LO3 Flashcards
What is a role
a position that we hold
What is a responsibility
a specific task that needs to be performed as part of a role
What are the roles of the NHS
provide secure and healthy environment to work and visit
Provide staff with sufficient instruction ,info, supervision to work in safe manner
What are the roles of the local authority
Develop communication and consolation with employees and their representatives on h+s matters
Preventing work related accidents+ illness
What are the roles of a manager/care home owner
develop, review, update homes policies and procedures
maintain good systems for recording, reporting injuries and accidents
What are the roles of the head teacher/ board of governors
manage school staff site and activities to safeguard everyone’s h+s+s
What are the roles of the third sector
safeguard + promote h+s+s and welfare of employees and those who work for charity
worm closely with local authority etc, to promote safeguard welfare of individuals
What are the roles of employees
Maintaining their own and others h+s+s Following employers guidance and instruction Attending health and safety Training Use PPE provided Report Hazards observed in work settings
What are the roles of individuals who require care and support
Follow Health and safety guidance and instructions ( what do emergency)
Comply with H+S procedures
observe h+s signs
What are the responsibilities of employers
maintaining and reviewing h+s policies and procedures
following organisational p+p
delivering+developing training + support on h+s I line with organisation
Conducting risk assessments for activities etc
What are the responsibilities of employees
Read through h+s p+p (sign+ date understand)
Participate in induction and training
use equipment in accordance with training
report serious and imminent danger
Roles of individuals who require care + support
adhere to settings procedures
Cooperating with staff who carry out risk assessmentz
What are the consequences of not meeting responsibilities
Direct(financial) costs Indirect (staff/repu) costs Disciplinary action criminal prosecution Removed from profesional Registers Being injured or harmed causing injury or harm