Local Anesthetics Flashcards
Reversibly block generation, propagation of electrical impulses in nerves via blockade of VG Na channels
o Impedes membrane depolarization, nerve conduction/excitation
o Also block voltage-dependent K, Ca channels with lower affinity than VG Na
o +/- intracellular sites involved in signal transduction of GPCRs
NaV Channel Structure
o Large alpha (~2000 amino acids) with four domains that creates pore
o Each domain = 6 helical segments S1-S6, voltage sensor at S4 of each domain
o beta2/4 subunit, beta1/3
Influence activation, inactivation of states of channel
o Binding site at DIV-S6, intracellular access only
3 States of NaV
o Resting state = closed at RMP
o Open state = during depolarization, M gates open
o Inactivated state = closed, allows repolarization with H gates closed
Steps in NaV Activation
At RMP -70mV, m gate closed
S4 segment detects when MP reaches -55mV –> m/activation gate opens quickly
Opening of activation gate allows Na to flow into cell, raising MP to +30mV
At -55mV, inactivation gate (H gate) starts closing but closes MUCH slower
* 0.5-2msec
Once H gate closed, not capable of reopening for another 2-5msec –> allows membrane to repolarize, return to resting state
NaV Channel Distributions - cardiac m
1.1, 1.3, 1.5
NaV Channel Distributions - skeletal m
NaV Channel Distributions - CNS/PNS
NaV Channel Distribution - Pain
6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9
NaV 1.1, 1.3, 1.5?
Cardiac Cells
NaV 1.4?
Skeletal M
NaV 1.1, 2, 3, 5, 6?
NaV 1.7-1.9?
Modulated R Hypothesis
LAs: high affinity for channel in open, inactivated states; low affinity in resting state
Lipid-soluble (non-ionized, inactive) form enters via membrane
Lipid-insoluble (ionized, active) form enters through channel hydrophilic pore
* Only open when gates of channel open –> cumulative binding of LAs to Na channel when channels active
Which form of LA is lipid soluble?
The non-ionized, inactive form
Which form of LA is non-lipid soluble?
The ionized, active form
Guarded R Hypothesis
LAs bind to R inside channel w/ constant affinity, but channel must be open for access
Increasing frequency of stimulation increases # of Na channels open, increasess binding of LAs
Use-Dependent Block
Increased Frequency if stimulation increases # of NaV open –> increases binding of LAs
Applies to both Modulated R hypothesis, Guarded R Hypothesis
Biggest difference then becomes affinity of LA for R
Depth of block also increases with repetitive membrane depolarization
Tonic Block
blockade obtained on unstimulated nerves, is constant
Differential Blockade
Classified by Glasser, Erlanger in 1929
Basic principle: vasodilation –> sensory (temperature, sharp pain, light touch) –> motor
What is differential blockade affected by?
- Fiber length
- Length exposed to drug
- Myelination: can cause ax to pool adjacent to nerve
- Frequency of stimulation
- Drug concentration
- Drug properties
What is the critical length that a nerve must be exposed to to completely block the fiber?
3 Nodes of Ranvier
Longer fibers with longer distance btw NoR/greater internodal distance less susceptible to LA
Decremental Conduction
Decreased ability of successive NoR to propagate impulse in presence of LA
* 74-85% Na conduction blockade: progressive decrease in amplitude of impulse, until decays below threshold
* >84% Na conductance blocked at three consecutive nodes –> complete blockade of propagation
* Propagation of impulse can be stopped even if node has been rendered completely inexcitable
Clinical Effect of Decremental Conduction?
