LO1 - Apply A Family Assessment Tool Flashcards
Definition - family health
Is a dynamic, changing state of well being, which includes the biological, psychological, spiritual, sociological, and cultural factors of individual members and the whole family system
Family as context
The individual patient within the context of his/her family
On the family within the individual context
Family as patient
Focuses on the entire family - family processes and relationship
Aims to support the communication and family function amongst family members
Family as a system
Family as a whole
Interactions between family members are the target for nursing interactions
Family as component of society
Family viewed as one of many institutions
Part of the larger system of society
Focuses on the interface between families and community agencies
Interviewing the family - skills
Interviewing the family - stages
Records info about family members for at least 3 generations
Helps to see and think systemically about families
Genograms address..
The impact of the family event on
-family structure
-family function
-family processes
Family assessment and intervention model
Families are subject to tension when stressed
Reaction to stressor affects family stability
Family assessment and intervention model addresses…
Health promotion, wellness activities, problem identification, and family factors at lines of defence
Family reaction and instability at lines of defence and resistance
Restoration of family stability and family functioning at levels of prevention and intervention
Family system stressor strength inventory 3 sections
Family system stressors - general
Family stressors - specific
Family system strengths
Friedman family assessment model
Macroscopic approach
Families are subsystems of a wider society
Focuses on family structure, functions, and relationships with other social systems
Friedman family assessment model - 6 broad categories
Identification data
Developmental stage and history
Environmental data
Family structure (role patterns, family values, communications, power structure)
Family function (affective functions, socialization functions, health care functions)
Family stress and coping
Calgary family assessment model
Relational strength-focused relational model
Guides nurses in comprehensive family assessment
Calgary family assessment model focuses on..