Liturgy of the Word Flashcards
First Reading
This is the first step of the Liturgy of the Word. In this section, we listen to a reading from the Old Testament (Sundays). Through these writings, God reveals his love and faith in dealing with his people to us.
Responsorial Pslam
This is the second section of the liturgy of the word. In this section, we sing a song prayer from the Old Testament in which we praise God or ask for his help.
Second Reading
The second reading is the third section of the liturgy of the word. In this section, we listen to a letter taken from Saint Paul or another apostle which are found in the New Testament. After this, the Lector announces “The Word of the Lord” we respond “Thanks be to God”
Gospel Acclamation
This is the fourth section of the liturgy of the word. In this section we sing a joyful “alleluia” except for Lent. After, we hear a verse from the Bible. Then we sing it again after the verse. During Lent we sing a response of praise.
Gospel Reading
This is the fifth section of the liturgy of the word. In this section, a prophesy or deacon will announce the Gospel reading by saying “A reading from the holy Gospel according to ________ ,”naming the Gospel. We then proclaim “Glory to you, O Lord.” We make the sign of the cross touching our thumbs to our four heads, our lips, and our hearts.
The homily is the sixth section of the liturgy of the word. In this section, we listen to a talk called a homily by a priest or deacon. They try to help us understand God’s message and encourage you to live it.
Profession of Faith
The Profession of Faith is the seventh section of the liturgy of the word. In this section, we stand to respond in prayer. On Sundays and special feasts we pray the Nicene Creed together as Jesus teaches us through the church.
Prayer of the Faithful
The Prayer of the Faithful is the eigth and last section of the liturgy of the word. In this section, we respond to our fathers word by asking him to provide for our needs. Through the Prayer of the Faithful, sometimes called the Universal Prayer, we pray for the needs of all people. We pray for the church, the Holy Father, and our bishop. We pray for the needs of the world, our own country, and our diocese and parish. We pray for the people suffering from injustice in pain, and for those who have died. We pray for people we know and love.