liver Flashcards
hepatic portal vein
- a high conc of digested food products
- from interestines
hepatic artery
oxygenated blood
from aorta
hepatic vein
blood leaves liver to vena cava
deoxygenenated blood
what is the name of cells of liver called
what is the liver made of
several lobes
what does hepatocytes consist of
- microvilli
- golgi apparantus
- glycogen
- mitrochondria
- plasma memberane
what is kupffer cells
- attached to sinusiods
it break down harmful
increase in blood glucose
- detects beta cells
- insulin is secreated and attatch to target surface
- incrase in permbility of target cell to glucose
- activities enzyme that converts
glucose to glycogen
decrease in bloood glucose
- detects alpha cells
- secrete glucagon
- attach to receptor
so glycogen to glucose
type 1 diabetes
no insulin
type 2 diabetes
fewer insulin receptor and less sensitivite response to insulin
transmination - protein metabolism
transferred to keto acids and new amino acids is produce
essential amino acids
come from diet
non-essential amino acids
made in the body
what is biliverdin
irons from heam metabolism is a green pigments
is a yellow component of bile