Gall Bladder Flashcards
What is another name for GB Meridian?
Foot Shaoyang
How many cun from AHL to PHL?
12 cun
0.5 cun lateral to the outer canthus
In a depression on the lateral side of orbit
GB-2 (locate with mouth open)
Anterior to the intertragic notch at the posterior border of the condyloid process of the mandible
In a depression directly above ST7 on the upper border of the zygomatic arch, in-front of ear
GB-4 (find GB-7 first)
Within hairline of temporal region
1/4 the distance between ST8 & GB7
Within hairline
1/2 of the distance between ST8 & GB7
Within hairline
3/4 of the distance between ST8 & GB7
Level with & one finger breadth anterior to TW20
1 cun superior to the apex of the ear (above TW20)
1/2 ear length (concha ridge to top of ear) from apex
Above the ear
In a depression 0.5 cun posterior to GB-8
Posterior to the ear
Along a curved line drawn from GB-9 & GB-12
In a depression about 1/3 of the distance between GB9 & GB12
Posterior to the ear
Along the curved line drawn from GB-9 to GB-12
In a depression slightly greater then2/3rds of the distance between GB-9 & GB-12
In depression posterior to the mastoid process
0.5 cun within the AHL
3 cun lateral to GV-24
(2/3 distance between GV-24 & ST-8)
(Can be directly above the outer canthus of the eye)
On the forehead directly above pupil
1.0 cun superior to the midpoint (YuYao) of the eyebrow
Directly above the pupil
On the forehead
directly above GB-14
0.5 cun within the AHL at midpoint between GV-24 to ST-8
Above the forehead
1.5 cun posterior to GB-15
1.5 cun posterior to GB-16
1.5 cun posterior to GB-17
Level with GV-20
On the occipital region
Level with upper border of EOP (GV17)
Directly above GB-20
Below the occiput
In depression between the origins of SCM & trapezius muscles
Level with GV-16
Midway between GV-16 & GB-12
Midway between GV-14 & acromion
At the highest point of the Trapezius
On the mid-axillary line
3 cun inferior to the apex of the axilla (HT-1)
In 5th ICS (or 4th)
1 cun anterior to GB-22
In the 5th ICS (or 4th)
Gallbladder Mu Pt
On the anterior chest wall
4 cun lateral to the AML (directly below the nipple)
In the 7th ICS
Kidney Mu Pt
Anterior and inferior to the free end of the 12th rib (lateral lumbar area)
(1/2 way between PML & side of body)
GB-26 (level with CV-8)
Directly below LV-13 & level with umbilicus
In the depression just anterior to the ASIS (roll off the bone medially)
Approx. level with CV-4 (3 cun below umbilicus)
0.5 cun anterior & inferior to GB-27
On lateral aspect of the hip joint
At the midpoint of a line drawn between the ASIS & the prominence of the greater trochanter
On the postero-lateral aspect of the hip joint
1/3 the distance between the prominence of the greater trochanter & the sacro-coccygeal hiatus (GV-2)
On the lateral aspect of the thigh
Directly below the greater trochanter
7 cun superior to the popliteal crease
(19 cun btwn greater trochanter & popliteal crease)
On the lateral side of the thigh
2 cun inferior to GB-31
5 cun superior to the transverse popliteal crease
On the lateral side of the knee
In the depression above the lateral epicondyle of the Femur
Btwn the femur & the Biceps Femoris tendon
(locate with knee flexed)
GB-34 - HeSea (Earth)
Below the lateral aspect of the knee
In the tender depression approx. 1 cun anterior & inferior to the head of the fibula (in between the fibula & tibula)
On the lateral aspect of the lower leg
7 cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus
In depression at the POSTERIOR border of the Fibula
GB-36 - XiCleft
On the lateral aspect of the lower leg
7 cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus
At the ANTERIOR border of the fibula
GB-37 - Luo Connecting Pt
On the lateral aspect of the lower leg
5 cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus
At the ANTERIOR border of the fibula
GB-38 - JingRiver (Fire)
On the lateral aspect of the lower leg
4 cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus
At the ANTERIOR border of the fibula
GB-39 - Meeting point for Marrow
Fall off lateral to deepest depression
Above the ankle
3 cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus
Between the POSTERIOR border of the Fibula and the Peroneus Longus & Brevis tendon (hold tendons apart or go to medial of tendons)
GB-40 - Yuan Source Pt
At the ankle joint
In the depression anterior & inferior to the lateral malleolus
GB-41 - ShuStream (Wood)
Master Point of Dai Mai
(Thumb width btwn 5th metatarsal tuberosity & shaft: roll up over the bone)
In the depression distal to the junction of the 4th & 5th metatarsal bones
On the LATERAL side of the Extensor Digitorum Longus tendon (little toe branch)
GB-42 (1/2 way between GB-41 & GB-43)
Between the 4th & 5th metatarsal bones
In a depression proximal to the metatarsal heads
On the MEDIAL side of the Extensor Digitorum Longus
GB-43 - YingSpring (Water)
On the dorsum of the foot
Between the 4th& 5th toe
Proximal to the margin of the web, at the junction of the red & white skin
GB-44 - JingWell (Metal)
On the LATERAL side of the 4th toe
0.1 cun from the corner of the nail