Why blocks with small volume/high concentration have greater duration and extent than large volume/low concentration despite same total drug dose
Sub Blocking Concentrations of LAs
Large portion of sensory information transmitted by peripheral nerves carried via coding of electrical signals in after-potentials, after oscillations
Suppress intrinsic oscillatory after-effects of impulse discharge without significantly affecting AP conduction
Possible mechanism of blockade: disruption of coding of electrical information
Other Actions when LAs Admin Centrally:
o Na channel blockade
o K, Ca channels: dorsal horn of spinal cord, altered sensory processing
o Substance P binding (tachykinin), evoked increase iCa
o Glutaminergic transmission –> decreased NMDA, neurokinin-mediated transmission
o Targeting of large nerves, nerve trunk (BP, LST): somatosensory arrangement of nerve fibers also affects progression of block
Chemical Structure
Lipophilic aromatic (benzene) ring
Hydrophilic amine group (tertiary or quaternary amine)
Intermediate chain linkage - ester or amide
O-C; hydrolyzed by plasma esterases (one i)
o Procaine
o Tetracaine
o Chloroprocaine
Metabolized by liver (two is)
o Lidocaine
o Ropivacaine
o Bupivacaine, levobupivacaine
o Mepivacaine
mostly racemic mixture that 50:50 R-, S-
Which three LAs are achiral?
- Tetracaine
- Prilocaine
- Lidocaine
Which two LAs are pure S isomers?
Levobupivacaine, ropivacaine
Difference btw R, S enantiomer
o R-enantiomers assoc with greater in vitro potency, greater therapeutic efficacy but also increased CV, CNS toxicity
LA Activity - not important factors
Diffusion coefficient, MW not important factors in determining activity
MW very similar btw LAs, 220-228Da
pKa of Locals
Formulated as acid solutions
Formulation of LAs
acidic HCl solutions (pH 4-7)
Formulation in acidic solutions increases CHECK THIS ionized portion –> improves H2O solubility
Locals with Higher pKas
Increased pKa –> increased BH+ at physiologic pH (7.4) (increased ionization) –> slow onset
Higher pKa, more drug ionized at physiologic pH – ionized form = ACTIVE
* More ionized form, more drug to interact with receptor
* BUT moves more slowly across hydrophobic cell membrane, thus slower onset
LA with Lower pKas
(eg lidocaine): more uncharged base, faster onset
o Once intracellular, becomes ionized – interact with R
Role of Lipid Solubility
determines penetration of nerve cell membrane
Increased lipid solubility –> increased potency, decreased concentration needed for blockade
More lipid soluble, better penetration through lipid membrane, faster onset in unmyelinated nerves
Effect of Myelination on Onset of LA
delayed onset DT trapping in myelin, other lipid compartments
* Net effect of ing lipid solubility = delayed onset of LAs
* Increased duration due depot for slow release of drug
Protein Binding
Only free drug active: increased protein binding –> increases duration of action
Don’t know why: Likely related to membrane or extracellular proteins in membrane
pKa, lipid solubility, concentration, volume, frequency of membrane stimulation, pH of site
Addition of HCO3 to increase pH –> promotes more un-ionized base to be present to hasten onset B > BH+ (contradicting studies
Ex: LAs will not work around infected abscess with acidic pH
Correlates to lipid Solubility
Protein binding
site of administration, vasomotor tone
Differential Blockade?
fiber size, length, myelin, frequency of stimulation, concentration, drug properties
Which LAs show greater differential blockade?
Increased pKa
Decreased lipid solubility
More potent blockade of C fibers than fast-conducting A fibers
Benefits of Differential Blockade?
More differential blockade, more sparing of certain types of nerve fibers
At higher concentrations, drug properties become less important for differential blockade
* High concentration of ANY LA, differential blockade goes away
B > C = Adelta > Agamma > Abeta >Aalpha
Drink Good Beer Always
Absorption Factors
Site of injection, vascularity
Intrinsic lipid solubility
Vasoactivity of agent
Dose admin
Additives, other formulation factors that modify local drug residence, release
Influence of nerve block in region (VD)
Pathophysiologic state of patient
Why is systemic absorption important?
Lower systemic absorption, greater margin of safety
Increased vascularity…
Increased absorption
Increased peak plasma concentration (Cmax)
Decreased time to peak plasma concentration (Tmax)
Intercostal > epidural > brachial plexus > femoral/sciatic
* Study only done using those sites
* Related to differences in vascularity
* Intrathecal much lower systemic absorption than epidural
What is the order of block absorption?
Intercostal > epidural > brachial plexus > femoral/sciatic
* Study only done using those sites
* Related to differences in vascularity
* Intrathecal much lower systemic absorption than epidural
What features increase absorption?
