LO1. Understand Where Information Is Held Globally And How It Is Transmitted Flashcards
1.1 Individual Citizens?
Holds: Personal info (address, DoB) and Information on others (phone number, email)
1.1 Businesses?
Holds: Employee info (pay, absence, personal info) and Competitor info (products, sales)
1.1 Educational Institution?
Holds: Personal info of staff and students (assessment grades, attendance)
1.1 Government?
Holds: Earnings and tax records, Electoral roll, Info on citizens, Info through investigations (tax affairs)
1.1 Healthcare Services?
Holds: Personal information, medical history, Doctor/GP, surgery contact details
1.1 Community Organisations?
Holds: Personal information, Financial information (gym subscriptions)
1.1 Charities?
Holds: Personal information, Financial records
1.1 Location of Information [Global Divide] - Developing and Developed Countries?
Developing countries - tend to have a lessser industrial base -> so lesser access to computers and the internet -> so info dispersal and gathering is harder (than developed countries).
1.1 Location of Information - Urban and Rural
Urban is located in the city, and rural areas are located in the countryside. Rural areas - tend to have poorer Internet access (e.g, slower broadband speeds) -> making access online harder.
1.1 Digital Divide examples
I. Disability/Illness
I. Elderly people
I. People living in remote ares
I. Affordability
I. Lack of knowledge and skills
I. Cultural factors e.g. Religious beliefs
1.1 Blackspots
Occur in buildings due to obstruction and interference. Also in tunnels etc
1.2 Information Storage Media - Paper (e.g and advantages)
E.g. Maps, forms, notes and tickets
+ No need for electricity or internet (so can be used by people without access to them).
+ Recognised and required by law; seen as being official and can be produced as evidence in court.
1.2 Information Storage Media - Paper (disadvantages)
- ## Deteriorated over time (due to poor maintenance)-