LO4 Flashcards
what is best practice?
-Being the best we can within the job role.
-Doing the job properly at the best of their ability
-Involve feedback and training
Being non-judgmental:
why we shouldn’t be so judgmental.
-You don’t know what anyone else is going through
-improves self-stem
-mental health issues
being non judgemental
-using effective communication skills eg eye contact, active listening
-assumptions are not made about people
-using empathy to see things from their point of view - put yourself in their shoes
-being open-minded and accepting (not agreeing or disagreeing)
-being respectful of their feelings, experiences and values - do not force opinions
respecting views choices and decisions of individuals who require care and support
-care meets the persons needs - respect their wishes, ask their preferences, likes and dislikes
-providing person-centred care - put them first
-individuals feeling supported and valued - listened to
-raising self-esteem
anti discriminatory practice
-treating service users, staff and relatives fairly - no favourites / no presents policy
-ensuring no one is excluded from activities (making them accessible) - reasonable adjustments equality act 2010
-being positive role models - mirror and copy behaviours
-applying the values of care appropriately
-providing information regarding complaints procedures
valuing diversity
-culture and religious needs, offering choices (menu options halal kosher etc)
-having a prayer room accessible
-celebrating a range of different festivals in health, social and childcare settings
-children having access to a range of different toys, displays and resources in nursery playgroups and primary schools reflecting on different cultures and beliefs
using effective communication
-making sure individuals have the information they need to make informed choices
-assisting individuals to understand procedures including treatments and care plans
-age appropriate vocabulary and not jargon or specialised medical terminology- MOA RTA CA
-using special methods of communication if needed eg hearing loops, sign language, braille, gestures
-active listening - demonstrating interest and responsive to what an individual is saying
following agreed ways of working
-following an organisations policies and procedures - so care provided is correct, safe and appropriate
what is active listening?
Fully concentrating on what someone is saying, rather than passively ‘hearing’. It can involve non-verbal cues such as eye contact and nodding or briefly saying ‘I see’ or ‘sure’ to build trust and confidence.
providing training and professional development opportunities for staff:
•Ensures staff are up to date with the latest legislation, knowledge, methods and skills that they need for their role.
•Makes sure that staff are aware of correct procedures to follow – health and safety, safeguarding, confidentiality.
•The Care Certificate –ensures new care workers know how to provide quality care and have an understanding of equality, rights and diversity.
• An experienced person like a supervisor or manager sharing their knowledge and skills with another person to help them to develop their skills and improve their practice.
•The experienced person provides advice, feedback, support and encouragement.
•Involves checking the progress or quality of care practice over time. •Monitoring can involve; observations, asking opinions – service users, staff and families. Analysis of surveys, questionnaires or feedback forms, analysing the type and number of complaints etc
performance management
•An ongoing process between a care worker and their manager or supervisor. It can involve one-to-one meetings, observations over time to provide feedback on performance and identify targets for improvement.
staff meetings
•Opportunity to share best practice and discuss what went well.
•Concerns can be shared, issues raised and problems solved. •Reminders of policies and procedures can be given and also updates and general information.
choosing appropriate action- in response to an issue regarding equality, diversity or rights
-action should be appropriate to the situation
-try the least formal route first (keep issue within organisation) before more drastic action taken (reporting to an external agency)
-if unsure, consult the organisation’s policies for information - guidelines / consistent / anti-bullying equal opportunities / safeguarding
-confidentiality should be maintained at all times
who could be discriminating?
-the person discriminating
could be a service user eg a child in a nursery, a member of staff, a visitor, a family member, ANYONE!
-when it involves a member of staff, raising concerns is often referred to as “whistleblowing” —> reporting a colleague for a wrong doing.
-protected from bullying, harassment, victimisation. This policy is there to encourage people to report.
methods for discrimination
- challenging at the time / when you see it
- challenging afterwards through procedures
- challenge afterwards through long-term campaigns
- challenging at the time / when you see it
-explain to the person how they are discriminating / what they are doing wrong.
-raising awareness of what they are doing
-so they can reflect on their actions
-so they can how it is wrong / encourage to apologise?
-make a note / record of what is happening
- challenging afterwards through procedure
-follow complaints procedure / refer to relevant policies eg equality, confidentiality or bullying policy
-line manager / more senior member of staff should be informed so they can take appropriate action —> written record, can be used as evidence.
-could lead to disciplinary action —> 1.verbal warning. 2. written warning. 3. dismissal / removed from setting
-this will show other individuals that certain behaviour is unacceptable.
- challenge afterwards through long-term campaigns
-training / awareness sessions could be provided eg on equality, diversity or about bullying, to show correct ways of behaving —> assemblies, black history month, anti-bullying week, staff training
-on going process
-there may be occasions when it is necessary to involve an outside agency such as CQC or OFSTED —> police, NSPCC