–Decreased lipid solubility, decreased protein binding
Lidocaine, mepivacaine > bupivacaine, ropivacaine
Increased lipid sol, increased protein binding = less absorption – bind to neural, non-neural lipid-rich tissues so less systemic absorption
Vasoactivity of LAs
Most LAs cause vasodilation, which decreases time to peak plasma concentrations (increases Tmax)
Ropivacaine, levobupivacaine = vasoconstriction, Tmax
lower Tmax (less time to reach peak plasma concentration), higher Cmax (higher peak plasma concentrations)
Greatest risk systemic toxicity: Tmax arterial blood, 5-45’ after inj depending on site of block, speed of inj, drug
Risk of systemic toxicity coincides with Tmax, independent of dose
Faster speed of injection, increased Cmax (peak plasma concentration
Degree of tissue distribution, protein binding related to apparent volume of distribution at steady state (Vdss): free fraction governs tissue concentration
Usually paralleled by degree of protein binding
Distribution of Amino-Esters
rapid plasma hydrolysis by pseudocholinesterases, limited distribution
Distribution of Amino-Amides
Widely Distributed
-Can be affected by a1-acid glycoprotein (AAG) concentrations
-pulmonary first pass effect
a1 Acid glycoprotein (AAG)
- Increased AAG –> increase TOTAL LA concentration, but NOT free (active) fraction (amides)
- AAG = acute phase reaction protein produced by the liver in response to inflammation
- Normally low in plasma, serum concentrations can increase 2-5x
- Academic > clinical
Pulmonary First Pass (Depot Effect)
risk of toxicity with R–>L cardiac shunts
Normal: temporarily increases plasma concentration of drug, lungs able to attenuate toxic effects after accidental IA injection
* Mostly dependent on lipid solubility, pKa
o More lipid soluble agents –> more pulmonary uptake
o Lower pKas = greater unionized form, which accumulates in the lung
Consequences of R to L Shunt with Pulmonary First Pass/Depot Effect
- Some of drug will bypass first pass due to shunt
- Increased toxicity so increase dose CLINICALLY RELEVANT
- Most pulmonary first pass: bupivacaine > etidocaine > lidocaine, levobupivacaine > ropivacaine
Rapid distribution goes where?
Milk, muscle
Drugs that diffuse most readily into milk
relatively lipophilic, unionized (Lower pKa), not strongly protein bound, low MWs
FARAD: recommends 24hr meat, milk withhold on lidocaine
Placental Transfer
Limited for esters due to rapid metabolism, enhanced for amides by “ion trapping”
Unionized form rapidly crosses placenta –> once in more acidic fetal circulation, ionized drug forms more readily –> gets “stuck” in fetal circulation
Back transfer from fetus to mother occurs with bupivacaine, NOT lidocaine
Degree of LA binding to both maternal, fetal plasma proteins also important determinant of placental transfer of LAs
- Only unbound, free drug crosses placenta
- Fetal AAG content, binding < maternal, F:M of highly protein-bound LAs lower than less-protein bound
o Ex: bupivacaine F:M 0.36, lidocaine F:M 1.0
Fetal Metabolism of LAs
Fetus/neonate able to metabolize, eliminate lidocaine better than bupivacaine
- If high plasma concentrations of local in maternal blood likely, potentially delay delivery if bupivacaine to allow bup to transfer back to maternal circulation
- Do not have to delay delivery if lidocaine bc ion trapped, can eliminate just fine
Poor water solubility of LAs…
Limited renal excretion
Amino Esters metabolism and excretion
Hydrolyzed by plasma pseudocholinesterases, excreted in urine
* Additional contributions from esterases in RBCs, liver, synovial fluid
* Chloroprocaine = most rapid clearance, fast hydrolysis rate
* Procaine IV admin in horses: t1/2 = 50’, Vd 6.7L/kg
* Hydrolysis products of procaine, chloroprocraine, tetracaine = pharmacologically inactive
- Illegal use in race horses, dogs
- Ester hydrolysis in plasma; N-demethylation in liver to norcocaine, which undergoes further hydrolysis
Benzocaine, Procaine
para-aminobenzoic acid metabolite allergic reaction
* Why esters more assoc with allergic reactions than amides
Benzocaine - other SE
