Figurative language Flashcards
What is figurative language?
Language that uses words or expressions with a meeting that is different from the literal interpretation
What is figurative language used in?
 It’s very common in poetry, but also used in non-fiction.
What is alliteration?
The repetition of the same sound, or letter, at the beginning of each, or most of the words, in a sentence. For example: she sells seashells by the seashore.
What is allegory?
A complete narrative, that involves characters and events that stand for an abstract idea, or event example: the tortoise and the hare
What is allusion?
A reference to a place person or event. This can be real or imaginary, and may refer to anything, including fiction, folklore, historical events, or religious manuscripts.
For example: it’s raining so hard I hope it doesn’t rain for 40 days and 40 nights. This refers to the story of Noah and the ark built when he was told it would rain for 40 days and 40 nights.
What is analogy?
A comparison in which an idea or thing is compared to another thing that is quite different from it.
For example: just as a caterpillar comes out of its cocoon, so we must come out of our comfort zone.
Assonance, what is this?
Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in nearby words.
For example, poetry is old, ancient goes back far. It is among the oldest of living things. So old that it is no man knows how and why the first poems came. 
What is consonance?
It refers to repetitive sounds produced by consonants within a sentence or phrase.
For example: she ate seven sandwiches on a sunny Sunday last year. 
What is a cliché? 
A saying, idea, or element of artistic work that is overused in a culture to the point of losing its original, more significant, meaning. New line for example: the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree or, and they lived happily ever after. 
What is connotation?
It refers to the emotional or cultural association with that word rather than its dictionary definition.
For example: there’s no place like home Dash well homey referred to the actual building someone lives in, connotatively, it most often refers to family, comfort, and security.

What is denotation? 
The literal or a dictionary, meaning of a word
What is euphemism? 
It refers to polite, indirect expressions that replace words and phrases considered harsh and impolite, or which suggests something unpleasant. You could also say it’s the truth, but only nicer. 
For example, you’re becoming a little thin on top. This means you’re getting bold.
What is a generalization?
It’s defined as a broad statement and idea that supply to group of people or things. Often generalizations are not entirely true.
For example: cooking isn’t difficult all you need or the right ingredients. 
What is a hyperbole? 
It is the use of a huge exaggeration to emphasize a point.
For example: I hate so much at Thanksgiving, I must weigh more than a whale. 
What is an idiom?
And idiom is a common saying where the implied meaning is different from the literal meaning.
For example: speak your mind or it will cost an arm and a leg
He woke up on the wrong side of the bed. 
What is irony?
Irony is when words are used in a way that their intended meaning is different from the actual meaning of the words. It may also be a situation that ends up in quite a different way than what is generally expected. In simple words it is a difference between appearance and reality.
For example: oh, I love spending big bucks at my dad, and a Toria’s Penny pincher. 
What is a metaphor?
A metaphor is used to make a comparison between two things that aren’t alike, but do you have something in common.
Example: the classroom was a zoo.
Life is a roller coaster.
What is metonymy?
A metonymy replaces the name of a thing with the name of something else with which it is closely associated.
Example: let me give you a hand.(hand means help.)
What is onomatopoeia?
It is the use of words that imitate the sounds associated with the object or action being referred to. For example: the clinging pots and pans I woke the baby.
What is an oxymoron?
It is when one or two words in which seemingly contradictory terms appear side-by-side.
For example: deafening silence or pretty ugly.
What is a paradox?
A paradox is a statement that may seem absurd or contradictory, but yet can be true, or at least makes sense.
For example: you can save money by spending it.
What is personification?
When you assign the qualities of a person to something that isn’t human or that isn’t even a lot.
For example: she did not realize that opportunity was knocking at her door.
The wind whistled throughout the day.
What is a pun?
A plan words, sometimes on different senses of the same word, and sometimes on the similar sense or sound of different words.
For example: what was the reporter doing at the ice cream shop getting the scoop!
What is a simile?
A comparison between two dissimilar things that have certain qualities in common. Usually formed with like or as new line. For example: don’t just sit there like a bump on a log.
What is a synecdoche?
A part of something represents the hole, or maybe used a hole to represent a part.
For example, calling a car wheels is a synecdoche because a part of the car, it’s wheels, stands for the whole car.
What is an understatement?
It’s when a writer or speaker, deliberately makes the situation seem less important or serious than it is.
For example: you were out to dinner with a friend who spills food down the front of his white shirt. And understatement would be: really, it’s hardly noticeable.