Emily Brontë Flashcards
Emily Brontë
- Tribute to, eulogy to emily bronte
- wuthering height 1847 - gothic (dark romanticism)
- literary heritage - Hughes - poets of the Yorkshire moors “mystic of the moors”
Crow Hill
- symbol of death and darkness. Omen the occult
- place where she saw a big Peat bog burst on Crow Hill when walking across the Yorkshire moors which left a lastful impression and likely inspired her fascination with the unpredictability of nature
his kiss was fatal.
- the wind is described as a lover
- idea that nature killed her (worsened her tuberculosis)
- end stopped line signifies finality of death
dark Paradise
oxymoronic- suggest that her relationship with nature is disruptive
The stream she loved too well
Bronte loved the Yorkshire moors
That bit her breast.
sense of agression and threat against her femininity
shaggy sodden king of that kingdom
- as if what was outside has came inside
- also how nature has made her tuberculosis worse and killed her
- “followed through the wall”
And lay on her love-sick bed.
nature permeates the boundaries of inner and outer worlds
The curlew trod her womb.
- alluding to how Cathy died in childbirth?
- curlew is a bird with a haunting cry
The stone swelled under her heart.
Her death is a baby-cry on the moor
- final fusion with her lover/ become as one - ironically, in death
- Hughes grew up in Yorkshire and plath went to the countryside to meet her in-laws and so often wrote about her encounters with the moors
- the yorkshire moor’s are also key in wuthering heights as emily bronte lived there
When and how did Bronte die?
Tuberculosis at age 30
Who did biographer of Hughes suggest he was like?
“…he was heathcliff, the brooding figure, tall dark and handsome, who wanders the moors in search of his lost love”
What place was supposedly the inspiration for wuthering heights?
Top Withens
What was the influence of the Bog Burst on Emily Bronte?
After the Bog burst, Bronte saw nature a violent and willful to humans and not indifferent
Which themes are explored in this poem?
Death, birth, love, nature, motherhood, relationships