Lithosphere -Glaciation Flashcards
What are glaciers
Large slow moving mass of ice which is constantly growing shrinking and moving
Formation of glacier
Glaciers form when snow collects in north facing hollows on mountains, continuous snowfall means it compacts and compresses to eventually form glacial ice
Freeze thaw weathering X4
-Water collects in rock cracks above glaciers
-Water turns to ice in cold temps
-Water expands when frozen pressuring rock
-process repeats and rock shatters
-at the back and underdog rock glacier ice freezes in cracks in rocks
-as glacier moves prices of rock are pulled out
-when prices of rock embedded in ice rub and scrape away at valley floor and sides
What is a corrie
Armchair shaped hollow on the side of a mountain near its top
Formation of a Corrie X4
-snow gathers in hollow and compacts into ice
-due to gravity ice moves downhill sticking to back wall plucking rocks.
-back wall rocks loosened by freeze thaw
-ice moving with rocks eroded and deepens hollow by abrasion
What is an Arête
narrow knife-edged ridge where two corries have eroded back to back
Formation of arête
This occurs when the back walls of a Corrie have been arises back so far that inly a narrow ridge separates them
What is a pyramidal peak
They have a sharp summit and steep slopes on at least three sides
Formation of pyramidal peak
When three or more corries form around a peak where the Corrie side walls meet they form an arête. The arêtes meet at the top to form a pyramidal peak
Features of a u shaped valley
U-shaped valleys have steep sides and a wide, flat floor.
Formation of a u shaped valley
Formed by glaciers (explain)
-form when the ice moves due to gravity down a v shaped valley.
-when ice moves it erodes the bottom and sides of the valley by abrasion (explain)
-this process deepens and widens the valley turning it from v to u
What is a hanging valley
A hanging valley is a smaller side valley left ‘hanging’ above the main
U-shaped valley
formed by a tributary glacier.
Formation of a hanging valley
created where smaller valleys meet the main glaciated valley. The glaciers in the smaller valleys were not so powerful, so they didn’t erode such deep valleys. This means the smaller valleys are left hanging above the floor of the main valley.