Liver, Pancreas and Spleen Flashcards
The liver wins the prize for what?
largest gland in the body
the liver lies under what?
ribs 5-10 and the diaphragm - on the RUQ
HOw does the liver help with fat digestion?
secretes bile for emulsification
Where is bile concentrated and stored?
in the gallbladder
What are the two surface of the liver?
diaphragmatic and visceral
Descrie the diaphragmatic surface. Shape? Covering/
It’s smooth and dome-shaped - conforms to concavity of the diaphragm
most of the surface is covered with peritoneum except the “bare area” where no peritonem intervenes between the liver and the diaphragm
Describe the vsceral surface.
contacts the abdominal viscera
covered by peritoneum
porta hepatis is the entry and exit for blood vessel and bile ducts
An H-shaped group of fisusres divides the liver into what?
four anatomic lobes
What divides the liver into right and left anatomical lboes?
falciform ligament
What two lobes are anatomically part of th right lobe?
caudate and quadrate
Which lobe are the caudate an quadrate functionally part of?
the left lobe - according to the distribution of the hepatic artery, bile duct and portal vein
Why is this distinction important?
If part of the liver becomes cirrhotic, we can isolate where we resect based on blood supply, reducing blood less
liver an lose up ot 75% of cells before it stops functioning! And it can “regenerate” itself
What makes the right sagital limb of the H=shaped group of fissures?
sulcus for the inferior vena cava
fosa for the gall bladder
What makes the left sagittal linb of the H?
fissure for the ligamentum venosus (ductus vnosus in fetus)
fissure for the ligamentum teres hepatis (obliterated umbilicla vein)
What makes the portal or cross limb of the H?
door to the liver = porta hepatis
What’s in the porta hepatis?
the portal triad: bile duct, hepatic artery, portal vein
What is the portal triad (hepatic pedicle) enclosed in?
the free edge of the hepatoduodenal ligament
What is the pringle maneuver?
clamping the portal triad (pedicle) to minimize blood loss following traumatic injury to the liver or during hepatic surgery
What does the hepatic artery branch off ot?
the common hepatic off the celiac trunk
What percentage of blood does the hepatic artery deliver to the liver?
20-30% - it’s oxygenated
rest comes from the portal vein
What veins unite to form the portal vein?
superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric and splenic
True or false: once inside hte liver, the contents of the portal triad travel independently of each other.
false - they go together
What vein drains th eliver?
the hepatic vein to the IVC
The lieft and right hepatic ducts join at the porta hepatis forming what?
the common hepatic duct