Living The Christian Life✝️ Flashcards
What is the purpose of Christian worship?
Show devotion, thanks and respect for god
What does Christian worship involve?
Bible readings, a sermon or talk, prayers and hymns
What is liturgical worship?
A set form of words
What is non liturgical worship?
Non scripted
What is baptism?
A ceremony where someone becomes a member of the church
What is Eucharist?
A re enactment of the last supper
What is confirmation?
A person freely chooses to become a member or the church
What is marriage?
The legal union of two people in reflection of gods love
What are holy orders?
Becoming a priest or bishop etc
What is reconciliation(confession)?
Asking god for forgiveness of your sins
What is anointing the sick?
Priest prays for and anoints a sick or dying person and prays for their healing
What is a pilgrimage?
A journey that strengthens your faith and devotion to god
What do people do on pilgrimages?
Praying, meditation, reading the bible, sing hymns, go to church
What is the significance of Jerusalem?
Where Jesus’ crucifixion took place
What is the significance of Iona?
Where St Columba formed a monastery
What is the significance of Walsingham?
It has a religious shrine in honour of the Virgin Mary
What is the significance of Taize?
It was a place of protection for Jews in WW2
How do catholics view pilgrimage?
They think it is essential for their faith
How do Protestants view pilgrimage?
A special opportunity to deepen their faith
What is advent?
The time of waiting before Christmas. Special services and advent candles lit
What is Christmas?
Celebration of Jesus’ birth. Special services, carols and readings
What is Palm Sunday?
Jesus arrived in Jerusalem
What is Maundy Thursday?
Last supper
What is Good Friday?
Jesus’ crucifixion
What is Easter Sunday?
Celebration of Jesus’ resurrection
What does the church do in the local community?
Bible study groups, pastoral groups, visits the sick, offers place for community activities, fund raisers.