Location of Research Flashcards
How Do You Conduct Research Online?
- Questionnaires + Surveys - participants willing + knowingly complete
- Content analysis - on forums (e.g. looking at the use of language in relation to a topic/people’s internet history/considering the number of people using social media platforms
What Are the Advantages of Online Research?
- People have typically given their consent
- Participants are more likely to answer questions honestly without pressure from researcher
- Opens the sample up to a significant larger population
- Less rick of researcher bias - researcher doesn’t need to be present
- Participants are under less pressure to appear in a certain way as they are anonymised behind a keyboard
What are the Disadvantages of Online Research?
- Cannot verify that participants are who they say they are
- There’s little we can do to prevent malicious intent
- Confidentiality may be an issue as participants could be identified through their IP address
- Acquiring participants to take part in online research can be difficult
- Right to Withdraw means that even after data been collected a participant has the right ti pull out of the study + have their deleted