el cuerpo y la ropa Flashcards
la boca
the mouth
el brazo
the arm
la cabeza
the head
el cuerpo
the body
la mano
the hand
la nariz
the nose
el pelo
the hair
el ojo
the eye
la oreja
the ear
el pie
the foot
la pierna
the leg
el abrigo
the coat
la camisa
the shirt
la camiseta
the t-shirt
la chaqueta
the jacket
los jeans
the jeans
la pijama
the pajamas
el pantalón
the pants
el vestido
the dress
la falda
the skirt
el zapato
the shoe
los pantalones cortos
the shorts
el suéter
the sweater
el traje de baño
the swimsuit
el traje
the suit
la ropa interior
the undergarments
la sudadera
the sweatshirt
la ropa
the clothes
*el corazón
*the heart
•la bota
*the boot
*el paraguas
*the umbrella
*el permeable
*the raincoat
*el sombrero
*the hat
*el cabello
*the hair
*los guantes
*the gloves
reverse it!
the mouth
la boca
reverse it!
the arm
el brazo
reverse it!
the head
la cabeza
reverse it!
the body
el cuerpo
reverse it!
the hand
la mano
reverse it!
the nose
la nariz
reverse it!
the hair
el pelo
reverse it!
the eye
el ojo
reverse it!
the ear
la oreja
reverse it!
the foot
el pie
reverse it!
the leg
la pierna
reverse it!
the coat
el abrigo
reverse it!
the shirt
la camisa
reverse it!
the t-shirt
la camiseta
reverse it!
the jacket
la chaqueta
reverse it!
the jeans
los jeans
reverse it!
the pajamas
la pijama
reverse it!
the pants
el pantalón
reverse it!
the dress
el vestido
reverse it!
the skirt
la falda
reverse it!
the shoe
el zapato
reverse it!
the shorts
los pantalones cortos
reverse it!
the sweater
el suéter
reverse it!
the swimsuit
el traje de baño
reverse it!
the suit
el traje
reverse it!
the undergarments
la ropa interior
reverse it!
the sweatshirt
la sudadera
reverse it!
the clothes
la ropa
reverse it!
*the heart
*el corazón
reverse it!
*the boot
•la bota
reverse it!
*the umbrella
*el paraguas
reverse it!
*the raincoat
*el permeable
reverse it!
*the hat
*el sombrero
reverse it!
*the hair
*el cabello
reverse it!
*the gloves
*los guantes