Literary Crit quotes Flashcards
Rob Skelton about the Hawk in the Rain collection
‘All looking for the emergence of a major poet must buy it’. - Robin Skelton
Helen Mort Quote
Hughes’ presentation of animals often becomes ‘…a disconcerting encounter with the other’ - Helen Mort
Hughes quote on war
“the big, ever present, overshadowing thing…” - Hughes
Simon Armitage quote for Bayonette Charge
A “leap into existential enquiry” - Simon Armitage
Professor Dennis Walder quote on Hughes as a war poet
Hughes was a “war poet at one remove” - Professor Dennis Walder
Diane Middlebrook quote for FMLF
‘Call and response’ nature of the poem - Diane Middlebrook
J. Dobbs on Plath’s poems about domestic life
J. Dobbs - ‘Plath’s poem with domestic settings are usually her most ominous poems’
Bell jar arrow quote
‘The last thing I wanted was infinite security and to be the place an arrow shoots off from’ - Plath’s The Bell Jar
Anne Sexton quote about Plath’s relationship with death
Anne Sexton - ‘talked death with burned up intensity’
Al Alvaraz on the Ariel poems
‘In a curious way, the poems read as though they were written posthumously.’ - Al Alvarez
How did Robert Lowell describe Plath later poems?
Robert Lowell described Plath’s later poems as akin to ‘playing Russian roulette with six cartridges in the cylinder’
George Steiner on ‘Daddy’
‘the Guernica of modern poetry’ - George Steiner
(due to its disturbing imagery and theme of Nazi destruction like in the picasso painting)
Heather Clark on aligning with Jews in ‘Daddy’
‘Plath’s notorious metaphorical appropriation of Jewishness may not have been a fantasy of victimisation, but rather a fantasy of purgation and purity’ - Heather Clark
Gail Crowther on Lesbos
a ‘creative account’
Heather Clark on Lesbos
Lesbos, like Cut, is a “fantasy of release from oppressive feminine roles quietly enforced by other women” (Clark, her biographer)