosodium urate (MSU) monohydrate crystals
Risk factors for gout?
Hereditary, purine rich diet, alchohol excess, diuretics, leukaemia, cytotoxics, trauma, surgery, starvation, infection
What is the typical presentation of gout?
Sudden severe pain, swelling and redness at first MTP joint.
Management of gout?
Acute attacks: high dose NSAIDs or coxibs reduce pain and swelling.
Prevention: weight loss, avoid prolonged fats/excess alcohol/purine-rich meat and low dose aspirin. Allopurinol for prophylaxis if >1 attack in 12 months
What is rheumatoid arthritis?
Chronic systemic inflammatory autoimmune disease characterized by a symmetrical deforming peripheral polyathritis
What causes rheumatoid arthritis?
Genetics, F sex hormone involvement.
On going T cell activation causes local production of rheumatoid factor autoantibodies in the joint
Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis?
Typically, symmetrical, swollen, painful, stiff small joints of hands and feet. Worse in morning, better with exercise
What is seen in blood tests of those with RA?
Rheumatoid factor, Anti Cyclic Peptide Antibodies (ACPA), raised platelets/CRP/ESR
Management of RA?
No cure but deterioration preventable.
Symptomatic: NSAIDs and coxibs, night sedation and steroids
DMARDs: Methotrexate, sulfasalazine, hydroxychloroquinine
Biological agents: TNF-alpha inhibitors (infliximab), B-cell depletion (rituxinab), IL-1 and IL-6 inhibition (Tocilizumab), disruption of T cell function (Abtacept)
What bone is commonly fractured in osteoporosis?
Proximal femur
What symptoms are seen in vertebral crush fracture?
Sudden onset severe pain in spine radiating to front. Also leads to increasing kyphosis, height loss, abdominal protuberance
What is the result in a DEXA scan of someone with ostroporosis?
Normal: T score of -1 and above
Osteopenia: Between -2.5 and -1
Osteoporosis: Below -2.5