LMFT CA Flashcards
Satir Communications Therapy
Therapist: active facilitator
Resource detective
Genuine and warm
Honest and direct
Satir Communications Therapy
Treatment goal:
To increase congruent communications
Improve self esteem and self confidence
Personal geowth
Satir Communications Theory
Incongruity communications:
Discrepancies between verbal/non verbal cues
Satir Communications Theory
Apologizing, never disagreeing, trying to please
Satir Communications Theory
Attacking others
Fault finder
Satir Communications Theory
Super reasonable, intellectual, distant, always correct
Satir Communications Theory
Seeking approval by acting out, irrelevant
Satir Communications Theory
Congruent in beliefs about self and others
Satir Communications Theory
Modeling communications:
Therapist uses “I” messages
Expresses thoughts and feelings
Avoids stating what others are thinking
Satir Communications Theory
Family life chronology:
Gather fam history as far back as possible, ideology, value, rules, disruptions, moves, events
Satir Communications Theory
Family life chronology:
What family has been through and how it impacts the family
How past unresolved events are carried out presently
Satir Communications Theory
Family sculpting:
Put people into spatial metaphor- a physical representation of family member characterizations
Satir Communications Theory
Take Responsibility:
Encourage to Responsibility for how they felt,what they experienced, what meaning they made, the feelings they had ABOUT their feelings
Satir Communications Theory
Metaphors and storytelling used to help clients understand their roles
Satir Communications Theory
Transforming rules: assisting clients to create more functional, less rigid guidelines
Satir Communications Theory
Phases of treatment
Beginning: est rapport, a sense of equality/hope
Satir Communications Theory
Phases of treatment
Beginning: Assess communications patterns, stances, concerns,
Identify treatment focus and goals
Satir Communications Theory
Phases of treatment
Middle: increase familial congruent communication
Satir Communications Theory
Phases of treatment
Support and strengthen each individual’s sense of uniqueness and self esteem
Satir Communications Theory
Phases of treatment
Help family practice/implement/and integrate changes and awareness of larger familial patterns
Structural Family Therapy
Therapist role:
Active and involved
Help family understand how fam structure/relationships/hierarchies can be changed
Structural Family Therapy
Therapist role: Help family understand the impact of rituals and rules, how to integrate new family patterns of interaction
Structural Family Therapy
Treatment Goals
Restructure family system to allow for symptom relief/constructive problem solving
Structural Family Therapy
Treatment Goals
Change dysfunctional transactional patterns and create new ways of relating
Structural Family Therapy
Treatment Goals
Help create flexible boundaries
Structural Family Therapy
Primary Concepts
Alliances: subgroups based on gender,generation,developmental tasks
Structural Family Therapy
Primary Concepts
Coalitions: alignments where 2 or more fam members join to form alliance against other family members
Structural Family Therapy
Primary Concepts
Power Hierarchy: Leadership/Direction supplied by adults. If parents insecure or bullied,power dynamic upside down, leading to chaos
Structural Family Therapy
Primary Concepts
Subsystems: families self organize by generation, relationship, necessity
Structural Family Therapy
Primary Concepts
Family Map: Therapeutic tool used only by therapist to depict: subsystems, alliances, coalitions and boundaries.
