Liver Diseases CIS Flashcards
hepatocellular- labs
-ALT and AST
-ALK phos
IgM and IgG
- IgM- acute
- IgG- chronic
liver fxn tests
PT and serum albumin
ascites- caused by? risk factors?
- portal HTN from chron liver dz
- ETOH, transfusions, tattoos, IVDU, viral hepatitis
fatty liver (hepatic steatosis)- caused by
- alcoholic related fatty liver dz
- vinyl chloride
NAFLD- sx, etiology
- usually asymptomatic- RUQ pain, hepatoemgaly
- obesity, DM, hypertriglyceridemia, metabolcic syndrome
- coffee reduces risk of fibrosis and cirrhosis
- protective- physical activity
NAFLD- histology
- macrovesicular steatosis
- NASH (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis)- macrovesicular steatosis and focal infiltration by PMN’s and Mallory hylain
NAFLD- imaging, tx
- US- can see macrovascular steatosis
- liver bx- diagnostic
- tx- weight loss, dietary fat restriction, exercise, vit E, gastric bypass
do what test for ascites?
if abd pain, ascites, and fever- must rule out what? via?
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
- via Paracentesis!!- run WBC count with differential!
- if malnourished- run adenosine deaminase- for tb!!
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis- caused by? presentation?
- ascitic fluid infection w/o an apparent source
- translocation of gut bacteria- gram neg (E coli or Klebsiella) or gram + (strep pneumo, viridans, enterococcus)
- 10-20% of known cirrhotic pts- present with decompensation- encephalopathy, fever, abd pain, worsening renal fxn!!!!
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis- lab test
- paracentesis- WBC count with diff
- PMN > 250 with 75% of all white cells!!!- highly suggestive
- if elevated WBC count and lymphocyte predominance- think TB or peritoneal carcinomatosis
calculate SAAG
- serum albumin - ascitic fluid albumin
- > 1.1 = a portal HTN cause
- <1.1= non portal HTN cause!!
causes for ascites
Portal HTN (SAAG >1.1)- most common -hepatic congestion -liver dz -portal v occlusion Hypoalbuminemia (SAAG <1.1)
alcoholic- follow up for?
EGD- esophageal varices
Hepatitis A- Dx, Tx
- RNA hepatovirus
- acute
- inc aminotransferases- inc Alk phos and bilirubin
- fecal-oral transmission- international travel is a risk factor!!
- Dx- IgM anti-HAV
- Tx- self limited
Had Hep A but not anymore
-Anti-HAV IgG
Had Hep C but not anymore
-Anti-HCV with neg HCV RNA
acute HBV infection- window period
- b/w HBsAg disappearing and HBsAb appearing
- only detectable with HBcAb IgM
- important for screening blood donations
Hepatitis B
- acute or chronic
- dsDNA genome
- inc aminotransferases- elevated Alk phos and billirubin
- transmitted- infected blood, sexual contract, mother to baby at delivery!!- asia!
- HBV vaccine
Acute HBV- presentation
- variable
- asymptomatic-> fulminant dz and death (<1%)
- aminotransferase levels > HAV
- can become chronic
HBV- window period- lab
-Anti-HBc IgM +
HBV-Acute Infx- lab
- HBsAg +
- HBeAg +
- Anti-HBc IgM +
HBV- prior infection- lab
-Anti-HBs +!!!!
-Anti-Bc IgG +
-Anti-Hbe +/-
(ASIA- maternal transmission)
HBV- chronic infection- lab
- HBsAg +
- HBeAg +
- Anti-HBc IgM +
- Anti-HBc IgG +
- Anti-HBe +/-
HBV- immunization- lab
-Anti-HBs +