Liver Flashcards
- ALT/ AST tell what type of damage? Alk Phos? Billi? Alb/PT?
- PT/INR: All liver except? Could also be?
- AST: Located in? What cells?
- ALT: Located in? What cells?
- AST:ALT = 2 (why?); >1
- Alk phos present in? (4) Where in liver?
- GGT increases with?
- Increased unconjugated in? (3)
- Increased conjugated? (4)
- Hepatocyte; Cholestasis/obstruction/infiltrate; Chol./ob/impaired conj.; Synthetic dysfx
- 8; K defic
- Cyto and mito; liver, heart, muscle, blood
- Cyto of liver only
- Normal; alcohol (mito injury, B6 defic lowers ALT); cirhossis
- Liver (microvilli of bile canal); bone, placenta, intestine
- Alcohol
- Gilberts/Crigler Nejar; Hemolysis
- Dubin Johnson, obstruction, cholestasis, Hep, cirrhosis
- ) HBV: HBVDNA says? Seroconversion? 3 things to treat? Treatment? (2)
- ) HCV: Goal? SVR = ?
- ) Hemachromatosis: Treatment? (2) Anemic?
- ) Autoimmune: Treatment? (2) Helpful markers? (2)
- ) PBC: Autoimmune of? Ab marker? Treatment? DXA?
- ) PSC: Destruction of? Increased risk of? Treatment?
- ) Wilson’s: AR? Problem? Treatment? Maintenence?
- ) NASH: Injury of? Treatment? (3)
- ) Active rep; HBeAG –> HBeAB; HbSag > 6 mo, HBVDNA > 10^5 copies; High ALT/AST; Interferon 1 yr, Nucleoside
- ) HCV RNA (-) 12 wks; Cure
- ) Letting/stop vit c; Chelation
- ) Cortico/azathriopine; AsmAB, ANA
- ) Small ducts; anti-mito; UDCA; yes
- ) LArge bile ducts; Cholangiocarcinoma; NONE
- ) Yes; No copper excretion; Chelation; Zinc
- ) Hepatocytes; Obesity, T2DM, Dyslipidemia
- Liver failure common complications? (2)
- Top 4 chronic liver disease in US?
- Hepatitis: Lymphos? Neutros? Eisinos? Plasma?
- Grade? Stage?
- Progression of fibrosis? (4)
1. ) HAV: Acute? Trans? Antibodies?
2. ) HBV: DNA? Transmission? Problem where?
3. ) HCV: Major where? Chronic?
4. ) HDV: Replication? Dependent on? increase risk of?
5. ) HEV: Acute? High mortality in?
- jaundice, cholestasis
- HCV>Alcohol>Fatty Liver>HBV
- Viral; Steato; Drug; Auto immune
- Inflammation; Fibrous tissue
- Portal –> periorbital –> Bridging –> cirrhosis
1. ) Yes; F-O; IgM
2. ) Yes; Vertical; World
3. ) US; 85%
4. ) No; HBV; Fulminant hep
5. ) Yes; pregos
- 3 autoimmune of liver?
- Drug induced: 2 types? Location?
4. ) Metabolic Hep: a.) Alcohol due to? 2 histo findings?
b. ) Met. Syndrome: Due to? - 3 other metabolics?
- Blood flow causes issues?
- Liver masses: Metastasis? Malignant types? 3 benign? Most common?
- Autoimmune, PBC, PSC
- Idiosyncratic/intrinsic; zone 3
- Decreased beta ox/ neutro/mallory; Increased lipolysis
- Hema, Wilsons, a-1
- Yes
- Most common; HC Carcinoma, Cholangio; Hemangioma, Focular nodular, HC Adenoma; hemangioma
- Cirhosis: 2 things with portal htx? 2 with LI?
- 4 keys signs?
- Labs with portal htx?
- Biopsy necessary?
- Child score includes? (5)
- MELD Includes? (3)
- Trasplant ranking? (2)
1. ) Portal Htx: Based on what equation? 5 sites or resistance and example? - Wedged, free and total for all 5 spots?
- Varices/Ascites; Enceph/Jaundice
- Jaundice, spider angioma, ascites, palmar ethyma
- Low plts
- No
- Enceph, Ascites, Bili, Alb, INR
- INR, Bili, Cr
- Fulminant > MELD
- P = Flow x R; Prehep (Portal/splenic thromb; presinusoidal (Schistosomiasis); Sinusoidal (Cirrhosis); post sinusoidal (veno-occllusive); post hep (CHF, Budd Chiari
- Prehep/presinus = Normal all; sinusoidal/postsinus = High wedge and Total; post hep = Normal but high both
a. ) Varices due to 3 things? 4 treatments and effects?
b. ) Ascites: 80% due to? Etiology? (4)
- Serum ascites - ascites albumin: Bad = ? Cirrhotic? Cardiac? Malignant?
- Treatment with no ascites? uncompensated? (2) Refractory? (3)
- 2 types of refractory? More common?
c. ) Hepatorenal: 2 types? Na retention? Renal vasoconstriction? H2O retention?
- Can lead to? Treat with? (2) Not? Also add? To decrease recurrence?
d. ) Hepatic Enceph: Due to? Treatment?
a. ) Increased splanchnic flow, incr. intra hep, increase portal pressure; 1.) ER octreotide VC 2.) Venodilator 3.) Both 4.) Tips
b. ) Cirrhosis; Portal htx –> uncom. –> Refrac. –> HRS
- >1.1; High but low protein; cardiac high both; high protein
- None; Diuretics, LVP; TIPS, Albumin, LVP
- Diuretic intractable > Diuretic resistant
c. ) Type 1 rapid regress, type 2; Ascites; HRS; Hypnat.
- SBP; Augmentin/Ceftriaxone; Aminoglycosides; Albumin; Norfloxacin
- Ammonia; Lactulose
- ) Physio Jaunduce: Occurs when? Not? Treat? Why? Does what?
- ) Hered. Hyper: 2 unconj.? 2 Conj?
- ) Choledochal Cyst: Triad? Increased risk of?
- ) Biliary atresia: 2 types? Assoc? Treatment?
- ) Idiopathic nen hep: Cells seen?
- ) Hepatoblastoma: Presents when? High serum what? Pathway? 3 types? Important prognostic factor?
- ) After 24 hrs/before 2 wks; outside this; Slow liver enzymes and RBC turnover; Photo; No kernicturus; kidney
- ) Crigler Nijar (1=AR worse, 2 = AD), Gilberts; Dubin johnson, Rotor
- ) RUQ mass, pain, direct bili; Cholangio/pancreo/cholan
- ) Fetal (35%) other abn.; Perinatal no other ab; Kasai
- ) Giant cells
- )
- Macs of liver? Hepatic vein drains where?
- Bile transporter protein? Messed up in? Exocrine fxn?
1. ) Classic lobule shape? Shows?
2. ) Triangle connects? Around? Called? Shows?
3. ) Acinus splits into? Shows? - Viruses? Toxins? Ischemia?
- Hepatocytes have apical face? Space of disse b/n? Stellate cell where? 2 jobs?
- Kuppfer; IVC
- MRP2; Dub Johnson; bile production
1. ) Hexagon; anatomical flow/drainage of blood
2. ) 3 central veins; 1 portal triad; portal lobe; Bile
3. ) Eliptical zone 1,2,3; blood flow/metab - Zone 1; zone 3, zone 3
- Bile; hepato and sinusoidal endo; space of disse; store fat/vit A; produce Type 1 collagen with damage