Literary Works of Satanism Flashcards
This was Satan’s name prior to his fall from Grace. While under this name, Satan was an archangel, working for God in both Heaven and Earth. Under this name, Satan was said to be created by God and perfect in both wisdom and beauty.
Lucifer Morningstar, or the Lightbringer.
In the Book of Genesis, after sneaking into paradise, Satan takes the form of this creature. This allows him to successfully tempt Eve into eating the Tree of Knowledge’s fruit.
The Ancient Serpent
In the book of Job, God wanted to test Job’s faith. Lucifer asks for permission, and it is given, for him to go punish and torture Job to test Job’s faith in God. What are the two trials Lucifer conducts on Job?
The first was the killing of Jobs, livestock, servants, and his ten children.
The second was giving Job disease and sickness.
It wasn’t until this period, that Satan was now depicted in art and literature as the red-hoofed devil. This period also incorporated the Pagan ideals and symbols.
Medieval Christian Tradition.
In the New Testament, Jesus wandered the desert for 40 days. During that time, he was tempted by Satan three times. What did he offer Jesus during each of these attempts?
Food, then power, then finally riches and glory.
In the Book of Revelations, Satan is depicted as this mythological creature, rising from the ocean. It is said to have parts of a leopard, lion, and a bear. As well as having seven heads, ten horns, and bore the number 666. Eventually, God casts this form of Satan into the lake of fire.
The Beast, or, a dragon.
This epic was written between 1658 and 1663 by a blind John Milton. It is considered the greatest peom written in the history of the English language.
Paradise Lost.
In Paradise Lost, Satan visits paradise in the form of this animal. Contrary to the Book of Genesis, Satan took the form of this amphibian, prior to his second attempt as a serpent. In this form, Stan was spotted by Gabriel, while he was whispering in Eve’s ear.
A toad.
This book was written from 1790 to 1793, during the time of the French Revolution. The author of this book, William Blake, saw Milton as a literary messiah.
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.
In The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Blake believes that rejection of desires brakes down the soul, and lust/indulgence fulfills it. This leads him to design Hell in his story, not as fire, torture, and brimstones but rather as how?
Hell is where the open-minded indulge in infinite existential experiences.
Ultimately, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell is a story on this principle–one of which, Blake beleives is necessary for Humanity.
This collection of poems is divided into six main sections, and was written by Charles Baudelaire in 1857. Seen as an insult to public decency, Baudelaire and his publisher were both prosecuted for the book’s creation. The book was also banned from its creation until 1949, 92 years later.
Les Fleurs Du Mal (The Flowers of Evil).
This book was written by Jesper Petersen, Asbjorn Dyrendal, and James R. Lweis.
The Invention of Satanism.
The Invention of Satanism coined this category, described as being based on values from the Enlightenment, science, and the quest for knowledge. Both the Satanic Temple and the Church of Satan have embraced this philosophy.
Rational Satanism.
The Invention of Satanism coined this category, described as focusing more on the occultic aspects of Satanic mythology. This includes magic, self-deification, the supernatural, and the search for sacred knowledge (gnosis). Examples of this include The Temple of Set and the Luciferians.
Esoteric Satanism.
The Invention of Satanism coined this category, described by Sadie Satanas as, “the edgelord pissing off their parents or teacher”. This includes artists and musicians using Satan for shock value and combating Christian dominance.
Reactive Satanism.
This book was written by Anatole France. Published during World War I (Specifically, 1914), it shows Satan being a humanitarian, bringing education, art, and sophistication to the human race, while highlighting God’s fraudulence.
The Revolt of the Angels.
This book was written by Eliphas Levi (Eli-fis Leh-vee), a French occult author and magician. In this book, the first illustration appeared of the “Sabbatic Goat of Mendes”, later affectionately named Baphomet.
Dogma and Ritual of High Magic.
Alastair Crowley claimed he was visited by a supernatural being called Aiwass. Aiwass, who was also referred to as Satan, represented the dark yet honest part of humanity. Crowley claimed this entity gave him this book, the one he based his teachings of Thelema on.
Crowley further believed this book explained people’s right to satisfy sexual instinct anyway that is physiologically proper.
The Book of the Law.
This book was released by Anton LaVey, detailing his essay, observations, and rituals.
The Satanic Bible.
The Satanic Bible, by Anton LaVey was divided into four chapters. Name these chapters
Satan, Lucifer, Belial, and Levithan.
This book was released by Anton LaVey, detailing his teachings of lesser magick.
The Satanic Witch.
This book was released by Anton LaVey, detailing his teachings of greater magick.
The Satanic Ritual.
This book by Ragnar Redbeard in 1890 and was a source of inspiration for Anton LaVey. It was considered very misogynistic, racist, and taught social Darwinism. Specifically, it preached that only strength can establish moral right, denying rights to those who are weak.
Might is Right.
This book was written by Michael Aquino, detailing his encounter with the Egyptian god, Set. Aquino claimed, to be visited by the deity after leaving the Church of Satan in 1975.
The Book of Coming Forth by Night.