Used to conceptualize, but never used with clients in therapy
Structural Family Therapy
Primary Concepts
Disengaged boundaries: Family members isolated from each other. Can lead to AOD (?) use and is a result of rigid boundaries
Structural Family Therapy
Primary Concepts
Enmeshed boundaries: Fam members overly dependent, involved, reactive to other family members. Can lead to incest
Structural Family Therapy
1st step, therapist blends in with family using their style, affect, language (code switching)
Structural Family Therapy
Tracking: therapist observes how family reacts, relates, to each other, boundaries, coalitions, roles, rules, etc. during spontaneous behavioral sequence
Structural Family Therapy
Mimesis: Therapist tracks family style of communication and mimics it
Structural Family Therapy
Unbalancing: therapist supports underdog, changing the hierarchical dynamic/position
Structural Family Therapy
Reframe: Changing problematic perspective from family’s original perception
Structural Family Therapy
Enactment: Therapist initiated actualization of family transactional patterns so therapist can observe how family: regulates, and origin of behavior problem within sequence of fam actions
Structural Family Therapy
Boundary Making: special case of enactment, mandated/imposed by therapist, open to some fam members, closed to other
Structural Family Therapy
Phases of Therapy:
Join w fam, to both accomodate/challenge rules of family system, assessment/mapping of Hierarchy, alignments, boundaries, reframing prob w/in whole system
Structural Family Therapy
Highlight/change interactions,utilize enactments of issues to challenge participants and unbalance system
Structural Family Therapy
Review progress, reinforce structural change, provide tools for future issues
Strategic Theory
Theory of Change
Theory of Change:
Change occurs through action oriented directives and paradoxical interventions
Strategic Theory
Role of Therapist
Role of Therapist:
Delivers directives that facilitate change, specifically around communications patterns
Strategic Theory
Role of Therapist
Role of Therapist:
Focuses on solving problems, eliminating symptoms
Strategic Theory
Role of Therapist
Role of Therapist:
Designs a specific approach for each person’s presenting problems
Strategic Theory
Treatment goals
Treatment Goals:
Solve the presenting problems
Strategic Theory
Treatment Goals
Treatment Goals:
Change dysfunctional patterns of interactions
Strategic Theory
Paradoxical Directives: Contradictory maneuvers which seem to go against treatment goals, but are designed to actually achieve them. Undermines resistance and confrontation with therapeutic instructions by leaving client in charge
Strategic Theory
Therapist takes more extreme, exaggerated view of problem, forcing clients to rebel and reframe to a competency point of view
Strategic Theory
Outside therapy assignments essential to positive therapeutic outcome. Purpose is for family to change identified maladaptive behavior
Strategic Theory
Prescribing the Symptom:
Prescribing the Symptom:
Client encouraged to engage/practice the “Symptom”
Strategic Theory
Substitution behavior when client encounters negative behavior, i.e., Can’t sleep? Then clean basement…
Strategic Theory
Phases of treatment
Define prob, determine level of client’s comprehension of prob, assess familial patterns re: relating/communicating continued problem, state goals/behaviors needed to change problem
Strategic Theory
Phases of treatment
Review attempted solutions, assign ordeals, prescribe problem,re-label behavior, instruct client new way to respond to problem
Strategic Theory
Phases of treatment
Plan how to maintain positive new behavior, for future challenges, emphasize positive changes achieved
General Systems Theory
Theory of Change:
Theory of change:
Change occurs by systemically viewing problem in context of family, NOT individual
General Systems Theory
Theory of Change:
Theory of Change:
Family system becomes focal point of therapeutic interventions
General Systems Theory
Role of Therapist
Role of Therapist:
Therapists helps family to explore:
Belief systems/family view
Rule/roles present in family
Family Hierarchy
Defense mechanisms/purposes of them
General Systems Theory
Main Concepts
Main Concepts:
Homeostasis: Systems resist change, maintained through negative feedback loops
General Systems Theory
Main Concepts
Main Concepts:
Feedback loops: can be positive (amplifying/moving toward change) or negative (attenuating/corrects against change)
General Systems Theory
Calibration: Normal family operating system
General Systems Theory
Main Concepts
Wholeness: whole systemic synergy, result of all individuals interacting on the system as a whole
General Systems Theory
Main Concepts
Equfinality: Same results can be achieved with different systems/actions
I.e., one kid experiences divorce, another experiences parental death: Same outcome= depression
General Systems Theory
Main Concepts
Two people experience identical experience but have very separate outcomes later in life
General Systems Theory
Main Concepts
First Order Change
First Order Change:
Short lived, superficial Change occurring at the family level with no lasting/ permanent effects
General Systems Theory
Main Concepts
Second order Change
Second Order Change:
Changes occurring at a deeper level, fundamentally altering systems rules, reorganizing into permanent healthier functioning
General Systems Theory
Main Concepts
Family system treated as a whole, not just each individual family member
General Systems Theory
Main Concepts
Boundaries (open system):
Boundaries (open system): System which allows for continuous flow of information from outside the system
General Systems Theory
Main Concepts
Boundaries (closed system):
Boundaries (closed system):
System which maintains impenetrable Boundaries, which cannot be crossed or breached
General Systems Theory
Treatment Goals
Treatment Goals:
System moving towards equilibrium
Assist family to reduce dysfunctional behavior/patterns, how to recognize implement healthy positive behavior/patterns
General Systems Theory
Treatment Goals
Treatment Goals:
Help family challenge/rework beliefs/patterns