living world Flashcards
who is the darwin of 20th century
ernst mayr
who pioneered the currently accepted def of biological species ? and regarded as triple crown of biology
ernst mayr
do all living organism grow ? what are the twin characterstics of growth
yes and increase in number and cells
in plants and multicellular organism growth is by
cell division
contionous growth and only upto certain age can be seen in
plants and animals
unicellular organism growth is by
cell division - invitro
in higher plants and animals mutually exclusive events are
growth and reproduction
if we take body mass increase criteria what comes under
sand moulds , boulders and mountains do grow
growth in non living organism is by
accumulation of material on surface
do conditions have to be explained when we take growth as a criteria in LIVING
yes and then w can understand tat it is characerstic of growth
in multicellular reproduction refers to
more or less similar to parent
mode of reproduction fungi , yeast and hydra , planaria , fungi , filamentous algae and protonema of moss
million asexual spores , budding , regeneration , fragmentation
in which reproduction is synonymous with growth
bacteria , unicellular algae or amoeba
which dont reproduce
worker bees ,sterile humans ,mules
all living organism are made by chemicals which are changed to
biomolecules , conversions are chemical rxn or metabolicn
how many m rxn inside of all liv org
thousands ( uni or multi )
what is metabolism
sum total of all che rxns
do non liv metabolism?
no but can be demonstrated in vitro the rxn is neither liv or non living but surely living reaction.
what is the complicated feature of all liv org
sense environment and response
all organism from ___ to ____ sense
prokaryotes to complex ukaryotes
____ affects reproduction in seasonal breeders both plants and animals
do all organism handle chemical entering
yes and aware of surroundings
who is the only organism aware of himself
human being - self consciousness
what are the defining characterstics of liv org
metabolism , consciousness , cellular orga
all living phenomena are due to _____ and these result in _____ in higher level
underlying in and emergent properties
what is biodiversity
no of species known - 1.7 - 1.8 million
nomnclature is possible when
it is identified correctly
plants and animals - nomenclature
International code for botanical nomeclature , zoological
scientif name has two names what are they
genric and specific epithet - carl linnaeus - binomial nomenclature
biological name written in ____ and printed in ____ and generally in ____
italics , italics , latin
classification based on
easily observable characters
scientific basis for categories is
based on charcterstics all liv org classified into
taxa and it is called taxonomy
what are the basis of modern taxonomy
ext , internal stru , stur of cell , dev porocess and ecological info
what comes under taxonomy
characterisation , identification , classification and nomemclature
earliest classification was based on
systematics means , derived from what linnaeus used for his title publication
systematic arrangement of orga , latin and systema naturae
the scope of systematics included
nomenclature , idnetification and classification
systematics takes into account of
evolutionary relationship
in hierarchy each step represent
rank or category - taxonomic category - and all categories taxonomical hierarachy
group represent ____ , category represent ___ and each rank is unit of classification
category , rank
taxonomical groups/categores are distinct ______ and not _________
biological entities , morphological aggregates
one should distinguish species from species by
morphological diff
solanum includes species , panthera include
tigris , leo , pardus …. nigrum and melongena species
which has more characters in common than species
genera are agg of closely related species
solanum includes
potato , brinjal and tomato
panthera differ from genus
felis ( cats)
group pf related genra
family are characterised on basis of _____ and ____
veg and rep of plant species
what are placed in family solanacea
genre solanum , petunia and datura
what are placed in family felidae
genus panthera and felis
family of dogs
order ad higher categories based on
aggregate of characters
what are included in order polymoniales , based on
family solanacea , convolvulacea , floral characters
what are placed in order carnivora
family felidae and canidae
what are placed in class mammalia
order carnivora and primata ( gibbon , monkey , gorilla )
phylum based on
notochord , dorsal hollow neural system
classes with few sim are assigned to ____ in plants
no of common characters decreasing from
species to kingdom
man - biological name , genus , family , order , class and phylum
homo sapiens , homo , homonidae , primata, mammalia , chordata
housefly - biological name , genus , family , order , class and phylum
musca domestica , musicda , diptera , insecta , arthropoda
mango - biological name , genus , family , order , class and phylum
mangifera indica , anacardacea , sapindales , dicotledonae , angiospermae
wheat -biological name , genus , family , order , class and phylum
triticum aestivum , poaceae . poales , monocot , angiospermae
taxonomical studies req correct
identification and no
_____ rq intensive laboratory and field studies
_____ prime source of taxon studies
collection of actua speciemen
herbarium is
collected plant speciem dried pressed and preserved
herbarial sheets are arranged in
unive acc system of class
store house or repository for future use
h sheets
sheets contains
date collector name , eng local biological name , family
sheets contains and acts a quick refferal system
date collector name , eng local biological name , family ….. herbaria
botanical garden contain
livings plants for refernece
royal botanical garden
kew engkand
ibg , nbri
howrah , lucknow
museums contains
coll of preserved plants and animals for study and refernce
pl and an may also preserved as
dry speciemens
insect box
collecting , killing and pinning
birds and mammals
stuffed and preserved
what is key
tax aid used to identify plants and animals based on sim and dismini
contrating character pair
sep taxonomic key req for each category
keys are -_____ in nature
flora provides
index to a plant species found in an area
info for identification of names of a species found in an arwa
info on any taxon
listing of various species
insitu natural populations
Biosphere reserves. Sacred groves. National Parks. National sanctuaries. Bird sanctuaries. Biodiversity parks
exsitu - art
Zoo, aquarium, seed banks, botanical gardens, etc.