Lit Terms (21-40) Flashcards
A phrase or expression that has a figurative meaning that’s different from the literal meaning of the words in the phrase.
Uses descriptive language to create mental pictures in the reader’s mind.
Dramatic Irony
Occurs when the audience or reader has more information than the characters in the story.
Situational Irony
When the outcome of a situation is contrary to or different from what is expected.
Verbal Irony
Occurs when the literal meaning of what someone says is different to the underlying meaning.
Incorrect words used in place of correct words.
Figure of speech that compares two things by directly referring to one thing while mentioning another.
Involves a recurring element that has symbolic significance and helps to illuminate a story’s themes and meaning.
Traditional story that explains a natural or social phenomenon, often using supernatural beings and set in an early period of history.
Combines two contradictory words or phrases to creative a new meaning or idea.
Appears to contradict itself but may actually be true.
Parallel Structure
Repetition of the same grammatical structure within a sentence or series of sentences, creating balance and emphasizing the equal importance of multiple ideas by using similar word patterns or phrases across the text.
A humorous or mocking imitation of something, using the same form as the original.
Human qualities are attributed to non-human things, such as objects or nature, to create a more vivid image.
Point of View
The perspective from which a story is told, essentially who is narrating the story.