Liver Flashcards
Another name for Liver Meridian
Foot JueYin
LV-1 - JingWell (Wood)
Lateral side of big toe
0.1 cun from the corner of the nail
LV-2 - YingSpring (Fire)
On the dorsum of the foot
Between 1st & 2nd toe
Proximal to the margin of the web at the junction of the red & white skin
LV-3 - ShuStream/Source Pt (Earth)
On the dorsum of the foot
In the depression distal to the junction of the 1st & 2nd Metatarsal bones
LV-4 - JingRiver (Metal)
Anterior to the medial malleolus
In a depression on the medial side of the Tibialis Anterior tendon (level with the prominence)
LV-5 - Luo Connecting Pt
5 cun above the prominence of the medial malleolus
On the midline of the medial surface of the tibia (on the bone)
~Alt loc: Posterior to the Medial crest of the Tibia
LV-6 - Xi-Cleft
7 cun above the prominence of the medial malleolus
On the midline of the medial surface of the tibia (On the bone)
~Alt loc: Posterior to the Medial crest of the Tibia
Posterior & inferior to the medial condyle of the Tibia
1 cun posterior to SP9
In upper portion of medial head of gastrocnemius muscle
LV-8 - HeSea (Water)
At medial end of transverse popliteal crease
Posterior to medial epicondyle of femur
In depression of the anterior border of insertions of semimembranosus & semitendinosus (with knee flexed)
Hand cun above epi-condyle
4 cun above LV-8
Between vastus medialis & sartorius muscle
(Measure hand cun and carry down)
(Aim for Medial Epicondyl)
3 cun directly below ST-30
At the proximal end of the thigh
On the lateral border of Adductor Longus muscle
Line to Medial Epicondyle
2 cun directly below ST-30
1 cun above LV-10
Proximal end of the thigh
Lateral border of Adductor Longus muscle
Go 1 finger breadth medial to artery
Lateral the pubic tubericle
Lateral & inferior to ST-30
In the inguinal groove where the pulsation of the femoral artery is palpable
2.5 cun lateral to the anterior midline
Front Mu-Spleen
On the lateral side of the abdomen
Below the free end of the 11th rib (tip of the rib)
Mu - Liver
Directly below the nipple
In the 6th ICS
4 cun lateral to the AML
TaiYang Point
In depression approx. 1cun posterior to the midpoint btwn lateral end of eyebrow & outer canthus (in deepest depression)
YuYao Point
Midpoint of the eyebrow in a cleft on upper orbital ridge
Anmian Point
Midway btwn TW17 & GB20
May be near/on GB12
Dannangxue Point
Between 1 & 2 cun distal to GB-34 on the RIGHT leg