metHb in people, dogs, cats
* Proposed MOA: direct oxidation of heme
Amino Amides Metabolism
Metabolized by CYP-450 system, excreted urine/bile
* Phase I: hydroxylation, N-dealkylation, N-demethylation
* Phase II reactions: metabolites conjugated with amino acids or glucuronide into less active, inactive metabolites
Amino Amide Excretion
Small portion excreted unchanged in urine
* Humans: 4-7% lidocaine, 6% bupivacaine, 16% mepivacaine
* 1.7-29% lidocaine in horses
Clearance of Amino Amides
Prilocaine > etidocaine > lidocaine > mepivacaine > ropivacaine > bupivacaine
* In humans, prilocaine cleared most rapidly: blood clearance values exceed hepatic blood flow, indicating extrahepatic metabolism
Prilocaine Metabolism
O-toluidine (orthotoluidine) –> oxidizes Hgb to metHb
Lidocaine Metabolism
MEGX/GX –> toxicity after prolonged infusions (esp renal failure, diabetes)
* Hydroxylation, demethylation in liver
* MEGX = monoethylglycinexylidide
o Activity 70% of lidocaine, potentially contributes to toxicity after long infusions
* GX = glycinexylidide (also active)
* Metabolites NOT detected in cows
Metabolism of Other Amides
(mepi, ropi, bupi): N-dealkylation, hydroxylation
* Produce less toxic metabolite pipecoloxylidide (PPX)
* Bup dealkylated metabolite: N-desbutylbupivacaine = ½ cardiotoxic, less CNS toxic vs bup
Some further conjugated to glucuronides before eliminated in urine, bile
How does age affect PK of LA?
Neonates: increased absorption, in decreased Vd, increased t1/2, decreased plasma esterase activity
Geriatrics: decreased hepatic clearance, increased t1/2
How does pregnancy affect the PK of LA?
increased nerve sensitivity (faster onset of blockade)
* Unlikely to be direct effect of progesterone on cell membrane
increased hepatic blood flow: faster lido clearance
decreased hepatic enzyme activity: slower bupivacaine, ropivacaine clearance
decreased plasma esterase activity
How does liver dz affect PK of LA?
Decreased metabolism of amides, decreased plasma esterases, decreased clearance
Do not need to adjust for single dose but should for CRIs, repeated dosing, dosing intervals
How does ax affect PK of LA?
hepatic blood flow (any condition that decreases CO) = slower clearance, esp lido bc dependent on HBF for clearance
Mep, bup – metabolism more dependent on activity of hepatic enzymes, effect of decreased hepatic blood flow less pronounced
How does renal failure affect PK of LA?
Decreased plasma pseudocholineresterase activity
decreased amide metabolite excretion/increased amide metabolite (MEGX/GX)
How does diabetes affect PK of lidocaine?
Increased hepatic clearance of lidocaine, decreased excretion of MEGX
How does equine fasting affect PK of LA?
Decreases lidocaine clearance
How do drugs affect PK of LAs?
increased plasma concentration, decreased elimination
Any that decreases plasma esterase activity (neostigmine, acetazolamide)
CYP1A2, CYP3A4 inhibitors (erythromycin): decreased hepatic clearance of amides
Adrenergic R blocking agents that decrease liver perfusion, inhibit activity of hepatic microsomal metabolizing enzymes responsible for metabolism of amides
How does temperature affect PK of LA?
Cooling increases pKa so more active, ionized form
one of most important physical properties during IT/subarachnoid admin
Affects distribution, spread of solution impact characteristics of block calculated ratio of density of solution to density of CSF both measured at same temp (37*C)
Density: weight in grams of 1mL of solution, inversely related to temp
Isobaric LAs
(= 1) – most LAs at room temp
Density of CSF = Density of LA
(<1) goes to non-dependent site bc density lower than CSF
* LAs warmed to body temp or diluted with water
* Addition of opioids will also make hypobaric
– >1
-goes to dependent site (greater density than CSF), preferential blockade on sx side
* Decreased temp or dilute with dextrose or hypertonic solution or add epi
Which locals have the highest pKa?
Procaine, chlorprocaine
Which locals have the lowest pKas?
Mepivicaine, lidocaine, etidocaine
Which LAs are least protein bound?
