Local Govt Flashcards
Panchayati Raj was constitutional through which constitutional amendment
73rd Constitutional amendment act of 1992 under the Prime Ministership of PV Narsimha Rao
In which year did the government of India appointed a committee to examine the working of the community development programme 1952 and the national extension service 1953 and who was the chairman?
In 1957
The chairman of this committee was Balwant Rai G Mehta
The recommendations of the committee where excepted by whom
National development council in January 19 58
First state to establish Panchayati Raj
Rajasthan on October to 1959
Followed by Andhra Pradesh 1959
Significance of the 73rd amendment act of 1992, for Panchayati Raj
This act as added a new party IX to the Constitution of India. This part is entitled as the panchayats and consist of provisions from article 243 to 243 O .
In addition, the act has also added a new 11th schedule to the Constitution. The schedule contains 29 functional items of the Panchayat. It deals with article 243 G
How are the members of panchayats at the village, intermediate and district levels elected
They are elected directly by the People
How are the chairperson of Panchayat said the intermediate and district level selected
They are elected indirectly by an from amongst the elected members.
However, the chairperson of a Panchayat at the village level shall be elected in such manner as the state legislature determines
How many seats are reserved for the SCS and STS and women
One third
Term of office to the Panchayat
Five years
The 73rd amendment act is exempted in some states in areas. What are those?
States of Jammu and Kashmir
Mizoram and certain other areas
This areas include the schedule areas in the tribal areas in the states , the hill area of Manipur, for which a district council exist, Darjeeling district of West Bengal, for which Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council exist
How many items are placed within the preview of panchayats in the 11th schedule?
After every how many years is the state finance commission constituted to review the financial position of the panchayats
PESA act of 1996 (extension act )
The provisions of Part IX of the constitution relating to the Panchayats are not applicable to the Fifth Schedule areas. However, the Parliament may extend these provisions to such areas, subject to such exceptions and modifications as it may specify. Under this provision, the Parliament has enacted the “Provisions of the Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled Areas Act’, 1996, popularly known as the PESA Act or the Extension Act.
At present (2016), ten states have Fifth Schedule Areas. These are: Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Chhatisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha and Ra-jasthan. All the ten states have enacted requisite compliance legislations by amending the respective Panchayati Raj Acts.
How many types of urban local governments are there in India? What are they?
There are types of urban local governments in India-
1. Municipal corporation.
2. Municipality.
3. Notified area committee.
4. Town area committee.
5. Cantonment Board.
6. Township.
7. Port trust
8. Special purpose agency.
The system of urban government was constitutionalised through which amendment act
74th Constitutional amendment act of 1992
At the central level, the subject of urban local government is dealt with by which ministries
- Ministry of urban development created as a separate ministry in 1985.
- Ministry of defence in the case of cantonment boards.
- Ministry of home affairs in the case of union territories.
The first municipal corporation in India was set up at
Madras in 1687- 88
What is regarded as the Magna Carta of Local self-government?
Lord Ripon’s resolution of 1882
Who is the father of Local self-government?
Lord Ripon
Name of the first urban local government committee
Local finance enquiry committee- 1949-51 -
Chairman - PK wattal
In which part of the Constitution contains urban local government
Part IX A
Articles 243 P to 243 ZG
In addition, the actress also added a new 12th schedule to the Constitution, which contains 18 functional items of municipalities
Three types of municipalities
- A nagar Panchayat. For a transitional area that is an area in transition from a rural area to an urban area.
- A municipal council for smaller urban area.
- A municipal corporation for a larger urban India.
Composition of A municipality
All the members of a municipality
shall be elected directly by the people of the municipal area. For this purpose, each municipal area shall be divided into territorial constituencies to be known as wards. The state legislature may provide the manner of election of the chairperson of a mu-nicipality. It may also provide for the representation of the following persons in a municipality.
1. Persons having special knowledge or experience in municipal administration without the right to vote in the meetings of municipality.
- The members of the Lok Sabha and the state legislative assembly representing constituencies that comprise wholly or partly the municipal area.
- The members of the Rajya Sabha and the state legislative council registered as electors within the municipal area.
- The chairpersons of committees (other than wards committees).
How many seats are reserved in municipalities for STs and SCs and women
Schedule caste and scheduled Tribes- proportion of their population to the total population in the municipal area
Women 1/3
Duration of municipalities
Five years
Application of the 74th amendment act regarding urban local self government to union territories in exempted areas
Application to Union Territories
The presi-
dent of India may direct that the provisions of this act shall apply to any union territory subject to such exceptions and modifications as he may specify.
Exempted Areas
The act does not apply to the
scheduled areas and tribal areas in the states*
shall also not affect the functions and powers of the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council of the West Bengal.
Who elects the members of the district planning committee?
4/5 of the members of the district planning committee should be elected by the elected members of the district panchayats and municipalities in the district from among them self
Mary presentation of those members in the committee should be in proportion to the ratio between rural and urban populations in the district.
A municipal corporation has three authorities. What are they?
The council,- legislative wing of the corporation
Standing committees - facilitate the working of the council
Commissioner- chief executive authority of the corporation. He is responsible for the implementation of the decision taken by the council and its standing committees.
Who heads the council?
Mayor, he is assisted by a deputy mayor. He is elected in a majority of the states for a one-year renewable term. His main function is to preside over the meetings of the council.
Council - legislative wing- headed by president and assisted by vice president. Place a significant role and is the pivot of the municipal administration. Apart from presiding over the meetings of the Council, he enjoys executive powers.
Standing committees - facilitate the working of the council
The chief executive officer / chief municipal officer is responsible for date today General administration of the municipality He is appointed by the state government
Notified area committee
Notified area committee is created for the administration of two types of areas
1. A fast developing town due to industrialisation.
2. In a town which does not yet fulfil all the conditions necessary for the Constitution of of a municipality, but which otherwise is considered important by the state government
Town area committee
A town area committee set up for administration of a small town. It is a semi municipal authority and is interested with a limited number of civic functions like drainage Road, street, lighting and conservancy.
Cantonment Board
I Cantonment board is established for municipal administration for civilian population in the cantonment areaZz it is set up under the provision of the cantonment act of 2006, a legislation enacted by the central government. It works under the ministrative control of the defence ministry of the central government.
How many cantonment boards are there in the country?
Cantonment Board consist of the following members
The Category I cantonment board consists of the following members:
(i) A military officer commanding the station
(i) An executive engineer in the cantonment (ili) A health officer in the cantonment (iv) A first class magistrate nominated by the
district magistrate
(v) Three military officers nominated by the officer commanding the station
(vi Eight members elected by the people of the
cantonment area
(vii) Chief Executive Officer of the cantonment board
- Township
This type of urban government is established by the large public enterprises to provide civic amenities to its staff and workers who live in the housing colonies built near the plant. The enterprise appoints a town administrator to look after the administration of the township. He is assisted by some engineers and other technical and non-technical staff. Thus, the township form of urban government has no elected members.
In fact, it is an extension of the bureaucratic structure of the enterprises.
Port trust
The Port trust or establish in the poor areas like Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, and so on for two purposes
1. To manage and protect the ports
2. To provide Civic amenities