Literature Review Flashcards
- Currency
- Relevance
- Authority
- Accuracy
- Purpose
- The timeliness of information
- When the information was published or posted.
- Revised or Updated
- The Importance of the information for your needs.
- Who is the intended audience?
- The source of the information
- Author’s / Publishers/ Sources/ Sponsors
- Authors credentials or affiliations
- The reliability, truthfulness and correctness of the content.
- Where does the information come from?
- Has the information been reviewed or refereed?
Types of Citations
- Chicago
- Vancouver
American Psychological Association (APA)
- Writing style and format for academic documents such as scholarly journal articles and books.
- It is commonly used for citing sources within the field of behavioral and social sciences, including sociology, education, nursing, criminal justice, anthropology, and psychology.
American Psychological Association (APA) Format’s
In - text Citation: Author’s Last Name and Year of Publication
Example: (Samba-an, 2005)
Reference List:
Author’s Surname, Initials (Date Published), Title of source, Location of Publisher, Retrieved from URL
Löfström, E. (2011). “Does plagiarism mean anything? LOL.” Students’ conceptions of writing and citing. Journal of Academic Ethics, 9(4), 257-275.
Modern Language Association (MLA)
- Commonly used in Humanities field such as English and philosophy.
- Emphasis on the exact words or even quotes from Writers.
Modern Language Association (MLA) Formats
In - text Citation:
Author’s Last Name and page number.
(Samba-an 163)
Reference List:
Author: Last name, first name
Title: Title of the source, with all important words capitalized
Publisher: City: Publisher
Date: Date of publication
Medium: Print, online, or other medium
- Commonly used in history and other humanities field.
- Two Types (Author and Date & Notes and Bibliography)
Chicago Format’s
In - Text Citation:
Author’s Last Name Year, page numbers.
(Samba-an 2004, 7)
Reference List:
Author’s Last Name, First Name, Year. “Title of article” Name of journal volume. No. issue: Page rage of article. DOI if possible.