Procaine, chloroprocaine (6-7%)
Which LAs >94% protein bound?
Tetracaine, ropivaine, bupivacaine, levo, etidocaine
Which are short acting LAs?
Procaine, chloroprocaine
Which are the most potent LAs?
Bup/levo bup
Which are the least potent?
Procaine, Chloroprocaine < lidocaine, prilo, mepivacaine
Which LA is intermediate potency?
Which are intermediate (50-70%) protein bound?
Which LAs are the most lipid soluble?
Bup/levobup < tetracaine < etidocaine
Which local is the most CNS toxic?
LA Duration of Action
procaine, Chloroprocaine < lido< mepivacaine, prilocane <ropi< tetracaine, bup, levobup, etidocaine
Amino Esters
- Procaine
- Benzocaine
- Chloroprocaine
- Tetracaine
Prototypical ester
Fastest onset, 30-60’ duration
CNS stimulant – illegal use in race horses
Infiltration, NBs, +/- IT for short procedures
Not very effective topically
PABA –> allergic reaction
Fast onset
PABA –> allergic reactions
Fish anesthesia (MS-222)
Chloroprocaine (1-3%)
Ester: Fast onset, 30-60’ duration
Human OB ax, not used regularly in vetmed
Highest pKa, fast onset due to highly concentrated form
AKA amethocaine
Slow onset, except when admin intrathecal
High toxicity potential, not used in vet med
Humans: fast onset (3-5’) via IT, 2-3hr duration
Lido + tetracaine latch = better, faster dermal ax than EMLA cream
Rapid absorption from MM (fatalities in human med), excellent topical anesthesia
Prototypical amide, fast onset, 1hr duration
* Low pKa, not highly protein bound, can cause local VD
* Prolonged up to 3h with epi
Infiltration, NBs, epidural, IT, IVRA
Some topical: mucosal (lido spray for larynx), EMLA, lidocaine patches (+/- tetracaine)
Also administered systemically
EMLA Cream
Lidocaine 2.5%, prilocaine 2.5%
Systemic Administration of Lidocaine
Systemic: analgesia, anti-inflammatory, anti-arrhythmic (class 1b), MAC sparing in dogs, cats, goats, horses, calves
* Analgesia MOA: thought to include action of Na, Ca, K channels, NMDA R
* +/- Improve intestinal motility in horses, prevent POI esp if reperfusion injury
FARAD - Lidocaine
* Epidural: 1d meat, 24hr milk
* Infiltration (inverted L block): 4d meat, 72hr milk
* Lido + epi for epidural, infiltration: 1d meat, 24hr milk
* Infiltration, epidural – single or multiple
doses: 1d meat, 24hr milk
* Infiltration, epidural – single or multiple doses: 1d meat, 24hr milk
Does lidocaine trigger MH?
One paper in humans, not validated in vet med
Max Dosing Lidocaine
- Cats 3-5mg/kg
- Dogs 6-10mg/kg
- Sheep 6mg/kg
Fast onset, 1-2h duration due to less VD compared to lidocaine
Infiltration, NB
Poor topical efficacy
Drug of choice for diagnostic NBs in horses DT decreased neurotoxicity
Very slow metabolism in fetus, newborn
Max Dosing Mepivacaine
- Cats 2-3mg/kg
- Dogs 5-6mg/kg
- Sheep 5-6mg/kg
Slow onset (20-30’), 3-10hr duration high pKa, highly protein bound, highly lipophilic, minimal VD so sticks around at block site longer
Infiltration, NB, epidural, IT
Poor topical efficacy
Not recommended for IV DT cardiotoxicity, FATAL
S-enantiomer of bupivacaine, decreased CV toxicity
Intrinsic Blockade Properties of Bupivacaine
Intrinsic differential blocking properties, esp at low concentrations – indicated when sensory accompanied by minimal motor blockade required
Max Dosing Bupivacaine
- Cats 1-1.5mg/kg
- Dogs 2mg/kg
- Sheep: 2mg/kg
S-enantiomer, decreased CV toxicity vs R-enantiomer
Similar onset to bupivacaine
