Liver Physiology Flashcards
Blood Flow to the Liver
- 1/3 of blood flow comes from the hepatic artery which is a branch of celiac artery and carries oxygenated blood
- 2/3 comes from the portal vein which is fed by blood flow from the spleen intestines, stomach, and pancreas and it is partially oxygenated.
- Portal vein carries absorbed products of digestion (nutrients) directly to the liver where it comes in contact with each lobule and processes detoxifies and/or assimilates those substances
- Blood leaves the liver via the hepatic vein and empties into the inferior vena cava
Metabolic functions of the liver(5)
carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism; detoxification of the blood; steroid metabolism
Bile Synthesis functions include:
bile production, excretion and storage
Storage functions include (6)
glucose (in the form of glycogen)
fat soluble vitamins (ADEK)
water soluble vitamins (B1, B12, folic acid)
Fatty acids
Minerals (iron)
amino acids in the form of albumin and beta globulins
Mononuclear phagocyte system functions
breakdown of old RBCs, WBCs, bacteria ect.
breakdown of Hgb to bilirubin and biliverdin
Functions of the Liver (11)
- Bile production
- Absorbs and metabolizes bilirubin
- Assists in creating blood clotting factors (coagulants)
- Fat metabolism
- Carbohydrate metabolism
- Vitamin and mineral storage
- Protein metabolism
- Filters the blood
- Immunological functions
- Production of albumin
- Synthesis of angiotensinogen
Bile production
bile helps the small intestine break down and absorb fats, cholesterol, and some vitamins. Consists of bile salts, cholesterol, bilirubin, electrolytes, and water
Absorbs and metabolizes bilirubin
bilirubin is formed by the breakdown of hemoglobin. The iron released from the hemoglobin is stored in the liver or bone marrow and is used to make the next generation of RBCs
Assists in creating blood clotting factors (coagulants)
Vitamin K - bile is essential to absorbing vitamin K. If liver doesnt produce enough bile, clotting factors cannot be produced
Fat metabolism
Bile breaks down fats to make then easier to digest
Carbohydrate metabolism
Carbohydrates are stored in the liver where they are broken down into glucose and cyphened into the blood stream to maintain normal blood glucose levels
Vitamin and mineral storage
Keeps years worth of vitamins stored. Iron from hemoglobin in the form of ferritin is stored. ready to produce more RBC
Protein metabolism
Bile helps break down protein to make it more digestible
Filters the blood
Liver filters and removes compounds from within the body including hormones and compounds outside the body like alcohol and drugs. most drugs are metabolized in the kidneys or liver
Immunological functions
contains high number of immunologically active cells called the kupfer cells
Production of albumin
the most common protein in blood serum. maintains oncotic pressure
Synthesis of angiotensinogen
raises BP via vasoconstriction. RAAS system