local anesthesia complications Flashcards
other complications
1) intravascular injection
2) tissue blanching
3) postoperative discomfort
4) auricular disturbances
5) ocular disturbances
6) excessive spread of analgesia
1) persistent numbness
- analgesia, dysesthesia, pruritis, hypoesthesia, hyperesthesia
2) causes
- electric shock
- alcohol or sterilizing solution may be toxic to nerve
initial response of paresthesia
1) always speak directly doctor to patient
2) sympathy, reassurance, document conversation
3) follow up exam
- determine degree (diagram geography and extent)
- inform patient: solution is waiting it out
- many instances self resolve in a few days, weeks, months
- permanent loss is rate
4) reexamine at 1 month intervals
special pencil
1) marking where the paresthesia is
when injury does occur
1) you can pass the lingual nerve and possibly amage it?
2) 94% recover in 2-12 weeks
- 5% in 9 months
- up to 10% of remaining injuries will never recover
1) definition
- effusion of blood into extravascular spaces
2) presentation
- may be apparent during or after treatment as swelling/bruising
3) may be confused with edema, may cause trismus, develop infection, may cause paresthesia
hematoma treatment
1) pressure, ice for first several hours
2) follow on treatments
- heat to carry away / absorb trapped blood and byproducts
- APAP first 24 hours
- NSAIDS post 24 hours
1) jaw muscles are sore
2) limited range of motion
3) caused by injection into muscle and hematoma involving muscles of mastication, low grade infection, multiple injections
trismus treatment
1) on initial exams, record ROM for later comparison
2) open until it hurts, then go a little further
3) heat, warm saline rinses, analgesics, self-physiotherapy
4 )if no relief in 48 hours, prescribe antibiotics
facial nerve paralysis
1) paresis of muscles of facial expression
2) muscle droop, inability to close eyelid, other
3) causes
- anesthetizing the motor component of a facial nerve
- usually associated with infraorbital nerve block, MX cuspid infiltrations, PSA, all mandibular block techniques
facial nerve paralysis management
1) tape the eye, and use gauze
2) reassure patient that it is temporary
1) swelling and looks like hematomas
2) can occur with or without pain
edema management
1) when produced by trauma, it self resolves
2) if edema threatens to compromise airway, treat as an emergency
- call 911
- antihistamines, epi pen
3) if edema is infection, treat with antibiotic
- fluctuant is drainable
- cellulitis is not drainable
1) post injection pain and swelling, sometimes leading to trismus
2) contaminated needle from oral mucosa contact
3) needle passing through existing infected tissue
4) osteomyelitis from intraosseous injections
needle breakage
1) can cause trismus for life
2) use larger gauge
- 25 and 27 gauge
3) never insert to the hub
4) do not bend, force needle
5) be aware of sudden patient movement