LO1 Flashcards
what is personalisation
recognising that a person has individual strengths, aspirations, preferences, wishes and aspirations. they are at the centre of the process.
what is a support plan
a document whete day to day requirements and preferences for care and support. to enable an individual to live with dignity and respect in the community
what are the 5 key features of personalisation?
Choice & Control
Self-assessment of Needs
Personal Budgets
Changing role of the Professional
What is Choice and Control?
it enables an individual to make their own decisions regarding their care
What is Self-assessment of needs?
It provides an opportunity to decide the individual’s priorities and needs
What is a personal budget?
an agreed amount of money used to carry out an individual’s support plan
What are the benefits of personalisation?
Remain in own home when receiving care
Inclusion in the community
Information &guidance improved
Gain & maintain control
Self-esteem, quality of life & socialisation improved
What are the challenges of personalisation?
Care is limited to a prescribed budget
Availability and access to some services can be restricted or limited
Worry about spending
what is “no decision about me without me”
patients can choose their health service
empowers individuals
collaborative working
puts patients first in decision making
what are CCGs
what do they do
clinical commissioning groups
made up of GPs & other health professionals who work directly with patients
groups meet regularly & have to consult public
what is “Feedback should be welcomed”
helps them assess their service’s quality
what is Healthwatch England
a service by the act to represent the views of HSC
What do the CQC do
care quality commission
monitor, inspect and regulate health & social care services
what is the care act 2014
- putting people and their carers in control of their care and support
- people in need of support are encouraged to think about what incomes they want.
- if a carer is eligible for support, they have a right to assessment
- local authorities will encourage and help people to lead a healthy life -> therefore requiring less support/care in the future (preventing/delaying the need for care services)
- local authorities must provide clear guidance to help individuals make informed choices and stay in control of their life.
what is the children and families act 2014
aims to ensure that all children, young people and their families are able to access their right to support and provision to meet their needs.
what does the children’s commissioner do
promotes and protects the rights of children and advocates for their views and interests
how does the children and families act linking do personalisation
choice and control of all decisions.
single, co-ordinated assessment.
single educational, healthcare plan.
empowering young people
what are the roles of the local authority?
the care act.
decentralising & commissioning.
(local authority’s role)
meeting housing needs
choice of residence
(local authority’s role)
individual budgets
EHCP (educational health care plan)
FACS (fair access to care services)
Decentralising & commissioning
(local authority’s role)
outsourcing services
greater choice of services
The care act 2014
(local authority’s role)
removing geographical barriers