Differential blockade: motor blockade less affected at equipotent doses of bup
Infiltration, NB, epidural, IT
Up to 6hr duration
Ropivacaine Biphasic Effect on Vasculature
> 1% vasodilation, <0.5% vasoconstriction
Ropivacaine Max Dosing
- Cats 1.5mg/kg (2)
- Dogs 3mg/kg (4.4)
Mixing of LAs
o Expectation: best of both worlds –> fast onset from lido, long duration from bupiv
o Reality: conflicting studies
Similar onset to bupivacaine alone
Shorter duration that bupivacaine alone
Decreased depth of block? Increased post-op analgesia requirements
Liposomal Bupivacaine
Nocita ® by Elanco
o Other formations: polylactide microspheres, cyclodextrin inclusion complexes
o Long-acting LA, up to 72hr
Uses of Nocita
o Labeled for:
Incisional infiltration after CCL sx 5.3mg/kg
Nerve block for feline onychectomy 5.3mg/kg/forelimb
o Used extra-label for many px in dogs, cats
Nocita Storage Instructions
discard after 4h, Carlson et al Vet Surg: up to 4d
Epinephrine Additives
Decreased absorption, decreased Cmax (decreases potential for systemic tox), increases duration in short-acting LAs – lido, mepiv
Local VC delays absorption of LA
* decreases in peripheral nerve or spinal cord blood flow –> nerve, SC ischemia
* IT: regional dural VC, no decrease in SC or CBF
decreases dose required, prolongs duration
1:200,000 epi…?
1gm (1000mg)/200,000mL epi = 0.005mg/mL
Epinephrine a2 Effects
may enhance analgesia: inhibition of presynaptic NT release from C, Adelta fibers in substania gelatinosa in DH of SC
* Also modify certain K channels in axons of peripheral nerves
SE of Epi additives
systemic absorption: flushed area, increased HR, increased SV, increased CO, decreased SVR, (tachy)arrhythmias
Avoid VCs for blockade of areas with erratic blood supply, without good collateral perfusion –> VC-induced tissue ischemia, necrosis (eg ring blocks)
Prepared solutions of epinephrine
lower pH vs plain or freshly prepared solutions –> lower amt of unionized, slower onset of action
Phenylephrine as an additive to LAs
significant decreases in sciatic N, skeletal m blood flow when admin w/ lidocaine
non-selective aR antag, approved for reversal of soft tissue ax, associated functional deficits resulting from local dental ax in humans
Can reverse effects of LAs potentiated with epi
Depolymerization interstitial HA (main cement of interstitum), improves tissue penetration
Increased pH, increased B (increasedd amount of unionized drug), shorter onset/increased spread of block
May increase Cmax (increase toxicity)
Possibly better quality of peribulbar, retrobulbar blocks in humans
Opioid R on sensory neurons
Increase depth, duration of blockade
Ex: Synder 2016: bupivacaine, buprenorphine for infraorbital NB in dogs prolonged blockade duration 48-96hr
* Buprenorphine can block VG Na channels, prolong LA
Increased pH, increased un-ionized fraction of drug –> in theory causes faster diffusion across lipid bilayer and then becomes ionized inside cell, shorter onset
Ion trapping: Increases density, duration
Decreased pain on injection, insertion of EC
NaHCO3 Effect
Most studies fail to show efficacy with intradermal admin, NB
* No effect of onset, extent, duration of skin ax in humans
Greater effect when LA admin into acidic environment
* Ex: intravesicular instillation provided LA of bladder submucosa in human patients with interstitial cystitis
Buffered LAs: greater effect when topically applied to cornea
Amt of NaHCO3 that can be added?
