Lo comida Flashcards
reverse it!
the soft drink
el refresco
la verdura
the vegetable
reverse it!
the drink
la bebida
reverse it!
the bread
el pan
reverse it!
the milk
la leche
reverse it!
the bill/check
la cuenta
reverse it!
the sald
la ensalada
el arroz
the rice
la fruta
the fruit
reverse it!
the potato
la papa
reverse it!
the appetizer
el aperitivo
reverse it!
the soup
la sopa
la papa
the potato
el pan
the bread
la cena
the dinner
el plato principal
the main course
reverse it!
the cheese
el queso
reverse it!
the cookie
la galleta
reverse it!
the rice
el arroz
la galleta
the cookie
reverse it!
the water
el agua
reverse it!
the meat
la carne
el jugo
the juice
reverse it!
the juice
el jugo
reverse it!
the ice cream
el helado
el refresco
the soft drink
reverse it!
the egg
el huevo
el queso
the cheese
la comida
the food, the meal
la carne
the meat
el pollo
the chicken
reverse it!
the main course
el plato principal
los frijoles
the beans
el/la mesero(a)
the server/waiter/waitress
I would like
reverse it!
the beans
los frijoles
reverse it!
the breakfast
el desayuno
reverse it!
the vegetable
la verdura
el postre
the dessert
la cuenta
the bill/check
reverse it!
the cake
el pastel
reverse it!
the server/waiter/waitress
el/la mesero(a)
la bebida
the drink
el agua
the water
la sopa
the soup
el pescado
the fish
el helado
the ice cream
el pastel
the cake
reverse it!
the cook
el/la cocinero(a)
reverse it!
the dessert
el postre
reverse it!
the dinner
la cena
reverse it!
the food, the meal
la comida
reverse it!
I would like
reverse it!
the fruit
la fruta
el huevo
the egg
reverse it!
the fish
el pescado
el desayuno
the breakfast
la leche
the milk
la ensalada
the sald
el aperitivo
the appetizer
el/la cocinero(a)
the cook
reverse it!
the chicken
el pollo