Buddhist Beliefs💡 Flashcards
Name 3 significant events in the Buddha’s life.
Having a princely life, the 4 sights and enlightenment.
Name the 4 sights
An ill, old, dead and holy man.
Explain Buddha’s enlightenment.
He sat for 49 days under the Bodhi Tree and was liberated from samsara, becoming known as the Buddha.
Explain Buddha’s princely life.
Buddha grew up with everything he could ever want and was sheilded from the outside world.
What is Paticca-Samuppada?
All things are dependent on other things for their creation or destruction.
What are the 3 marks of existence?
Anicca, Anatta and Dukkha.
Define anicca.
Define Anatta.
“No soul” or no permanent self.
Define Dukkha.
What are the 4 noble truths?
Dukkha, Samudaya, Nirodha and Magga.
Explain the first noble truth.
Dukkha- suffering (pain, fabrication and change)
Explain the second noble truth.
Samudaya- cause of suffering (tanha or craving).
Name the 3 poisons.
Ignorance, greed and hatred.
What are the three poisons represented by?
A cockerel, pig and snake.
Explain the third noble truth.
Nirodha- suffering can cease (Dukkha can end).
Explain the fourth noble truth.
Magga- the middle way. The eightfold path leads to the end of Dukkha.
Name the 3 “right …” terms that go into ethics (Sila).
Right speech, right action and right livelihood.
Name the 3 “right…” terms that go into Meditaiton (Samadhi).
Right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration.
Name the 2 “right…” terms that go into Wisdom (Panna).
Right understanding and right intention.
Name the parts of the threefold way (the three categories the eightfold path is split into).
Panna (Wisdom), Samadhi (Meditation) and Sila (Ethics).
What is the aim of Mahayana Buddhists?
To become a bodhisattva and remain in the cycle of samsara to help others reach enlightenment.
What is the aim of Pure Land Buddhists?
They believe the Amitabha Buddhist created a “pure land” out of compassion for others. They believe he can help them be reborn into the “pure land”.
What is the aim of Theravada Buddhists?
They aim to become Arhat through the 3 fold way, enter nibbana and escape samsara. Only monks can do this.
What does kamma translate to?
Actions have consequences.
What does the accumulation of kamma do?
It will influence your life and the realm of the next rebirth.
Define Karuna.
Compassion (Mahayana Buddhist concept)
Define Metta.
Loving kindness.
What are the Pancha Sila?
The five precepts.
What are the five precepts?
Harm, lying, sexual misconduct, stealing and intoxication.
What are the paramitas (six perfections)?
Generosity, morality, patience, energy, mediation and wisdom.
Define Ahimsa.
What are the three jewels of Buddhism?
Where Buddhists can go for refuge (Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha).
What are the 5 khandas?
Matter, sensations, perceptions, mental formations and consciousness.