LL Flashcards
Understand Rehabilitation Care Pathway
PCRF - not improving MIAC
DMRC- not improving possible discharged
Common Injuries in Lower Limbs
Hip & Groin • Femoral Acetabular impingement • Labral Tear Thigh Conditions: • Adductor Strain • Hamstring Strain • Bursitis • Osteitis Pubis • Rectus Femoris Strain
Knee Conditions Traumatic Knee Conditions: • MCL • LCL • PCL • ACL • Meniscal Injuries • Patella dislocation Overuse Knee Conditions: • Patello-femoral pain syndrome • Patella Tendinopathy • ITB friction syndrome (Runners Knee)
Lower Leg Conditions: • Tibial Stress Fracture • Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome • Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome • Gastrocnemius Strain Ankle Conditions: • Lateral ligament sprain • Achilles Tendinopathy • Syndesmosis
Define the Kinetic Chain
kinematic Chain is series of rigid overlapping segments or arms linked via moveable joints
Relationship between OKC & CKC
OKC - In an OKC system, the distal segment is therefore free to move in space.
CKC - In a CKC system, a force applied to one of the segments produces motion at all other segments (kinetic chain) in a predictable fashion.
Lower Limb OKC exercises
Leg extension
Leg curl
Lower Limb CKC exercises
compensatory movements
May develop when abnormal motion occurs in one link within the chain. Adaptations will occur in the kinetic chain.
2 types of rec training
Pushing isometric
Minimal change to CK on failure
Agains an immovible object
Concentric muscle actio
When fatigued system will remain
Holding isometric
Resiting a movement, resting ecentric muscle action. Applying an oposite and equal force
Acute varibles of strength training
Resitance Resitance arm ROM Rest Muscle action Muscle initation
Precautions to resistance training
Crutch NWB
3 points of contact
Both crutches and injured leg forward
Crutch PWB
4 point contact
Both crutch and injured leg forward partial wieght bared
Crutch FWB
2 point crutch
Opiste crutch and leg move together
Crutch stairs
Up- crutch last
Down- crutch first
Gait dysfunctions
Trendelenburg Gait (Contra-lateral Hip Drop)
Quadriceps Gait (Knee remains extended at heel strike)
Restricted Knee Motion Gait (Knee remains flexed
Walking drills
4 phase return to run
Phase one - conditioning evaluation
Phase 2 - plyo phase
Phase 3- graded reintegration to running
Phase 4 - intro to acceleration de acceleration and COD drills
Phase 1 key tests
ROM Knee to wall - 10cm+ 10%
Alignment SL squat- 10x
Strength - 85% LSI / < 4 reps diff / 20
Balance - SL balance squat
Plyo stages
Stage 1 - landing force absorbing
Stage 2 - plyometric strength
Stage 3 - plyometric power
Criteria to move to stage 2
Bi lateral jump x 10
Uni lateral hop in place x 10
VAS < 4
QASLL 0 - 1
Criteria to move to stage 3
SL hop test for distance- QASLL 0-1 >90%LSI
Limb symmetry index
Qualitative analysis of single leg loading