LMFT Test DSM5 Flashcards
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
Only for under 18 years old
Major Depressive Disorder
Minimum of 2 weeks
(Bereavement does count, now)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Excessive, uncontrollable worry
Including but not limited to:
Restlessness, fatigue, irritability, difficulty concentrating, muscle tension, sleep problems
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Kids: 1 month or more
Adults: 3 mos or more
Must have exposure to life threat
More than 1 month
Minimum of at least 1 symptom:
Intrusive symptoms, avoidance symptoms, negative mood cognition,
Children 6 or younger
At least one symptom
Acute Stress Disorder
(PTSD symptoms, but LESS THAN 1 MONTH)
Illness Anxiety Disorder
High anxiety about getting sick BUT don’t actually have somatic symptoms
Conversion Disorder
Altered motor or sensory impact (i.e. paralysis) with no medical explanation
Fictitious Disorder
Falsifying symptoms intentionally,
Involves deception
Attention (they need it!) Driven
Gender Dysphoria
(Teen adults)
Incongruence between assigned and experienced gender
Must be at least 6 mos
Oppositional defiant
Need at least 6 mos w/at least 3:
Irritability, defiance, vindictiveness
AND must be creating clinically significant negativity
Intermittent Explosive Disorder
2x week for 3 mos. W/ minor damage,
Major injuries/property damage 3x year
Gambling Disorder
Requires 12 mos
First BEHAVIORAL addiction added to DSM
Brief Psychotic Disorder
Symptoms up to 1 month
Scizophreniform Disorder
More than 1 month
Less than 6 mos
More than 6 mos
Schizo affective disorder
Schizo= psychotic symptoms
Affective= mood symptoms (depressed or bipolar)
Psychotic + mood symptoms