Literary terms for fiction Flashcards
What is a protagonist
The protagonist is the chief or main character in a literary work or drama. Often the protagonist is portrayed as a nerd while the antagonist is the villain however there are books or place where they are presented in the opposite manner.
A form or category of literature, such as epic, tragedy, comedy and satire.
A short unadorned prose fiction that teaches a moral lesson. Often animals are characters.
What is a parable
A short narrative that illustrates a moral, philosophical or spiritual lesson. A parable may be prodigal son. Example: the parable of the prodigal son.
What is a tale?
A short narrative, usually lacking in detail, with unrealistic and sometimes fantastic characters and events. Usually tails are less concerned than short stories with revealing theme and character. The term tail has connotations of timeless folklore. Example: Jack and the beanstalk
As a term in literary history, realism refers to fiction and drama of the late 19th century that concentrated on the ordinary middle class existence and it’s daily concerns like money, society, and marriage. The characters are bankers, farmers and housekeeper’s, not swashbuckling pirate, Gallant nights, or supernatural beings. In a more general sense, realistic refers to a matter of representing life; it is the opposite of romantic.
What is a short story
A short prose fiction usually depicting a single incident (unlike most novels). A newer forms in the novel, the modern short story dates from the early 19th century.
What is story of initiation?
A short story depicting a decisive that initiates a character into a higher state of awareness, whether for better or for worse.
What is a theme?
A term used in different ways: for the main idea but not necessarily the subject, of a work of literature; an idea what your work explores; or an argument that a work advances. Therefore, a theme can be identified in a complete sentence, and noun phrase, or single word: in George Orwells animal farm, “the corrupting influence of power” quotation,
What is an antagonist?
A character, or sometimes a thing, in conflict with the main character or protagonist.
What is conflict
The central problem or issue to be resolved in a plot, involving the main character struggling against another character or characters or obstacle. Conflict can also refer to the ideas in a literary work example: the road not taken dramatize is the conflicting values of conformity and independence.
What is exposition?
The revelation, usually early in a story or play of necessary background information.
What is setting?
The location of a story. It may be important in developing character, motivation time. Sitting often includes a set tone and is linked to atmosphere.
A hint that is fully understood only in retrospect after the reader discovers more information later in the story. The term does not simply mean an omen or an explicit prediction of something that will happen later. Foreshadowing is always a noun; foreshadow is a verb.
What is climax
The high point of tension in a plot when the outcome is decided.
Resolution or conclusion: the scene in which a pot reaches its final outcome: mysteries are solved, questions answered, and the main conflict settled.
A sudden moment of realization in a story or play, often triggered by Munding event. Originally a religious term for a word manifestation of God‘s presence.
Flat character
A one dimensional character of her who has only a few, easily define treats. Most minor characters are flat. Not to be confused with a static character.
What is a round character?
A multi facetted character especially one who is capable of choosing right or wrong. Usually a protagonist is a round character; in most short stories no more than one or two characters are around. Not to be confused with a dynamic character.
What is a dynamic character?
A character who changes, especially one who comes to a major realization. The realization may or may not change the characters actions, but the character must never be able to see the world and quite the same way. Not all protagonists our dynamic. Rarely does a short story have more than one or two dynamic characters.
What is a static character
A character who undergoes no such change.
What is stock character
A character type used repeatedly, often stereotype like the med scientist of horror stories or the blonde airhead of teen movies. Stock characters are usually encountered in popular fiction. However, excellent writers have sometimes used stock characters in original ways.
What is a symbol?
A thing that suggests more than its literal meaning. He symbol can be a thing or an action. Recurring images can take on symbolic overtones. Symbolism is the collective function of symbols in a work, or an authors use of symbols.
A narrative that serves as an extended metaphor. Allegories are written in the form of fables, parables, poems, stories, and almost any other style or genre.
A reference in a literary work to a person, place, or thing in history or another work of literature.
Third person or nonparticipant character
A person who is not a characte
Narrative that only describes and does not enter characters thoughts
Limited or selective omniscience
Narrative that season to different characters. In editorial omnicience, a variance of omniscents, the third person narrative as comments judging characters.
First person or participant narrator
A narrator who is a major or minor character in the story.
Ironic point of view
The first person narrator who does not understand the implications of the story.
Unreliable narrator
A narrator who misinterprets the story due to prejudice, madness etc.
Naïve narrator
And interpretation of the chronological sequence of an event or earlier occurrence.
What is irony?
A literary term referring to how a person, situation, statement, or circumstance is not as it would actually seen. Many times it is the exact opposite of what appears to be.
Dramatic irony
When the reader is aware of something that is going to occur in a story that a character is unaware of.
Verbal irony
When the writer says one thing but means something entirely different
Situational irony
Ernie involving a situation in which actions have an effect that is opposite from what was intended, so that the outcome is different to what was expected.
A recurring object, concept, or structure in a work of literature. A motif may also be to contrasting elements in a work, such as good and evil.
The intended language used by an author in order to create a greater sense of locale.
The attitude the author expresses of his or her topic.
Atmosphere is related to mood. It is the emotional atmosphere of literary work. This term is similar to tone however it differs. Tone refers to the authors attitude toward the topic while mood refers to what the reader experiences.
The fact of two things seen or place close together with contrasting effect. Paradox seemingly absurd or self contradicting statement or position that when investigated or explained may prove to be well-founded or true.