0.1mEq/1mL LA – more than that will cause precipitation
Decreased onset, improve quality of block possibly DT decreased intracellular pH/ion trapping
a2 agonists
Effect isn’t particularly DT a2 effect - no change in presence of alpha 2 reversal agents
Clonidine extensively used in people to prolong duration of IT, epidural, PNBs
MOA a2 agonists in LA
Hyperpolarization of C fibers
* Blockade of so-called hyperpolarization activated cation currents in C fibers
Shorter onset, increase duration, increase quality
Dose/Which a2s used
0.5-2mcg/mL LA
Xylazine, detomidine: epidurals in LA
Dexmed, medetomidine: regional NB in SA
o Decrease in duration, segmental spread, intensity of regional block despite repeated constant dosages
Not related to: structural/pharmacological properties, technique, mode of admin
o Promoted by longer interanalgesic intervals btw injections
Did not occur if inj repeated at intervals short enough to prevent return of pain, or at intervals with pain <10’
PK Mechanisms of Tachyphylaxis
local edema
Increased epidural protein concentration
Changes in LA distribution in epidural space
Decrease in perineural pH (limits diffusion of LA from epidural space to binding sites in Na channels)
Increased epidural blood flow
Increase in local metabolism (favors clearance of LA from epidural space)
PD Mechanisms of Tachyphylaxis
antagonistic effects of nucleotides, increased [Na], increased afferent input from nociceptors, receptor downregulation of Na channels
Tachyphylaxis: spinal site of action, related to hyperalgesia
Drugs that prevent hyperalgesia at spinal sites (NMDA R antag, NO-synthase inhibitors) prevent development of tachyphylaxis
Increased lipid solubility, increased potency –> increased potential for toxicity (bup»_space; lido, mep)
o Most common cause: inadvertent IV (IA) inj during PNB
Incidence unknown in vet med
Humans: 1 in 10,000 with PNBs highest incidence 7.5 in 10,000
Do the S or R enantiomers have decreased potential for toxicity?
S enantiomers
Toxic Dose Varies by:
Route of administration
Speed of administration
Acid-base balance
Concurrent drugs/anesthesia
CNS Effects of LAs
Low doses: effective anticonvulsants, sedative effects
Humans: tongue numbness, light-headedness, dizziness, drowsiness, acute anxiety
Horses: changes in visual function, rapid eye blinking, mild sedation, ataxia
Inhibition of inhibitory IN
CNS Effects: Inhibition of Inhibitory IN
- Inhibit inhibitory cortical neurons in temporal lobe or amygdala –> faciliatory IN function in unopposed fashion –> increased excitatory activity –> m twitching –> grand mal sz
- As plasma concentrations , LAs can inhibit both inhibitory, facilitatory pathways –> CNS depression, unconsciousness, coma
What might be the first sign of toxicity with highly lipophilic, protein-bound LAs (bupivacaine)?
CNS depression (cyanosis, bradycardia, unconsciousness)
Humans and CNS Effects
significant difference btw rate of sz development
* Caudal > brachial plexus > epidural
CV:CNS Ratio
Conscious sheep: dose, plasma concentrations assoc with CV collapse (disappearance of pulsatile BP) calculated as CV:CNS ratio
* Supports notion that CNS tox precedes CV tox
Effects of hypercapnia on CNS Effects of LAs
DECREASES seizure threshold
* Hypercapnia: increases CBF –> increases drug delivery to brain +/- decreases in plasma protein binding of LAs (increase in free drug)
Effects of hypoxemia on CNS Effects of LAs?
Decreased sz threshold, increased CNS/CV Tox
Seizure Doses LA - Dogs
Lido 21-22mg/kg
Bup 4-5
Rop 5
Seizure Doses LA - Cats
Lido 12
Bup 5
Seizure Doses LA - SHeep
Lido 6.8
Bup 1.6
Ropiv 3.5
CV Effects
Toxic effects complex, non-linear
Cardiac Na channel blockade: decreased max rate of phase 0 depolarization
* Pronounced, evolving inhibition of cardiac conduction
Prolongation of PR, QRS intervals and refractory period
CV Effects of Subconvulsant Doses
myocardial depression, increase HR slightly, widen QRS complexes, no effect on BP, CO
* Long-acting LAs, R-enantiomers more arrhythmogenic than short-acting, pure S-enantiomers
CV Effects of Convulsant Doses
profound sympathetic response, reverses induced myocardial depression –> increase HR, BP, CO –> arrhythmias, vtach/vfib
* Short acting LAs less arrhythmogenic than long acting
* Slower unbinding rates even though binding rates similar
* R > S (R-enantiomers = more arrhythmogenic)
CV Effects of LA at Supraconvulsant Doses
bradycardia, hypotension, decreased contractility, asystole
CNS toxic effects possibly involved: onset of resp failure accompanied by hypoxia, bradycardia, hypercapnia, acidosis
How does potassium concentration affect toxicity?
