Localisation In Neurology Flashcards
Aetiology of lesion
Acute(minutes to hours) = vascular, epileptic seizure, trauma
Subacute: days to weeks = inflammation,infection or haemorrhage
Chronic progressive: months to years = degenerative like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s
Lower motor neurone weakness
Decreased tone
Decreased reflexes
Down going plantars
Upper motor neuron weakness
No wasting
No fasciculation
Increased tone
Increased reflexes
Up going plantars
Features of a cortical lesion
Visual field defects
Deficit in memory and executive functions
Loss of olfaction
Motor: hemi-paresis
Sensory: hemi sensory loss
Brisk reflexes
Extensor plantar
Brain stem lesions ?
Hifgher corical function normal
Cranial nerves:
3,4,6: Diplopia 5: decreased facial sensation 7:drooping 8: deaf and dizzy 9,10,12: dysarthria and dysphasia 11: decreased strength in neck and shoulders
Celerbellar lesions acronym
Intention tremor
Slurred speech
Ataxia! Lesion is unilateral then symptoms are
Causes: stroke,tumour or demyelination
Causes of bilateral ataxia
Stroke, tumour demyelination
Toxic (alcohol, drugs)
Metabolic (B12 and E deficiency)
Paraneoplastic(small cell lung, breast, ovarian and lymphoma)
Post infections
Spinal cord lesion effects
Sensory level
Weakness below lesion
upper motor neurone signs below the lesion
Bowel and bladder incontinence (sphincter problems)
Spastic paraparesis is
Bilateral UMN signs below the lesion
Localise by working up (include jaw jerk)
Look for what in spastic paraparesis
Cranial nerves for evidenced MS or MND
Anterior cord syndromes effects
Injury or stroke or infectionresults in
Loss of ascending pain/temp below injury
Preserved proprioception and vibration
Reflexes brisk
Tone goes up
Plantars go up
Typical anterior spinal artery infarction
Anterior cord syndrome aetiology
Anterior spinal infarction
Cord stroke Post traumatic (whiplash/chiropractor)
Posterior cord syndromes
Loss of vibration and proprioception
Everything else preserved
Posterior cord syndromes classic aetiologies
Low b12 Syphilis HIV myelopathy Demyelination got dz Heavily myelinated pathways
Brown sequard syndrome features
Impact on left side (e,g)
Pain and temp loss on contralateral side (right)
Proprioception loss on ipsilateral side (left)
Weakness on ipsilateral side (left)
Central cord syndromes cause
Loss of bilateral crossing pain and temp fibres
Loss of bilateral motor
Main cause is expansion of the canal
Root lesion (motor) features
Asymmetric weakness
Root lesion (sensory) Features
Abnormal sensation in dermatomal distribution
Root lesion (reflex)
Reflexes become hypo
Hallmark of a neuromuscular junction problem
Other features of neuromuscular junction problems
Weakness - proximal and symmetric
Exacerbated by use recovered with rest
Affects facial muscles often
Sensation: normal
Muscle disorders : cranial nerves , motor and sensory
Pros is, dysconjugate game, dysphasia, dysphonia
Motor: proximal weakness in UE +LE, atrophy and fasciculation s, hypotonia
Sensory: normal
Reflexes preserved until late in disease