Literary Meaning Flashcards
Saussure - structuralism
What does Saussure say is the basis of signification?
‘differences carry signification’
JL Austin - performative utterances
Suggests that words (as utterances) do not just describe or communicate reality as it is, but reather themselves are agents in the changing of this reality
Roman Jakobson - structralism
What are the two elements of symbolic processes, and how do they interact?
Any ‘symbolic process’ is a ‘competition’ between ‘metonymic’ and ‘metaphoric’ elements
Metonymy - difference
Metaphor - similarity
[Makes this distinction by observing linguistic impediments]
This ‘bipolar’ structure does NOT just underlie language, but ALL human behaviour [cp Lakoff and Johnson]
Lakoff and Johnson
Metaphors we live by - conceptual metaphors, we understand our world by metaphors
ED Hirsch
Meaning is distinct from significance
Meaning is ‘fixed and immutable’, whereas significance varies
Academic significance should focus upon meaning NOT significance
What are the implications of Roman Jakobson’s theory beyond language?
the ‘bipolar’ structure of metaphor/metonymy applies not just to language, but to all human behaviour
What does ED Hirsch say that meaning derives its identity from?
‘meaning derives its self-identity from an histoircal intention’
How does ED Hirsch later change his view?
Suggests that in ‘application’ of a text to later lives/audiences, the ‘wide cope of original textual intention’ means that ‘meaning-intention’ is not changed but rather ‘instantiated and fulfilled’
It is ‘the nature of textual meaning to embrace many future fulfilment without thereby being changed’
Emphasises the ‘provisionality’ of speech and meaning - which ‘sanctions adjustment in the original concepts’ intended