INCREASES toxicity
* Potassium gradient most important in establishing membrane potential in cardiac myocytes
* Cardiotoxic doses of lido, bupivacaine halved when K >5.4mEq/L in dogs
Concentration dependent
Proposed MOA: injury to Schwann cells, inhibition of fast axonal transport, disruption of blood-nerve barrier, decreased neural blood flow with assoc ischemia, disruption of cell membrane integrity DT detergent property of LAs
Spinal cord, nerve roots more prone to injury
Most LAs increase spinal BF
Order of LA Neurotoxicity
Procaine </= mepivacaine < lidocaine < Chloroprocaine < ropivacaine < bupivacaine
Concentration-dependent, generally regenerative, clinically imperceptible
Bupivacaine most myotoxic
* Dysregulation of intracellular [Ca] +/- changes in mitochondrial bioenergetics
Pigs: bupivacaine, ropi = irreversible skeletal m damage
* Calcific myonecrosis 4wks after PNB
Time, concentration-dependent
* Greater risk for chrondolysis with longer exposure to higher [LA]
* Mepivacaine = best
Intact articular surface not protective
Chrondotoxic LAs?
Mepivacaine < ropivacaine < bupivacaine = lidocaine (chondrocyte necrosis)
Oxidative damage to hemoglobin molecule: iron (Fe2+) oxidized to ferric form, Fe3+
Cannot bind oxygen, decreases carrying capacity
Oxidative denaturation –> Heinz body formation –> irreversible, decreases lifespan of RBCs
* Only sign if chronic
* Chocolate-brown blood, not responsive to O2 therapy
Which LAs cause methemoglobinemia?
Benzocaine, prilocaine
* Benzocaine: nasopharyngeal MM, IN, dermal admin
* Prilocaine: MHb in mother, fetus following epidural
MetHgb: 0-2%
MetHgb 10-20%
Well tolerated
MetHgb >30%
Clinical Signs of Hypoxia
MetHgb >55%
lethargy, stupor, shock
MetHgb >70%
Tx MetHgb
1% methylene blue, dextrose
* Dogs: 4mg/kg
* Cats: 1-2mg/kg, avoid repeated doses DT markedly aggravated subsequent hemolysis
* Requires NADPH to be effective, dextrose = major source of NADH
Allergic Reactions
Amino-esters metabolized to PABA –> allergic reactions
Can also have preservatives in amide preparations = PABA
* Methylparaben
* Sodium metabisulfite
Anaphylaxis: bronchospasm, upper airway edema, vasodilation, increased capillary permeability, cutaneous wheal/flare
Oral Ingestion
Lidocaine, tetracaine, benzocaine – ingestion of topical preparations, laryngeal spray prior to intubation
Prolonged sedation, VD/hypotension, arrhythmias, resp depression, sz, death
concerns for neurotoxicity
Sodium metabisulfite
Disodium EDTA
Benzathonium chloride
o Discontinue local use
o Intubation, oxygen therapy, benzodiazepine for CNS toxicity
o CPR, epi, defibrillation if warranted for CPA
o Amiodarone for ventricular arrhythmias – class III, K+ channel blocker
o 20% lipid emulsion
o Insulin, dextrose
Epinephrine in LAST
Low dose epi <1mcg/kg
High dose epi + lipid therapy = higher incidence ventricular arrhythmias, hyperlactatemia, hypoxia, acidosis, pulmonary edema
Which anti arrhythmic should be used in LAST?
Amiodarone for ventricular arrhythmias – class III, K+ channel blocker
Is propofol an acceptable substitute for lipid emulsion therapy?
No, bc only 10% lipid
Why give insulin, dextrose with LAST?
Decrease outward potassium current
What do we avoid in LAST?
lidocaine/procainamide, vasopressin, Ca channel blockers (IV, diltiazem), beta blockers
Why do we avoid vasopressin with LAST?
increases risk of pulmonary hemorrhage, worse outcome in rats when admin alone or with epi
Why do we avoid Ca channel blockers with LAST?
exaggerated cardiodepressant effects